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Country: UNDP Armenia
Job title: National Expert on Territorial Development
Job level: National Consultant (this job is open only to Armenian nationals)
Project: Local Empowerment of Actors for Development (LEAD) in Lori and Tavush Regions
Contract type: Individual Contract (IC)
Duration: 15 April-31 December 2025 (estimated 130 workdays)
Duty station: Home-based with occasional office visits
Description of the Assignment: The National Expert on Territorial Development will support the project to align state and community development strategies with those of local organizations, particularly in relation to the territorial development strategies and action plans of Local Active Groups (LAGs) and ARMLAG. Additionally, the assignment aims to develop a guideline, and a handbook based on the LEADER/ Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) methodology. LEADER is a European programme, with the aim to involve local actors in rural areas in the development of their own regions by forming Local Actions Groups (LAGs) and designing and implementing strategies.
Proposal should be submitted directly in the portal no later than indicated deadline.
Any request for clarification must be sent in writing via messaging functionality in the portal. UNDP will respond in writing including an explanation of the query without identifying the source of inquiry.
Please indicate whether you intend to submit a bid by creating a draft response without submitting directly in the system. This will enable the system to send notifications in case of amendments of the tender requirements. Should you require further clarifications, kindly communicate using the messaging functionality in the system. Offers must be submitted directly in the system following this link: using the profile you may have in the portal. In case you have never registered before, you can register a profile using the registration link shared via the procurement notice and following the instructions in guides available in UNDP website: Do not create a new profile if you already have one. Use the forgotten password feature in case you do not remember the password or the username from previous registration.
Documents :
Negotiation Document(s)
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