Consultancy to conduct a study on the Contribution of Faith Based Organizations to Social Cohesion. - Tenders Global

Consultancy to conduct a study on the Contribution of Faith Based Organizations to Social Cohesion.

  • Contract
  • Kenya
  • Posted 8 months ago



Consultancy to conduct a study on the Contribution of Faith Based Organizations to Social Cohesion.

Summary Table

Assignment Information

Project Title

Shared Futures – Youth Leading the way to peaceful Interfaith coexistence project

Project ID


Project Category

​​​Inclusive Peace and Security

Consultancy Title

Consultancy to conduct a study on the Contribution of Faith Based Organizations to Social Cohesion.


Kenya: Coastal counties of Mombasa, Kwale and Tana River.

​​​Application Deadline

31st January 2024

Type of Contract


Expected Duration of Assignment

30 working days

1.0 Background and Context

1.1 About the SF project:

Shared Futures – Youth Leading the way to peaceful Interfaith coexistence project is a follow up project to the pilot phase of Shared Futures – Together for Good project in Kenya. Shared Futures is two-and-a-half-year initiative funded by Kerk in Actie that aims to empower youth in Mombasa, Kwale, and Tana River counties to take up a leading role in addressing violent extremism. The project builds upon experiences and the lessons learnt from the previous pilot phase that concluded in 2020. The pilot that ran between 2019 to 2020 in Kwale and Mombasa counties aimed to stimulate interfaith collaboration. By the end of 2020, the project reached over 1,000 children, 765 parents and over 1,000 youths with messages of strengthening interfaith relations. Over 487 youths were trained in economic empowerment.

The project is currently being implemented by a consortium of five organizations in Mombasa, Kwale and Tana River counties with Cordaid as the lead. The consortium, which includes Samba Sports Youth Agenda, Jamii Action Center, Africa Youth Trust, and Anglican Development Services Pwani, works in collaboration with government representatives, policymakers, Civil Society Organizations, and the community. Collectively, they work towards developing policies that promote interfaith cooperation, aiming to create Shared Futures.

The project focus on two pillars namely interfaith co-existence and economic empowerment that correspond to the major root causes that emerge from the context analysis with Lobby and advocacy as a cross cutting theme. Under the interfaith co-existence pillar, the project targets youth and other diverse groups that are connected to the youth. To implement the project various methodologies are engaged, including interfaith forums where youth leaders lead interactions between youth of different religious backgrounds to create a safe space for interaction and exchange. The parents’ dialogues target young parents to create understanding of different religions, and to learn how to recognize signs of radicalization. Lastly, sports activities target children and will stimulate interfaith collaboration from an early age to prepare the youth for the future. In the economic empowerment pillar, the project seeks to strengthen the capacity of the youth and create linkages that will encourage the youth to seek meaningful work to make an income through multiple​​​​ approaches including Business and Entrepreneurship skills development​ and linkages to opportunities. ​Under Lobby and Advocacy, the project focuses on strengthening the engagement between local policy makers, Civil Society Organizations and community and youth for stronger public policies that support interfaith cooperation and social cohesion.

In order to build on and expand the lessons from the project pilot phase, a robust Project Monitoring and Learning ​cycle ​including Knowledge Management was a key consideration during the conceptualization of the project. This is to be achieved through ​​elaborate ​​program monitoring and evaluation activities, participatory review and learning sessions​. This study is meant ​to generate additional new insights that contribute to the program’s quality and sustainability of outcomes.

The proposed study is anchored on the premise that religion ​​is widely appreciated in the coastal region as a platform that gives people the opportunity to share common values, create a sense of unity and foster a sense of community. Religious leaders ​​play fundamental roles in social cohesion given their spiritual leadership and influence on the communities and broader society. The contribution of both the religious leaders and the organizations needs to be recognized and appreciated. The project therefore seeks to commission a study to determine the contextual contribution of the religious organization​s​ and religious leaders to the prevention of violent extremism and strengthening of the interreligious social cohesion among the communities of diverse faiths and religions. The study’s outcomes and outputs will serve as instrumental tools for lobbying and advocating purposes geared towards policies that are pro-interfaith cohesion.

