Associate Information Management Officer

Hardship Level (not applicable for home-based)

E (most hardship)

Family Type (not applicable for home-based)

Non Family

Staff Member / Affiliate Type


Target Start Date


Job Posting End Date

May 7, 2024

Terms of Reference

Operational Context

Afghanistan is experiencing a humanitarian crisis of unprecedented scale, exacerbated by the critical economic crisis, high levels of poverty, natural disasters (earthquakes, drought, and floods). Some 23.7 million people – more than half of Afghanistan’s 44 million population require humanitarian assistance, of which 15.8 million people are likely facing acute food insecurity, and at least one million children at risk of severe acute malnutrition. Human rights have deteriorated in Afghanistan, particularly against women and girls, following the December 2022 and April 2023 bans against women and girls. In 2024, it is projected that economic instability and growing humanitarian needs, compounded by secondary displacement, natural disasters, abuses of human rights, sporadic attacks, and armed clashes may continue to displace Afghans. Internal displacement is also likely to persist.

On 3 October 2023, the Government of Pakistan announced plans to repatriate ‘illegal foreigners’. In view of the ongoing humanitarian and human rights concerns for Afghans, particularly for women and girls, UNHCR and IOM issued a joint statement urging Pakistan to maintain the protection space for Afghans in need of safety. This was followed by a joint statement by UNHCR. IOM and UNICEF which appealed for the protection of children and families seeking safety in Pakistan. On 10 November, UNHCR declared an internal Level 2 emergency for Pakistan and Afghanistan for six months to scale up the humanitarian response in light of the rapidly evolving situation.. As of March 2024, over 500,000 Afghans have returned from Pakistan as a result of phase one of the Illegal Foreigners Repatriation Plan (IFRP) of which 83,000 were Proof of Registration (PoR) cardholders, or UNHCR slipholder/asylum seekers. The majority of those returning cite the use of police force and harassment as one of the drivers to return. Arrivals back to Afghanistan are also adding to the worsening humanitarian crisis, to a country with over 3.2 Million internally displaced persons due to conflict. As the Government of Pakistan prepares for Phase 2 of the IFRP, primarily focused on the estimated 803,000 ACC card holders, it is important to note that there are 1.35M registered Afghan Refugees who might be directly or indirectly impacted as was seen at Phase 1 of the IFRP. . According to UNHCR and IOM projections, approximately 908,000 Afghans are expected to require support at the border points between now and December 2024. Of this number, 197,000 are PoR Cardholders and Asylum seekers, 450,000 are ACC cardholders, and the remaining 261,000 are undocumented Afghans.. The sudden surge in returns is expected to put pressure on already strained resources, including shelter and basic services. Additional support is urgently required.

UNHCR and partners in Pakistan and Afghanistan are currently working together to ensure a harmonized and coordinated cross-border response to this new emergency. To support these efforts an update to the interagency Border Consortium Appeal from 8 November 2023, is in the works, and will be launched in Mid April 2024. In addition, UNHCR and partners are also stepping up their presence in and around Torkham and Chaman border crossing points and accelerating efforts to ensure protection-sensitive mechanisms are in place via regular border monitoring visits and protection screenings to identify and assist people with heightened vulnerabilities and needs.

Under the supervision of the Senior Information Management Officer, the Associate Information Management Officer is responsible for assisting in producing and disseminating information on the persons we serve, including but not limited to Protection and Programme information. S/he will supervise data collectors or data entry personnel. The incumbent operationalizes data standards developed at the central level in field operations, trains field staff, compiles data and analyses information from all persons we serve. S/he supports the Programme Team and UNHCR’s partners in the choice of indicators for monitoring to be included in sub-agreements, as well as the Protection Team in operationalizing protection monitoring systems.

This is an International UNOPS IICA assignment. The successful candidate will be based with the team in UNHCR’s office in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Duties for Associate Information Management Officer:

1. Population Data Management
To oversee the collection, analysis, and dissemination of population data, ensuring accuracy, privacy, and consistency with International statistical standards. The officer will manage population databases, provide insights into demographic trends, and generate population statistics for planning purposes.
• Develop and maintain robust systems for the collection of accurate and comprehensive population data.
• Analyse population data to identify trends, patterns, and prepare and disseminate analytical reports and visualizations that communicate findings to relevant stakeholders.
• Regularly update UNHCRs operational data portal and ensures that there is harmony in the population data reported in all internal and external products.
• Oversees the compilation and submission of population data for the UNHCR annual and midyear statistical reporting.
• Participate in interagency fora and platforms on population data.

