Tender for the evaluation of Islamic Relief’s field office complaints and feedback policy and its application, May 2024 - Tenders Global

Tender for the evaluation of Islamic Relief’s field office complaints and feedback policy and its application, May 2024

Islamic Relief


Islamic Relief Worldwide

Islamic Relief is an international aid and development charity, which aims to alleviate the suffering of the world’s poorest people. It is an independent Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) founded in the UK in 1984.

With an active presence in over 40 countries across the globe, we strive to make the world a better and fairer place for the three billion people still living in poverty. As well as responding to disasters and emergencies, Islamic Relief promotes sustainable economic and social development by working with local communities – regardless of race, religion or gender.

Our vision:

Inspired by our Islamic faith and guided by our values, we envisage a caring world where communities are empowered, social obligations are fulfilled, and people respond as one to the suffering of others.

Our mission:

Exemplifying our Islamic values, we will mobilise resources, build partnerships, and develop local capacity, as we work to:

  • Enable communities to mitigate the effect of disasters, prepare for their occurrence and respond by providing relief, protection and recovery.
  • Promote integrated development and environmental custodianship with a focus on sustainable livelihoods.
  • Support the marginalised and vulnerable to voice their needs and address root causes of poverty.

At the international level, Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW) has consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council and is a signatory to the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Code of Conduct. IRW is committed to the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) through raising awareness of the issues that affect poor communities and through its work on the ground. Islamic Relief are one of only 13 charities that have fulfilled the criteria and have become members of the Disasters Emergency Committee (www.dec.org.uk), and is certified against the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS).

IRW endeavours to work closely with local communities, focussing on capacity-building and empowerment to help them achieve development without dependency.

Please see our website for more information http://www.islamic-relief.org/


Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW) is dedicated to the delivery of its programs in alignment with its core organisational values, namely sincerity (Ikhlas), compassion (Rahma), justice (Adl), accountability (Amanah), and excellence (Ihsan). Furthermore, IRW is committed to meeting the rigorous standards set forth by its membership in external charters and alliances, including the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) on Quality and Accountability. These standards have been incorporated and mainstreamed through organisational systems and processes such as IHSAN (Islamic Relief’s quality management system) and the Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Framework, which serves as the organisational accountability framework.

The Complaints and Feedback Mechanism (CFM) stands as a foundational element in upholding these principles. The CFM aims to empower our rightsholders and broader stakeholders, granting them the opportunity to voice concerns and pinpoint shortcomings related to the implementation of our programmes. It also serves as a mechanism for continuous improvement and an assurance of standards. Embracing feedback and complaints from the communities and individuals we serve is vital in ensuring the relevance and appropriateness of our initiatives. It also empowers us to continually improve our operational practices.

IRW is committed to:

  • Creating a welcoming, trusted, confidential and inclusive system to raise a complaint or give feedback throughout our field offices and project locations.
  • Holding ourselves accountable to our rightsholders, of all ages, abilities and needs and to wider stakeholders, so that they will have confidence that any issues raised will be acted upon with due care and sensitivity and will inform and influence future decision making.
  • Upholding the rights and dignity of rightsholders and stakeholders, ensuring these are always protected, respected, promoted, and upheld.
  • Recording, taking remedial action, and providing feedback following complaints or concerns.
  • Developing and continually improving complaints channels and organisational management of complaints, policies, and procedures.

To fulfil this pledge, IRW implements policies and procedures to systemise the complaints and feedback mechanism. The below policy outlines the broad principles which systemises the organisation’s approach to complaints and feedback at the Field Office (FO) level:

IRW Field Office Complaints and Feedback Policy

This policy articulates IRW’s pledge and commitment to conduct its programmes in alignment with the organisation’s core values and the Core Humanitarian Standard. It provides clear definitions for complaints and feedback, as well as outlines the categorisation of complaints. Broadly IRW categorises complaints along the following:

  • Sensitive complaints: These include safeguarding (e.g. protection, safety and security, modern slavery, dignity at work) and financial/legal (e.g. corruption, fraud, legal, conflict of interest and abuse of power) concerns.
  • Partially Sensitive Complaints and/or Feedback: These include any issues concerning programme effectiveness, quality, performance and inclusion/exclusion.

