Community Mobilization Consultant - Tenders Global

Community Mobilization Consultant

  • Contract
  • Yemen
  • Posted 5 months ago


CTG overview

CTG staff and support humanitarian projects in fragile and conflict-affected countries around the world, providing a rapid and cost-effective service for development and humanitarian missions. With past performance in 17 countries – from the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and Asia, we have placed more than 20,000 staff all over the world since operations began in 2006.

CTG recruits, deploys and manages the right people with the right skills to implement humanitarian and development projects, from cleaners to obstetricians, and mechanics to infection specialists, we’re skilled in emergency response to crises such as the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Key to successful project delivery is the ability to mobilise at speed; CTG can source and deploy anyone, anywhere, in less than 2 weeks and have done so in 48 hours on a number of occasions.

Through our efficient and agile HR, logistical and operational services, CTG saves multilateral organisations time and money. We handle all our clients’ HR related issues, so they are free to focus on their core services.

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Overview of position

Water resources management is a pressing issue in Yemen due to its arid climate & limited water availability. Yemen faces significant challenges in this regard, including limited agricultural productivity, high levels of malnutrition, vulnerability to natural disasters & poor water governance practices. With BMZ funding through the German Development Bank (KFW), our client in Yemen & KfW have established a partnership focused on enhancing water resources management & food security in the country. These collaboration aims to address the critical challenges faced by Yemen in these areas & contribute to sustainable development. In addition, KFW & our client in Yemen acknowledge the importance of addressing food security concerns in the country. To tackle these issues, the KFW & our clients partnership focuses on promoting sustainable agricultural practices, supporting small scale farmers & strengthening local food systems. By enhancing agricultural productivity & ensuring access to nutritious food, these initiatives contribute to reducing hunger & poverty in Yemen. Recognizing the urgent need to address these challenges, KfW & our client have joined forces to implement an integrated water resources management project that aims to enhance the resilience of agriculture & food security in Yemen. The project (integrated water resources management to Enhance Resilience of Agriculture (ERA) & food security) includes the construction & rehabilitation of water infrastructure to increase agricultural production, promoting access to markets & empowering women in agriculture value chain in Yemen. The project aims to achieve two key outcomes:

Outcome 1: Enhanced livelihood resilience & agricultural production through:

  • Increased water availability for agricultural production through the development and rehabilitation of water infrastructure enhancing water availability in support of sustainable agriculture, implemented at key priority areas within a catchment. This includes rehabilitating existing damaged or unmaintained infrastructure which including community cisterns, shallow wells, canals, soil erosion control measures, bank protection, low tech agricultural infrastructure, flood protection structures (gabions, terraces & embankments).
  • Improved income from better markets & enhanced agricultural value chain through socio economic analyses around agricultural value add options in identified sub catchments, community mobilization, prioritisation of small farmers & women food gardens & local government planning support of small initiatives, implementation of selected food processing support & initiatives to enhance markets accessibility.

Outcome 2: Enhanced water governance with active involvement of local communities in decision-making processes through:

  • Improved water governance through building capacity of NWRA, WUAs water committees on water allocation, monitoring, compliance, enforcement of water management, food processing, marketing with additional trainings customized to women on technical & soft skills, public speaking & women targeted initiatives.

In this project, water management institutions refers to the collective of all local water related organizations that exist in the project areas such as: Water User Associations, water / village committees or water forums / cooperatives. They could be either formal or informal, i.e., have / not legal persona. In the past, loose arrangements for stakeholder engagement were not popular. Nowadays, it is believed to be safe spaces that are less threatening to stakeholders, downplays the power struggles & operates at a high value systems level. Such associations are usually driven by a common concern or aspiration, a common denominator that triggers the individual inertia for volunteerism. For strengthening WUAs & enhancing their adaptive capacities, there is a need to explore options for the twinning of similar institutions located in different governorates / districts to exchange lessons & learn from each other. WUAs & water committees will be capacitated to monitor & enforce water use & improved equitable access, as well as conduct small local initiatives. Water resources management planning is meant to be a participatory, reconciliatory transformative social process that reconciles the demands for water through common values & the power of knowledge equity which ultimately contribute to social cohesion especially with IDPs. Cooperation between districts, governorates & WUAs / water committees is also envisaged through sharing knowledge on water use & defining water sharing & interdependencies in allocations. The WUAs / water committees will play a vital role in agricultural value add initiatives & market accessibility. In the project’s exit strategy, the issue of asset ownership would need to be engaged with the provincial government to either enter a service level contract with the respective WUAs or to formalize ownership to the WUAs as a legal entity. Nevertheless, formulation of WUA is a novel idea in most of the locations covered by the project.