2. Assessment Coordination
To oversee the systematic collection, analysis, and dissemination of data and information including for identification and targeting of vulnerable households, protection monitoring, border monitoring, and other assessments to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of UNHCRs response.
• Develop and oversee the implementation of data collection tools and methodologies, including for protection monitoring, that capture relevant information to provide the evidence base for decision making, planning assistance and service delivery.
• Continuous review of data collection tools in collaboration with a multifunctional team to ensure relevance in capturing necessary information to meet UNHCRs information needs.
• Design and implement sampling strategy that accurately represents the community dynamics, and other AGD considerations.
• Train field staff and data collectors on data collection tools, ethical considerations, survey techniques, and oversee the data collection process, ensuring consistency, accuracy and data protection standards are adhered to.

3. Programme Monitoring
To ensure that the UNHCR programme management cycle is supported with relevant data and evidence from the initial needs analysis and programme design, to monitoring and evaluation and reporting, ensuring that data driven insights inform all stages of the programme planning and implementation.
• To support sectors with the data needed to conduct comprehensive needs analysis to identify community needs, gaps, and priorities that will inform programme interventions.
• Work with program team, external relations, and business units to ensure that reporting requirements are met and that there is alignment on the indicators being reported.
• Set up and maintain programme monitoring systems including ActivityInfo to meet reporting needs, including setting up databases, forms, and indicators.
• Train staff, field data focal points and partners on how to effectively use programme monitoring systems, including data entry, report generation, and understanding indicators.
• Extracting insights and generating reports from data collected in ActivityInfo including UNHCR 3W map, static and dynamic dashboards.

4. Data analysis and visualization
To lead the organization’s efforts in analyzing data and presenting it in visual formats that are easy to understand and actionable. The officer will support decision-making and strategic planning by providing timely, accurate, and visually engaging data insights to stakeholders.
• Conduct thorough data analysis to uncover trends, patterns, and insights within the data.
• Apply statistical methods and analytical models to support decision-making processes.
• Develop dashboards, reports, and presentations that summarize analysis findings for both technical and non-technical stakeholders.
• Design and create clear, accurate, and engaging data visualizations that convey complex information in an intuitive format.

Desired Experience:
• S/he must have proven experience in data management, analysis, and visualization, with attention to detail and accuracy and knowledge of data quality assurance and protection standards.
• In addition, s/he should have expertise in population data management, case management, programme monitoring, and assessment coordination. Develop and maintain robust systems for collecting accurate and comprehensive population data.
• They should also be familiar with content management systems such as UNHCR’s operational data portal to disseminate data and monitor web analytics. Over and above this, the candidate must possess strong writing and presentation skills.
• The incumbent must demonstrate good management and coordination skills – effectively supervising and training teams (staff/partners) and collaborating with multiple stakeholders, including clusters, UN agencies, partners (L/INGOs), government, and donors to achieve a common UNHCR objective.

Technical skills:
• Advanced knowledge of Power BI, Excel, ArcGIS/QGIS for mapping, Adobe Illustrator, or any other graphic design tool to create infographics/dashboards is necessary.
• Knowledge of R, Python programming, or any other statistical tool such as STATA would be desirable.
• Experience using data collection tools such as Kobo/ODK and ActivityInfo.

Evaluation of qualified candidates may include a written test (eliminatory/complementary) which may be followed by competency-based interview.


Standard Job Description

Associate Information Management Officer

Organizational Setting and Work Relationships
The UNHCR Data Transformation Strategy 2020-2025 envisions that by 2025 UNHCR becomes a trusted leader on data and information related to refugees and other persons of concern, thereby enabling actions to protect and to empower persons of concern. The Strategy stipulates investing in four complementary priority areas: data management and governance; information systems; capacities and skill development; and culture for evidence-informed decision-making. The strategy envisages data and information management functions in UNHCR carried out in a complementary and inter-linked manner between Headquarters Divisions and Services, Regional Bureaux, Country Operations and key external partners, including persons of concern.

Under the direct supervision of the (Snr) DIMA Coordinator/Deputy Director/Head of Service/Deputy Representative or other IM staff or designated manager, the Associate Information Management Officer supports data and information management activities in the relevant country and regional offices.

They are part of a team of data and information management staff (depending on office configuration) and support coordination among staff working on information and data management activities and liaison with Headquarters/Region/Country on data related issues.