In addition, the policy mandates that all Islamic Relief field offices, projects and programmes have a designated point of contact to deal with complaints and feedback locally, known as the Complaints and Feedback Focal Person (CFFP). They should be accessible and available to support rightsholders and stakeholders in order to enable them to make a complaint or give feedback and ensure that the complaints policy and process are understood and are being consistently implemented.

This policy further details how complaints can be made. The process and mechanisms for receiving complaints and feedback from rightsholders and wider stakeholders should be included within each programme design with required budgets to support implementation. It is key that multiple feedback channels are established, to ensure inclusive accessibility by different community stakeholders, taking into consideration age, sex and disability. The primary channels include:

  • Complaints by Telephone/SMS
  • In person complaints and feedback
  • In writing/through post
  • Online – email
  • Other inclusive and proactive community-based channels.

Other policies, including the IRW Complaints Management and Feedback Policy, Safeguarding Policy framework, Grievance Policy and the Whistleblowing Policy contribute to the overall structure of the Field Office complaints and feedback system. However, the focus of this evaluation is to exclusively assess the effectiveness of the FO Complaints and Feedback Policy. To support the capture and management of complaints and feedback, IRW utilises a range of platforms and tools. These include the country complaints registers, JCAD (a risk management system), and Isight, which is used primarily for investigations.

Stakeholders involved

There are multiple stakeholders involved in the implementation of the complaints and feedback policies at the Field Office level. The listed stakeholders will engage with this consultancy to ensure the review is participatory and holistic. Stakeholders include:

  • Within Country Offices: Responsible individuals include Complaints and Feedback Focal Persons (CFFPs), Country Directors, Programme staff, MEAL staff, Safeguarding Focal Persons (SFPs) Protection and Inclusion Leads, PSEAH Leads, and Child Protection Leads.
  • At the Global/Regional Level: The global/regional stakeholders include Heads of Regions, and Regional Desk/Programme Coordinators, Director for International Programmes.
  • For Investigations: The relevant parties consist of the Country Teams, Internal Audit Department, Audit and Finance Committee, Safeguarding team, Governance/Complaints Team, and the International Human Resources (HR) team.
  • For Provision of Technical Guidance and Support: The entities responsible for technical guidance and support include the Programme Quality Department and the Global Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning (MEAL) Team.

Objectives of the review

The Field Office Complaints and Feedback Policy is implemented across 27 countries, engaging a multitude of diverse stakeholders with varying priorities. Despite this diversity, all are united in their dedication to upholding transparency and accountability through the complaints and feedback mechanism. In this context, Islamic Relief Worldwide is initiating an evaluation, assessing the effectiveness of the policy at the strategic-level, involving various stakeholders, as well as the efficiency of implementation at an operational-level , specifically at the country level. The specific objectives include:

  • Evaluate the implementation of the policy and associated mechanism at the country level, considering local variations and cultural sensitivities. Additionally, identify, review and analyse overlapping, complementary or contradictory policies and procedures.
  • Assess the clarity and accessibility, of the complaints and feedback policy.
  • Assess the policy’s alignment to the relevant CHS commitments.
  • Examine the responsiveness and effectiveness of the system in addressing complaints and feedback received.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of channels used for collecting and managing complaints and feedback from all vulnerable groups and individuals during all stages of a project and programme at CO level.
  • Analyse the field office’s capacity and commitment to receive, handle and benefit from complaints and feedback received and processed during last three years.
  • Make recommendations for improvements in policy, procedures, and communication strategies based on best practices and identified gaps.
  • Document any lessons learned on the application of the FO complaints and feedback policy

Review criteria and questions

The review should take a focused approach to evaluate the application of the FO complaints and feedback policy This entails:

  1. Evaluating whether IR FO Policy covers all requirements given with relevant CHS commitments.
  2. Assessment and analysis of effectiveness and efficiency of existing CFM mechanisms established at CO level.
  3. Reviewing the processes and approaches that support or hinder implementation of CFM from project, programme, country, region and global levels.

The review should respond to the following questions, and any others deemed appropriate by the review team, supported by evidence, triangulated with data and the views of key participants and relevant wider stakeholders.