1.2 Project Objectives and Outcomes

The overall objective of the project is to strengthen the ability of youth and religious communities to address causes of interfaith violence and promote sustainable peace and reconciliation in the ​​​​three coastal counties of Mombasa, Kwale and Tana River. Specifically, the project aims to empower the Youth in Kwale, Tana River and Mombasa counties to take the lead in tackling the root causes of violent extremism in their counties. The project intends to reach 3,000 Youths (18-35, 40% Female). The following are the three project outcomes:

  • Outcome 1: 2,600 Youth in Mombasa, Kwale and Tana River counties lead and engage in dialogues for peaceful interfaith coexistence in their communities.
  • Outcome 2: 1,000 Youth in Mombasa and Kwale counties enhance income through employment or entrepreneurship including agribusiness.
  • Outcome 3: Strengthened engagement between local policy Makers, Civil Society Organizations, and Community for stronger Public Policies that support interfaith cooperation.

2. Contribution of Faith Based Organizations to Social Cohesion study Purpose, Scope and Objectives.

​​​​​​​2.1 Purpose and objectives

The purpose of the study is to determine the contextual contribution of the ​​religious organization​​s and religious leaders to the prevention of violent extremism and strengthening of the interreligious social cohesion among the communities of diverse faiths and religions. The findings of the study will provide useful information for facilitating discussions and debates during the policy lobbying forums and debates. Below is the suggested topic:

How Religious Leaders and Organizations promote peaceful interfaith coexistence and social cohesion in Mombasa, Kwale and Tana River Counties.

Specific study objectives include:

  1. Examine the role of spirituality on interfaith coexistence and social cohesion in Coastal Counties of Mombasa, Kwale and Tana River.
  2. Identify interreligious intersectionality in practices, messaging, values, and beliefs and the influence on interfaith coexistence and social cohesion in Coastal Counties of Mombasa, Kwale and Tana River.
  3. Explore practical approaches and partnerships for interfaith coexistence and social cohesion in Coastal Counties of Mombasa, Kwale and Tana River.
  4. Examine the role of gender in interfaith coexistence and social cohesion in Coastal Counties of Mombasa, Kwale and Tana River.

2.2 Scope

  • The study is supported by Shared Futures but will not be limited to the project.
  • The study will cover the three counties Mombasa, Kwale ​​and Tana River.
  • Conduct Desk review of background material and any other secondary literature in line with the suggested study topic and objectives.
  • Design the study methodology.
  • Carry out the study in the field and ensure that all the specific objectives are covered.
  • Analyze the data and prepare a report with recommendations.
  • Facilitate a validation/sharing workshop of the study findings.
  • After receiving comments, prepare the final detailed report including a summarized version.

3. Methodology

We welcome applicants’ suggestions on suitable methodologies and approaches to undertake this work with clear justification for proposed approach. We are keen on approaches that take a participatory route with consideration to co-creation involving the implementing partners. It is also expected that the methodology will involve mixed methods approaches in gathering and ​analyzing​​​ the study data. We anticipate working closely with the successful applicant to continually review and reflect on the approach, learning questions and findings.

4. Oversight and Management

Support will be provided by Cordaid M&E and the Shared Futures Project team and where necessary the implementing partners coordinated through the Cordaid team. The consultant will be provided with the relevant project information package of key documentation for review. The Cordaid team will be available for discussion and guidance throughout the consultancy and will share other sources of information relevant to the assignment if and when requested.