Information and data management staff are responsible for coordinating, planning and delivering on data and information activities for all UNHCR operational contexts, responses and populations of concern, including providing coordination and leadership in partnerships on data with all stakeholders – including persons of concern. They serve the entirety of UNHCR staff and activities, including protection, programme, operations, external relations and executive management for evidence-informed planning, advocacy, and coordination. They are key in ensuring multi-stakeholder, multi-sector, and multi-country activities are provided with robust and meaningful data and information to support planning, funding and advocacy efforts. This includes both internal and external assessments, regional and country-based planning and monitoring activities such as the COPs, CRRF, RRPs, HNOs, HRPs, and Cluster Plans.

Information and data management covers the assessment, design, implementation and evaluation of data and statistical related activities. This includes assessment of the information landscape; definition of information and data needs; design of data and information activities, including data collection, analysis, storage and dissemination; implementation of data and information management activities; and monitoring and evaluation of data management activities. The focus is largely operational data along with financial and HR data related to assessment, planning, monitoring and evaluation. This is the data, information and analysis needed to deliver robust and comprehensive assessments and evaluations, and to support results-based planning, monitoring and reporting implemented by UNHCR and by its partners.

Depending on if they are located in HQ, regional or country offices, the role of the data and information management staff is to provide the necessary quality assurance and technical support for the full range of the data and information management and analysis activities to countries and regional offices; to ensure these process are in accordance with technical standards for data and information management; and to undertake regional or country data and information management (definition, collection, analysis, storage and dissemination) activities. In addition they are responsible for coordinating HQ and external support to the country and regional offices, to liaise with relevant bodies on relevant data and statistical matters; to monitor the quality of data and information management activities in country/regional or HQ; to design and implement global, regional or country-based data strategies and systems; to ensure data and information activities are implemented in according with data privacy policies, global data sharing agreements and data protection regulations; to communicate the status, value and importance of data; to provide the data, information and analysis needed for global analysis; and to identify risks and opportunities based on insights derived from data.

All UNHCR staff members are accountable to perform their duties as reflected in their job description. They do so within their delegated authorities, in line with the regulatory framework of UNHCR which includes the UN Charter, UN Staff Regulations and Rules, UNHCR Policies and Administrative Instructions as well as relevant accountability frameworks. In addition, staff members are required to discharge their responsibilities in a manner consistent with the core, functional, cross-functional and managerial competencies and UNHCR’s core values of professionalism, integrity and respect for diversity.

Coordinate data and information management activities:
– Participate in the data and information management team and activities.
– Contribute to the design and implement data strategies and systems.
– Assist the data team and others communicate the status, value, and importance of data.
– Support the collection, storage, management and protection of data.
– Support consolidation of data systems, including the interoperability of operational data and systems.
– Ensure consistency of data and results for country, global and regional analysis, including cross border analysis and response.
– Support the coordination with HQ, external and regional partners on data and information management efforts
– Take part the relevant IM network (internal and external) on refugee. IDP, etc and related issues.
– Support data security, data protection and responsible data-sharing.

Support offices with data and information management:
– Support the analysis of primary and secondary data for interpretation and evidence-informed decision making.
– Support the monitoring of data and information management activities in offices for integrity, veracity, reliability and credibility and compliance with policies.
– Provide technical and training support to operations.
– Support assessments and situational analysis process with analytical frameworks, data collection, and analysis (standards, methodologies).
– Support planning process (standards, methodologies) with data and statistical analysis and quality assurance on Theories of Change and indicators.
– Support monitoring by providing quality assurance to the monitoring methodologies, data collection and analyses.
– Review and assess country or region-specific data systems and needs; provide recommendations to regional bureau.

Undertake data and information management activities at the Global/Regional/Country level:
– Help consolidate data and information for country, regional and global analysis.
– Undertake data management activities (definition of needs, data collection, analysis, storage and dissemination)
– Support analysis for comparative country, regional and global analysis, including political and socio-economic trends.
– Take part in planning processes (COPs, regional RRP, regional migration response plans, etc.).
– Support cross-country assessment and situational analysis, such as in regional RRP situation or COP.
– Support the analysis of trends concerning changes at the outcome and impact levels.
– Develop information management products such as indicators, templates, maps and dashboards.
– Help ensure data is curated and stored in data registries and libraries in accordance with standards.
– Undertake geospatial and statistical analysis.
– Provide population movement tracking systems and other population data systems.
– Support web-based data portals.
– Support solutions for meeting ‘communication with communities’ information and data needs.