Functionality of complaints and feedback system

  • Is the Field Office Complaints & Feedback Policy and procedure sufficiently clear and accessible for country offices to align their operations effectively?
  • What is the approach to policy implementation at the country level, and does it account for local variations and cultural sensitivities?
  • How responsive and effective is the system in addressing and incorporating various types of complaints (Sensitive and Partially-sensitive) and feedback received from multiple sources?
  • Do we have sufficient resources allocated towards complaints and feedback management?
  • Do we have sufficient staff capacity allocated towards complaints and feedback management (i.e. complaints and feedback FPs available at the field and project level)?
  • Do we have sufficient staff capacity allocated towards proactive measures to gathering feedback (i.e. feedback sessions with vulnerable groups including children)

Meaningful participation and inclusion in complaints and feedback system

  • How effective are the various channels employed for the collection and management of complaints and feedback?
  • Which communication channel is predominantly utilised and which remains underutilised across various settings, such as at the country office versus the field or project level?
  • How accessible are the current CFM channels to various social groups including women, children, older people, and people with disabilities? Do rightsholders feel safe and secure in reporting complaints and feedback?
  • What are the main barriers hindering rightsholders and stakeholders from providing feedback or complaints?
  • What are the main barriers hindering rightsholders and stakeholders from raising sensitive complaints such as safeguarding?
  • What strategies or community-based measures are employed to encourage active participation from rightsholders and stakeholders in providing feedback?
  • How are cultural sensitivities and local context integrated into the feedback and complaints handling process to ensure relevance and effectiveness?

Clarity in roles and responsibilities;

  • Are roles and responsibilities clearly defined, specifying who is responsible for what tasks and functions, particularly the process of escalating or deescalating complaints from IRW to country offices and vice versa?
  • How aware are FOs of the methods of reporting to IRW?
  • Is the capacity of country offices sufficient to effectively implement the CFM, including the handling of sensitive complaints?
  • What steps are taken to ensure that staff are adequately trained in implementing the complaints and feedback policy?
  • What are the experiences and perceptions of Safeguarding Focal points and CFFPs regarding reporting mechanisms for safeguarding concerns? What are the potential barriers they may face?

Monitoring and improving complaints and feedback mechanisms

  • How effective are the mechanisms in place to ensure that feedback and complaints are tracked, recorded, and documented systematically?
  • How are complaints monitored to ensure they are addressed, closed and that complainants are responded to?
  • What tools and templates are in place to monitor the inclusiveness and effectiveness of the CFM?
  • How is the organisation measuring the satisfaction and perception of rightsholders and stakeholders regarding the complaints and feedback process? Are complainants kept informed of the progress of their complaint, especially if it is taken longer to address than IR timescales state?
  • Is there a process in place for continuous monitoring and evaluation of the complaints and feedback system to identify areas for improvement?

Learning and improvement based on complaints and feedback received

  • How are complaints and feedback used to inform decision-making at a project, programme, country, and global level? Are there reviews conducted of all complaints and feedback to analyse trends and inform decision-making?
  • To what extent do complaints and feedback contribute towards organisational commitments to its core values and overall programme management.
  • How do complaints and feedback contribute towards organisational learning and how is it utilised to guide future projects, programmes, and general ways of working?
  • How can we further improve incorporating learning from complaints and feedback to ensure quality of ongoing and future projects and programmes?
  • Is there any effort to work with other NGOs to work together on complaints and feedback received from local communities?
  • Are there referral pathways established with other agencies for any complaints falling beyond scope of our projects and mandate?

IRW is a certified CHS agency and therefore this review should use the CHS as the foundational approach. The evaluation should thus assess how the Islamic Relief’s FO Complaints and Feedback Policy performs against the CHS commitments. You can find these specific set of questions in Appendix 2.

Methodology and approach

We would like the evaluation consultant to outline their proposed methodology and requirements for this consultancy. The consultant should consider appropriate quantitative and/or qualitative methods in designing their review methodology.

The evaluation may require visits or remote interviews with IRW leadership and staff and physical visits to meet key stakeholders.

We are looking for a team/consultant to meet the above objectives and scope through a mixed-method (quantitative and qualitative) approach, including but not limited to:

  • Desk review of secondary data including: IRW and CO policies and guidelines and documentation.
  • Desk review and analysis of complaints and feedback registers (and associated analysis completed) over a 2-year period.
  • Key informant interviews with IRW leadership, key stakeholders involved in the CFM, Country Staff and/or peer agencies.
  • FGD with communities and rightsholders – with proportionate sampling.
  • Staff survey, specifically targeting the country Complaints and Feedback Focal Persons and Safeguarding Focal Points.

