The Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict (IFHV) is one of the leading academic institutions in Europe for teaching and research in the context of humanitarian crises, while Aktion Deutschland Hilft e.V. (ADH) bundles the expertise of over 20 renowned German humanitarian organizations. As two of the founding members of the academy for humanitarian action (aha), the IFHV and ADH jointly organize humanitarian training events to strengthen the capacities of humanitarian organizations and their staff. Representing the consortium of the academy for humanitarian action, the Academy of the Ruhr-University Bochum would like to commission external service providers to conceptualize and facilitate a training course on “The Basics of Humanitarian Action”.
We invite you to bid with a written proposal on the services described below by email by May 31st, 2024, at 12:00 noon (CET).
Service description: Design and facilitation of an online training course on “The Basics of Humanitarian Action” (3 days, equivalent to 24 teaching hours)
Target Group
The training is aimed at new employees or junior practitioners of humanitarian non-governmental organizations with little previous experience, career changers from other professions, as well as employees of diaspora organizations and employees or volunteers in local offices / partners of humanitarian organizations with little experience in the field of humanitarian action.
Location, Time and Language
Online, in English, expected course delivery in November or beginning of December-2024 (final date tbd). Upon successful implementation, it is desired to continue the cooperation by integrating the course into the curriculum of the aha and offer the training on a regular basis.
Objectives of the Training
- Learning about the fundamental concepts as well as historical background of contemporary humanitarian action
- Getting familiarized with legal foundations, particularly international human rights law, international humanitarian law, international refugee law, and international disaster response law; and its importance in implementing in humanitarian action .
- Learning about humanitarian principles and standards and critically engage with practical examples of situations, in which these apply and/or are challenged.
- Becoming aware of relevant actors, coordination and financing mechanisms, and trends within the humanitarian system, including cross-cutting issues such as localization and anticipation.
- Critically reflecting upon contemporary trends and challenges, as well as relevant cross-cutting themes such as gender or inclusion within humanitarian action and the humanitarian system.
Brief Description of Content
Humanitarian needs are growing and so is the demand for well-trained staff in humanitarian organizations. In the recent crises, many local organizations and initiatives, including volunteers are increasingly involved in humanitarian action, with the needs of ensuring shared principles and background knowledge while doing so. This three-days training equips participants with the most relevant foundations for an entry into the field of humanitarian action. Participants will learn about the historical evolution, central concepts, principles and legal foundations that constitute the framework for contemporary humanitarian action, and provides basis for a qualified humanitarian assistance. Based on case studies or other forms of interactive and practice-oriented methodology, participants actively engage with different situations in which principles, standards or legal foundations play a central role and/or are at risk. Furthermore, participants learn about the most important actors as well as coordination and funding structures within the humanitarian system. They get familiarized with recent trends and developments, e.g. induced through the Grand Bargain (2.0) or the need for more anticipatory approaches to humanitarian crises, and critically reflect upon the potential of these instruments to address contemporary challenges within the humanitarian system. On a methodological level, we highly encourage the use of a variety of participatory and virtual interactive formats.
The course should reasonably complement the training curriculum of the aha in the area of “Foundations of Humanitarian Action”. aha staff are available to advise on the integration of the workshop into the overall training program. Please note, that the property rights for all training materials remain with the respective implementing organization and the learning materials (e.g. PowerPoint presentations). Upon successful implementation of the course, a permanent integration into the curriculum of the aha is desirable (e.g. by regularly offering the course), subject to the negotiation between contractor and provider and the results of the course evaluation.
Services to be delivered
The following services are to be provided under the scope of this call:
- Planning: Conceptual planning of a 24 hour training course for a minimum of 10 participants. Preparation of a detailed agenda (about two DIN A4 pages) showing the contents, methods and objectives of the individual sections of the events. It should be hands-on and designed for the target group mentioned above. All logistical planning (online platform and links, participant management, advertising, recording) will be handled by the aha consortium.
- Implementation: Professional and independent facilitation of the course in November or beginning of December2024. The offer may include the commissioning of external speakers for additional professional input on certain topics. The academy for humanitarian action (aha) will support with technical and logistical assistance during both events. Additional assistance services (co-moderation, chat support etc.) can be provided by arrangement.
- Documentation: Preparation of a short summary report (max. 5 pages) of the most important discussion points of the training.
Please note: All services should be provided in close consultation with the responsible aha staff. Ongoing arrangements regarding the conception as well as documentation of the training (via e-mail and telephone) are part of the service provision and will not be remunerated separately. A transfer of property rights to the training material (concepts, working materials, PowerPoint slides, etc.) are not part of the tender and remain with the trainer or his/her organization.
How to apply
Further information on submitting proposals
- Please send your written and signed tender documents as a PDF-document by e-mail to [email protected]. Please note: Tenders sent to a different e-mail address will not be considered!
- The deadline for submitting tenders expires on May 31st , 2024, at 12:00 noon (CET).
- The tender should enumerate separately the costs (without VAT) and daily rates for the service areas 1) planning, 2) implementation, 3) additional material (please note that the training will be VAT exempted under §4 Nr. 21 UStG under German law).
- Please add a written sketch of the project (with a suggested title) to the offer, which shows the formats, content, methods and goals of the material (max. 2-3 DIN A4 pages). The goals, content and methods formulated in your offer may deviate from the goals listed here if this appears reasonable from your point of view.
- Please also send us the curriculum vitae of all trainers or speakers, showing relevant work experience (in terms of content and methodology).
- The decision to award the contract will be made on the basis of the costs and the quality of the tender (in terms of fit of the individual elements of the schedule to the objective, feasibility of the approach and variety of methods) as well as the experience in conducting training in humanitarian action.
We are looking forward to receiving your offer.
For questions on the call for proposals, kindly consult Sören Schneider ([email protected] and Dr. Neysa Setiadi ([email protected]).