Work in close collaboration with:
– All staff to further data literacy and assist in interpretation the data.
– Registration staff regarding the use of individual and personally identifiable data collected or managed by UNHCR.
– Programme staff on the data and information aspects of assessment, targeting and monitoring (three most data driven aspects of the OMC).
– Cluster coordinators and partners on data and information needs in UNHCR-led cluster operations, including HNO and HRP processes.
– Inter-agency staff on the development, coordination and monitoring of country and/or regional responses plans.
– Protection staff on the design, implementation and analysis of protection and case monitoring systems.
– Operations coordinators and reporting officers on the design and delivery of data and information management products for internal and external consumption.
– Sectors technical experts on the methodologies, formats, storage and dissemination of sectoral data and information, including cross sector analysis.
– Senior management to understand and serve their information and knowledge needs.

– Support the identification and management of risks and seek to seize opportunities impacting objectives in the area of responsibility. Ensure decision making in risk based in the functional area of work. Raise risks, issues and concerns to a supervisor or to relevant functional colleague(s).
– Perform other related duties as required.

Minimum Qualifications

Years of Experience / Degree Level
For P2/NOB – 3 years relevant experience with Undergraduate degree; or 2 years relevant experience with Graduate degree; or 1 year relevant experience with Doctorate degree

Field(s) of Education
Social Science;
Information Management;
Physical Science;
Data Science;
Computer Science;
or other relevant field.

Certificates and/or Licenses
Not specified

Relevant Job Experience
Experience with data sharing, data management and data analysis to support policy formulation and implementation.
Knowledge of national and international statistical systems; knowledge of international protection, human rights and international humanitarian law; experience in data collection and analysis in field situations; knowledge of GIS and geospatial systems and techniques.

Functional Skills
DM-Data collection methodologies
DM-Data Management
DM-Database Design & Development
DM-Data Collection and Analysis
DM-Metadata Creation & Management
IM-Statistics Analysis
DM-Open Source Software & Data
DM-Population census and econometrics
DM-Protection Data Management Systems
DM-ArcGIS (Geographic Information System)
DM-Cartographic Skills
SP-Design tools such as Global Positioning System (GPS)
CL-Cluster Information Management Tools, Resources and Approaches
PG-Needs Assessment and Response Analysis
DM-Data governance, quality assurance and preservation
DM-Data Interoperability
DM-Data science methodologies
DM-Development of and revision of data standards
DM-Qualitative data analysis
DM-Quantitative data analysis
(Functional Skills marked with an asterisk* are essential)

Language Requirements
For International Professional and Field Service jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English.
For National Professional jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English and local language.
For General Service jobs: Knowledge of English and/or UN working language of the duty station if not English.

All UNHCR workforce members must individually and collectively, contribute towards a working environment where each person feels safe, and empowered to perform their duties. This includes by demonstrating no tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse, harassment including sexual harassment, sexism, gender inequality, discrimination and abuse of power.

As individuals and as managers, all must be proactive in preventing and responding to inappropriate conduct, support ongoing dialogue on these matters and speaking up and seeking guidance and support from relevant UNHCR resources when these issues arise.

This is a Standard Job Description for all UNHCR jobs with this job title and grade level. The Operational Context may contain additional essential and/or desirable qualifications relating to the specific operation and/or position. Any such requirements are incorporated by reference in this Job Description and will be considered for the screening, shortlisting and selection of candidates.

Required Languages



Desired Languages



Additional Qualifications


CL-Cluster Information Management Tools, Resources and Approaches, DM-ArcGIS (Geographic Information System), DM-Cartographic Skills, DM-Database Design & Development, DM-Data Collection and Analysis, DM-Data collection methodologies, DM-Data governance, quality assurance and preservation, DM-Data Interoperability, DM-Data Management, DM-Data science methodologies, DM-Development of and revision of data standards, DM-Metadata Creation & Management, DM-Open Source Software & Data, DM-Population census and econometrics, DM-Protection Data Management Systems, DM-Qualitative data analysis, DM-Quantitative data analysis, IM-Statistics Analysis, PG-Needs Assessment and Response Analysis, SP-Design tools such as Global Positioning System (GPS)


Bachelor of Arts (BA): Demography, Bachelor of Arts (BA): Information Technology, Bachelor of Arts (BA): Social Science, Bachelor of Arts (BA): Statistics


Work Experience

Other information

This position doesn’t require a functional clearance



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