Required competencies

The successful team will have the following competencies:

  • Demonstrates experience in evaluating complaints and feedback mechanisms.
  • Demonstrates experience in conducting organisational and strategic reviews at a systematic level.
  • Possesses deep knowledge and practical experience in mainstreaming Accountability to Affected Populations.
  • Possesses deep knowledge and practical experience in using quality standards such as the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS).
  • Possesses strong quantitative and qualitative research skills.
  • Have excellent written skills in English.

Expected outputs of the assignment

The consultant is expected to produce:

  1. A detailed work plan and inception report developed with and approved by IRW and set out the exact methodology, data collection tools (checklist, questionnaire), data collection protocols/guidelines, and deliverables before the desk review.
  2. The work plan, inception report, draft report, final report, presentation, etc., and communication language must be in English.
  3. Develop data collection tools and checklists.
  4. Conduct distance/physical interviews with IRW leadership and physical interview (FGD, KII, Interview, etc.) with IRW (including: Internal audit, Governance, International HR team, Global MEAL team, International Programme Division) and country stakeholders (including: CO staff, community leaders and rightsholders)
  5. Collation and analysis of evaluation data and submission of the first draft to IRW for comments and share the initial presentation of findings to IRW.
  6. Final report submitted to IRW. A full report with the following section
  7. Title of Report: Evaluation of Islamic Relief’s Field Office Complaints and Feedback Policy and its Application, 2024
  8. Consultancy organisation and any partner names
  9. Name of the person who compiled the report, including a summary of the role/contribution of others in the team
  10. Period during which the review was undertaken
  11. Acknowledgements
  12. Abbreviations
  13. Table of contents
  14. Executive summary
  15. Main report – max 40 pages – (Standard reporting structure will be shared at the inception stage, but the consultant is invited to propose the most suitable report structure layout)
  16. Annexes
  • Terms of reference for the review
  • Profile of the review team members
  • Review schedule
  • Documents consulted during the desk review
  • Persons participating in the review
  • Field data used during the review
  • Additional key overview tables, graphs or charts etc. created and used to support analysis and inform findings
  • Bibliography
  1. Consultant(s) is expected to attend regular review meetings with the Review Steering Committee to provide updates on progress.
  2. The consultant will be required to communicate IRW international office and provide feedback on and answer questions about the findings from the desk review. This meeting can be attended remotely by the consultant via video conference (Microsoft Teams or Zoom) where the consultant is outside the UK or based on the request from the consultant.
  3. Consultant will organise learning and sharing workshops with IRW (programme quality, MEAL team, heads of the region, desk coordinators and officers, technical advisors, internal auditors, Governance), respective IR field office staff, and relevant staff.
  4. A Covid-19 risk assessment with proposed mitigation measures related to conducting this evaluation, setting out different contingencies in case of challenges to the review due to Covid-19 or other issues.

Timetable and reporting information

The evaluation is expected to run for 30 days, starting by the 24th of June and ending before September 2024 (The proposed timeframe can be changed according to the need of the programmes and management)




29 May 2024

Tender live date


12 June 2024

Final date for submission of bid proposal


19 June 2024

Proposals considered, short-listing and follow-up enquiries completed


26 June 2024

Consultant interview and final selection (+ signing contracts)


5 July 2024

Signing of Contracts


8 July 2024

Meeting with the consultant and agreeing on an evaluation methodology, plan of action, and working schedule.


22 July 2024

Submission of Inception Report


26th July 2024

Review Data collection/interview


5th August 2024

Collation and analysis of evaluation data and submission of the first draft to IRW for comments


6th August 2024

Initial presentation of findings


19th August 2024

IRW/IR field office responses to a draft report

IR field office/IRW

30th August 2024

Final report submitted to IRW


4th September 2024

Final Presentation with IR key stakeholders


Reporting information:

Contract duration: Duration to be specified by the consultant

Direct report: Director for International Programmes

Direct engagement: Evaluation Steering Committee

Job Title: Consultant, Evaluation of Islamic Relief’s Field Office Complaints and Feedback Policy and its Application, 2024

The chosen evaluation team will be supported by the Review Steering Committee, which includes key stakeholders from the following departments: Safeguarding Team, Global Operations, Programme Quality, IRW Governance and IRW Internal Audit Departments. The committee will be chaired by the International Programmes Director.

