Senior Medical Adviser - Tenders Global

Senior Medical Adviser

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)



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The incumbent will perform the following principal duties:


a.     Oversees the day-to-day running of the Medical Unit, supervising the staff of the

Unit, maintaining a

roster of temporary support workforce, guaranteeing the maintenance and confidentiality of medical records,

and ensuring availability of drugs and medical supplies and proper functioning of medical equipment.


b.     Undertake day-to-day occupational health duties, such as:  Entry, Periodic and

Separation medical

examinations, prepare employees going on duty travel (providing medical clearance, travel kits,

vaccinations, etc.).


c.     Provide first aid assistance and treatment to employees as well as delegates in

medical emergencies.


d.     Make recommendations to the Administration on sick leaves (including

recommendations and

determinations on the validation of long-term sick leaves), claims of service-incurred accidents or illnesses,

possible cases of termination for health reasons and/or disability, and other employee health issues.


e.     Proactively address sick leave management through data analysis and coordination

with colleagues in

HR Operations and the HR Talent Partners Unit.


f.      Provide background documentation for the presentation of disability cases to the

WIPO Staff Pension Committee. Make recommendations on requests for benefits related to children with a disability (dependency allowance and special education grant) on the basis of medical information.


g.     Request external expert advice when appropriate and carry out the necessary

medical examinations or

designate them to external practitioners.




h.     Design and provide occupational health education and promotion programs.

Organize/participate in addressing work environment and occupational health issues. Collaborate in activities related to staff health and safety (corporate catering facilities, ergonomics and safety of workstations, the study of nuisance to working conditions). Participate in the drafting and implementation of business continuity and crises preparedness plans related to health and safety.




i.       Participate in the UN Medical Network activities. Ensure appropriate training

programs are implemented in order to maintain and develop the medical capabilities (health education, HIV/AIDS prevention, first aid, CPR etc.).




j.       Perform other related duties as required.


3.      Requirements


Education (Essential)

Medical degree qualifying for practice in medicine with current medical registration.


Education (Desirable)

Board certified specialization in a medical field (e.g. internal medicine, occupational health, or other). Training in at least one of the following fields: occupational health, travel medicine, public health.


Formal training in CPR and, preferably in BCLS and ACLS or equivalent emergency medical care.


Experience (Essential)

At least 10 years of relevant medical experience, including providing services in occupational health.

A candidate with less than ten years, but more than seven years of relevant experience will be

considered and, subject to being assessed as the best candidate, will be appointed at the P4 grade.


Experience (Desirable)

Clinical experience in general or internal medicine.


Experience with EarthMed or another electronic medical database/information system.

Experience in the United Nations common system or a similar international organization. Medical adviser experience in the public or private sector.

Experience in travel medicine. Experience in managing a medical team.

Experience in making data driven decisions in the medical field.


Language (Essential)

Excellent knowledge of English or French and very good knowledge of the other.


Language (Desirable)

Knowledge of other UN official languages.


Job Related Competencies (Essential)

Ability to work independently.

Excellent understanding of diversity and inclusion principles in medical access and care, including understanding of social and human rights approaches to disability inclusion.


Proficiency in managing diverse teams and leveraging diversity to foster inclusive group dynamics.



Ability to work collaboratively with colleagues.

Excellent understanding of administrative rules and procedures related to medical issues and ability to carry out medico-administrative duties.

Conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results. Good drafting skills.

Familiarity with medical IT software. Comfortable with technology and data analysis.

Complete discretion, diplomacy, ease and tact and ability to relate to staff at all levels, respecting cross-cultural differences, and sound judgment in evaluating situations.

4.      Organizational Competencies





1.     Communicating effectively.

2.     Showing team spirit.

3.     Demonstrating integrity.

4.     Valuing diversity.

5.     Producing results.

6.     Showing service orientation.

7.     Seeing the big picture.

8.     Seeking change and innovation.

9.     Developing yourself and others.






5.      Information





Mobility:  WIPO staff members are international civil servants subject to the authority of the Director General and may be assigned to any activities, office or duty station of the Organization.  Accordingly, the selected candidate may be required to move from time to time to new functions and/or to another duty station.





Annual salary:

Total annual salary consists of a net annual salary (net of taxes and before medical insurance and pension fund deductions) in US dollars and a post adjustment.  Please note that this estimate is for information only.  The post adjustment multiplier (cost of living allowance) is variable and subject to change (increase or decrease) without notice.  The figures quoted below are based on the December 2023 rate of 87.7%.




Annual salary       $90,664  
Post adjustment       $79,512  
Total Salary       $170,176  
Currency USD









Salaries and allowances are paid in Swiss francs at the official rate of exchange of the United Nations.

Please refer to WIPO’s Staff Regulation and Rules for detailed information concerning salaries, benefits and allowances.





Additional Information



*Initial fixed-term appointment of two years, renewable subject to satisfactory performance and other applicable conditions.  The selected candidate’s appointment will be subject to an overall term of five years in this position, with no possibility of renewal beyond that term.  S/he may, however, apply and be considered for other positions at WIPO.


This is not applicable to WIPO staff members on fixed-term, continuing or permanent appointments, who were recruited following a competition under Staff Regulation 4.10 (“Appointment Boards”).


This vacancy announcement may be used to fill other posts at the same grade with similar functions in accordance with Staff Rule 4.9.5.

Applications from qualified women as well as from qualified nationals of unrepresented Member States of WIPO and underrepresented geographical regions are encouraged. Please click on the following links for the list of unrepresented Member States and the list of underrepresented regions and the WIPO Member States in these regions.

The Organization reserves the right to make an appointment at a grade lower than that advertised.










By completing an application, candidates understand that any willful misrepresentation made on this web site, or on any other documents submitted to WIPO during the application, may result in disqualification from the recruitment process, or termination of employment with WIPO at a later date, if that employment resulted from such willful misrepresentations.

In the event that your candidature is shortlisted, you will be required to provide, in advance, a scanned copy of an identification and of the degree(s)/diploma(s)/certificate(s) required for this position. WIPO only considers higher educational qualifications obtained from an institution accredited/recognized in the World Higher Education Database (WHED), a list updated by the International Association of Universities (IAU) / United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The list can be accessed through the link: Some professional certificates may not appear in the WHED and these will be reviewed individually.

Additional testing/interviewing may be used as a form of screening.  Initial appointment is subject to satisfactory professional references.


Additional background checks may be required.

Apply for job

To help us track our recruitment effort, please indicate in your cover/motivation letter where ( you saw this internship posting.

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