5. Deliverables and Schedule

We expect the successful applicant to commence work on 19th February 2024 with completion of all final deliverables by 29th March 2024. We anticipate this work to include the following ​​​​activities and deliverables:

  • Desk review of documents provided in the project information package.
  • Subsequent discussion with Cordaid and implementing partners on refining the scope of the work and intended deliverables, to be agreed by both parties.
  • Inception report detailing the consultants understanding of the study objectives, approaches they intend to use to achieve the desired results, how the learning question will be answered, proposed methods, proposed sources of data and data collection procedures.
  • Design of proportionate engagement approach with implementing partners and other stakeholders for any additional primary data collection.
  • Analysis and interpretation of primary and secondary data in line with the learning questions.
  • Regular meetings with Cordaid staff throughout the contract period, including a workshop to present preliminary findings ahead of the first report draft.
  • One virtual meeting with Cordaid and the project funder (Kerk in Actie) to review the draft report.
  • Dissemination workshop with Cordaid and implementing partners to validate and deepen findings.
  • Submit a full report and a summarized version highlighting key findings responding to agreed learning questions, and any other agreed deliverables (e.g. case studies, audio visual outputs, toolkits, and guides etc.)
  • Provide relevant materials and guidance for lobby and advocacy as the consultant may deem appropriate from the study findings.

6. Eligibility, Applicant’s Profile and Competencies

  • A team of individuals/ a firm is eligible to apply. The applicant must ensure they provide a minimum of 3 consultants and one designated as the team leader.
  • Firms shall provide proof of legal registration in Kenya and must have been in operation for at least three years.
  • Team lead shall possess a minimum of a master’s degree in any of the relevant fields- social sciences, development studies, research, peace and security studies, gender, and development studies.
  • The team lead shall have a minimum of 15 years continuous professional experience in peace and security, governance, development and/or social sciences evaluation.
  • Have within the team a research expert with at least 10 years of relevant experience with strong quantitative and qualitative research methods skills and proven expertise in research in social science relevant to the evaluation.
  • Have within the team an expert in religious studies or equivalent with over 10 years’ experience, knowledge and in-depth understanding of religious institutions and structures, and dynamics in the target counties.
  • The team must demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of ​​​​peacebuilding and security landscape in ​​Kenya -issues and challenges.
  • Demonstrate substantive knowledge of peacebuilding programmatic areas in Kenya as well as experience conducting evaluations of peacebuilding or governance projects in specifically coastal Kenya.
  • Demonstrated experience working with civil society organizations of different sizes and capacities especially in coastal Kenya.
  • Strong analytical skills and demonstrated experience in primary and secondary data analysis, interpretation, and reporting.
  • Understanding of issues around youth involvement in violent extremist groups in Kenyan context.

The selected consultant will be expected to read and comply with ​​Cordaid’s Code of Conduct, Cordaid General Terms and Conditions for Consultancy Contracts and Cordaid Safety First Policy and Framework.

Application process

Consultants who meet the requirements should submit a maximum 10-page expression of interest document which should include the following:

Technical proposal that includes.

  • Letter of interest
  • Brief methodology on the approach and implementation of the assignment
  • The key ​personnel​​​ proposed for this assignment, their roles and summary of their profiles. Include a summarized Curriculum Vitae max 3 pages each, highlighting qualifications and experience in similar assignments.
  • Work references –contact details (e-mails addresses) of referee’s firms for whom similar work has been done.
  • Financial proposal indicating consultancy fee and a breakdown of expenses (unit price together with any other expenses related to the assignment).

How to apply

Applications must be submitted by 31st January 2024 by 5:00 p.m. to [email protected], with the subject “[201017: Shared Futures Study on the Contribution of Faith Based Organizations to Social Cohesion.]”. Any applications received after this time will not be considered. If you have any queries in relation to your submission or to any requirements of this tender, please e-mail [email protected]

Alteration or withdrawal of bids

CORDAID reserves the right to change and to alter any of the processes, requirements and provisions outlined in these Terms of Reference as well as the right to accept or to reject any bid, and to annul the bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior to the award of the contract, without thereby incurring any liability to any bidder or any obligation to inform the bidder of the grounds for its action. To allow prospective bidders reasonable time to take any amendments into account in preparing their bids, Cordaid may at its sole discretion extend the deadline for the submission of bids based on the nature of the amendments. However, where such alterations or withdrawals occur, the participating bidders shall be informed accordingly.

To help us track our recruitment effort, please indicate in your email/cover letter where ( you saw this job posting.

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