Proposal to tender and costing

The consultant interested in carrying out this work must submit the following items as part of their proposal/bid:

  1. Detailed cover letter/proposal outlining a methodology and approach briefing note
  2. Résumé(s) or CV(s) outlining relevant skills and experience possessed by the consultant who will be carrying out the tasks and any other personnel who will work on the project
  3. Example(s) of relevant work done in PDF
  4. The consultancy daily rate (fill in appendix 1)
  5. Expenses policy of the tendering consultant. Incurred expenses will not be included but will need to be agreed in advance prior to contract award (fill in appendix 1)
  6. Be able to complete the assignment within the timeframe stated above
  7. Be able to demonstrate experience of outcome reviews, mapping and impact assessment/evaluation approaches for similar work
    • 40% of the total amount – First upfront payment

Please ensure all documents be supplied in PDF format unless specified above.

Terms and conditions

The consultant would provide financial proposal outlining detailed break up of costs and charges. There would be formal agreement on payment schedule and funds transfer process once the consultant would be selected. Payment will be made in accordance with the deliverables and deadlines for this project so are as follows:

  • 30% of the total amount – submission of the first draft of the evaluation report
  • 30% of the total amount – submission of the final evaluation report including all outputs and attachments mentioned above

We can be flexible with payment terms, invoices are normally paid on net payment terms of 30 days.

Additional information and conditions of contract

The following additional information will be expected from the consultant and be pursuant to the conditions printed beneath as well as the terms and conditions in the consultancy contract.

  1. The ToR document is between the consultant and Islamic Relief Worldwide.
  2. Islamic Relief Worldwide is a legally registered charity under the laws of the United Kingdom charity registration number 328158.
  3. This document covers the consultancy project identified and described in this document and related correspondence and may not be expended for any other purposes without the prior written approval of Islamic Relief Worldwide, Head of DRMD.
  4. The consultancy will be carried out under the auspices of the Islamic Relief Worldwide, Programme Quality. The lead consultant will be working in the capacity of a freelance consultant, an individual or for an organisation.
  5. Collected data, information, reports and reference documents should be submitted, along with any audio files and transcripts collected.
  6. Intellectual Property Rights to all research, and data, conducted and collected and the final proposal belongs solely to Islamic Relief Worldwide.
  7. In case of contraventions or breach of any of the terms of the agreement, any outstanding payments to the Lead Consultant or the organisation will be withheld.

During the consultancy period,

IRW will only cover:

Consultancy fees

Any travel costs to visit IRW or any of our country offices if required.

IRW will not cover:

Tax obligations as required by the country in which he/she will file income tax.

Any pre/post assignment medical costs. These should be covered by the consultant

Medical and travel insurance arrangements and costs. These should be covered by the consultant.

To access or download the tender documents please follow the link below;


How to apply

Consultancy contract

This will be for an initial period that is to be specified by the consultant commencing in June 2024 (exact date to be mutually agreed). The selected candidate is expected to work remotely and report to the IPD Director.

The terms upon which the consultant will be engaged are as per the consultancy agreement. The invoice is to be submitted at the end of the assignment and will be paid on net payment terms 30 days though we can be flexible.

All potential applicants must fill in the table beneath in Appendix 1 to help collate key data pertaining to this tender. The applicant must be clear about other expenses being claimed in relation to this consultancy and these must be specified clearly.

For this consultancy all applicants are required to submit a covering letter and CV’s of all potential consultants including the project lead.

A proposal including, planned activities, methodology, deliverables, timeline, and cost proposal (including expenses) are expected.

Other relevant supporting documents should be included as the consultants sees fit and this may include examples of similar work done.

All applicants must have a valid visa or a permit to work in the UK (if travel is required to the UK). A valid visa/work permit is also required for those areas required to be visited as part of this consultancy.

This consultancy is open to any persons, freelancers, sole traders, research firms, consultants, policy and research think tanks, universities, academics, SME’s, large organisations and corporations including NGO’s.

Tender dates and contact details

All proposals are required to be submitted by Wednesday 12th June 2024 at 1.00pm UK time pursuant to the attached guidelines for submitting a quotation and these be returned to; [email protected]

For any issues relating to the tender or its contents please email directly to; [email protected]

Following submission, IRW may engage in further discussion with applicants concerning tenders in order to ensure mutual understanding and an optimal agreement.

Quotations must include the following information for assessment purposes.

  1. Timescales
  2. Full break down of costs including taxes, expenses and any VAT and be able to demonstrate best value for money
  3. References (three are preferred)
  4. Technical competency for this role
  5. Demonstrable experience of developing a similar piece of work including a methodology

Note: The criteria are subject to change.

All applicants/bidders must also fill in appendix 2 which is a new mandatory requirement for suppliers to be registered onto our system and for their bids to be accepted and processed.

For any issues relating to the tender or its contents please email directly to; [email protected]. This address is for queries and advice only.

Appendix 1

Please fill in the table below. It is essential all sections be completed and where relevant additional expenses be specified in detail. In case of questions about how to complete the table below, please contact; [email protected]

Cost evaluation for consultancy on Tender for the evaluation of Islamic Relief’s field office complaints and feedback policy and its application, May 2024

Full name of all consultants working on this project

Full company trading name

No of proposed hours per week

No. of proposed days

Preferred days

Non preferred days

Earliest available start date

Expected project finish date

Day rate (required for invoicing purposes) £

Total cost for consultancy in GBP (less taxes and expenses) £

Expenses (flights) £

Expenses (accommodation) £

Expenses (transfers) £

Expenses (in country travel) £

Expenses (visa) £

Expenses (security) £

Expenses (food) £

Expenses (print/stationary) £

Expenses other (please specify) £

Total expenses £

Total VAT or taxes £

Total cost for consultancy in GBP (inclusive of taxes and expenses) £


The applicant is expected to take responsibility for paying full taxes and social charges in his/her country of residence.

Appendix 2

Please complete the form beneath as this is a mandatory requirement and once completed return this form with the rest of your documents when submitting your bid to us.

The information beneath in red is mandatory and must be supplied without fail otherwise you will not be registered on our system. If in doubt contact us on the email address above.

Supplier information form

Tender name

Full company name/consultant name

Full name of contact person

Full telephone number (including country code)

Full postal address

Property Name/Number

Address Line 1




Complete email address

Company VAT number

Company registration number

Appendix 2 The relevant core humanitarian standards (updated chs)

CHS Commitment 1: People affected by crisis can exercise rights and participate in decision-making?

  • Is information about the organisation and response provided in accessible and appropriate ways to affected communities and people?
  • Can women, men, girls and boys (especially those who are marginalised and vulnerable) access the information provided, and do they understand it?
  • Are people, especially vulnerable and marginalised groups, accessing and understanding the information provided?
  • Are crisis-affected people’s views, including those of the most vulnerable and marginalised, sought and used to guide programme design and implementation?
  • How was meaningful participation of groups at risk of marginalisation promoted in decision-making?
  • Are all groups within the affected community aware of how to give feedback on the response, and do they feel safe using those channels?
  • Are barriers to giving feedback identified and addressed?
  • Is data provided through feedback mechanisms disaggregated by age, gender and other relevant categories?
  • Do policies and programme plans include provisions for information sharing, including criteria on what information should and should not be shared? Are they known to staff?
  • Do policies include provisions on how to deal with confidential or sensitive information or information that could potentially place staff or affected people at risk? Are they known to staff?
  • Is there a policy commitment and guidelines about the way in which affected people are represented in external communications or fundraising materials? Are they known to staff?

CHS Commitment 5: People affected by crisis can safely report concerns and complaints

  • Are communities and people affected by crisis consulted about the design of complaints mechanisms?
  • Are the preferences of all demographic groups taken into account, particularly those related to safety and confidentiality, in the design of complaints processes?
  • Is information about how complaints mechanisms work and what kind of complaints can be made through them provided to and understood by all demographic groups, including women, older people and people with disabilities?
  • Are there agreed and respected timeframes to investigate and resolve complaints? Is the time between a complaint being filed and its resolution recorded?
  • Are sexual exploitation and abuse complaints investigated immediately by staff with relevant competencies and an appropriate level of authority?
  • Are specific policies, budgets and procedures in place for handling complaints?
  • Are all staff provided with induction and refresher training on the organisation’s policy and procedures for handling complaints?
  • Does the organisation’s complaints-handling policy include sexual exploitation and abuse provisions?
  • Is the organisation’s policy commitment and procedures for preventing sexual exploitation and abuse shared with affected communities and people?
  • Are complaints that cannot be addressed by the organisation referred in a timely manner to other relevant organisations?

CHS Commitment 7: People affected by crisis access support adapted based on feedback.

To help us track our recruitment effort, please indicate in your email/cover letter where (tendersglobal.net) you saw this job posting.

Job Location