Role objectives

Our client seeks to map out water related structures, WUAs, agricultural cooperatives aiming to establish WUAs in the target locations including Al Selw, Al Mawaset in Taiz & Al Mosaymer in Lahj. The assignment will include community mapping, sensitization & establishment of WUAs in 3 target districts & support established WUAs in development of internal regulations, by law, administration & financial system ensuring gender involvement & women representation by not less than 30%. The number of the WUAs would be decided based on the community mapping & discussions & consultations with NWRA as well as relevant local authorities & our client. The specific objectives are the following:

  • Identify & mapping out existing community structures (Mahaleyaat, WUAs, agricultural cooperatives or any other irrigation agriculture related structures).
  • Formation & establishment of not less than 15 WUA’s in Al Mawaset & Al Selw in Taiz & Al Mosaymer in Lahj based on the guideline of formation of WUA’s & alliances at water basin areas guideline published by FAO in 2018. The exact number of the WUAs in each district would be decided based on the results of the community mapping.
  • Enhancing the WUAs Boards of Directors skills technically & administratively as well as supporting them to develop the internal regulations, by law, administration, financial system & action plan for each WUA as stipulated by MoSAL.

The main activities:

  • Mapping out existing community structures (Mahaleyaat, WUAs, agricultural cooperatives or any other irrigation agriculture-related structures).
  • Community preparation & motivation.
  • Organization & establishment.
  • Election process.
  • Provide the WUAs with the required training.
  • Provide a report (supported with photos) documenting the WUAs establishment process, WUA structure, list of WUA membership, Bord of Directors & oversight committee for each WUAs.

Expected results:

  • At least 3 mapping report produced & approved by our client.
  • At least 15 motivation campaigns within the targeted districts.
  • At least 15 WUAs established according to the guideline of formation of WUa’s & alliances at water basin areas guideline published by FAO in 2018. The number of the WUAs to be established in each district would be decided based on the community mapping findings & discussions & consultations with NWRA as well as relevant local authorities & our client.
  • Full gender engagement & representation of women by 30% within the WUA establishment.
  • At least 200 members of WUAs received the technical & administrative skills.
  • The internal regulations, by law, administration, financial system & action plan for each WUA developed as stipulated by MoSAL

Duties & responsibilities:

Using the formation of WUA’s & alliances at water basin areas guideline published by FAO in 2018, the consultant will select & train 3 community mobilization teams & provide them with required support to perform the following activities:

Mapping out existing community structures (Mahaleyaat, WUAs, agricultural cooperatives or any other irrigation agriculture related structures). The consultant will conduct a comprehensive mapping analysis of existing community structures, including Mahaleyaat, WUA’s, agricultural cooperatives & other irrigation agriculture related entities in 3 targeted districts. The objective of this activity is to provide a detailed assessment of these structures & their potential for enhancement. The consultant will submit the findings to our client. The activity will involve the following components:

  • Identify these structures, their legal entity, how they are established, whether they are operative or not, women inclusion, institutional capacity, bank account, establishment date, their structure, members’ number, their activities etc. The consultant will identify & map out the existing community structures in the targeted districts. This will include Mahaleyaat, WUAs, agricultural cooperatives & any other relevant structures involved in irrigation agriculture. The mapping process will gather information on their legal entity, establishment process, operational status (whether they are active or inactive), level of women’s inclusion, institutional capacity, bank account availability, establishment date, organizational structure, number of members & their activities. This comprehensive data collection will provide a holistic understanding of the community structures. Also, the consultant will assess the identified community structures to determine which ones have potential for enhancement. This evaluation will involve analyzing their strengths & weaknesses using the SWOT methodology. By applying this methodology, the consultant will identify areas where improvements can be made, such as governance, management systems, capacity building, resource utilization & inclusivity.
  • Identify which structures could be enhanced & if they would be associated with NWRA or IO. The consultant will determine if the community structures would be associated with the NWRA or the IO. Additionally, the consultant will assess the identified community structures to determine which ones have potential for enhancement. This evaluation will involve analyzing their strengths & weaknesses using the SWOT methodology. By applying this methodology, the consultant will identify areas where improvements can be made, such as governance, management systems, capacity building, resource utilization & inclusivity.
  • Coordinate with NWRA, IO, our client & local authorities to identify the number of structures as per specific criteria. Under this activity, the consultant will actively coordinate with the NWRA, the IO our client & local authorities to determine the criteria that will guide the selection process for the structures in targeted areas. These criteria may encompass various factors such as the number of farmers, representation of women farmers, proximity to water sources & other relevant considerations. Through active partnerships, the consultant will work towards developing comprehensive criteria for determining the optimal number of structures. To facilitate this endeavor, the consultant will organize multiple meetings & consultations with the NWRA, the IO & local authorities. These gatherings will serve the purpose of fostering coordination, cooperation & mutual understanding to finalize the selection of areas where water user associations will be established. By engaging with these key stakeholders, the consultant will ensure a collaborative decision making process & gain valuable insights for the successful establishment of WUA’s.

Objective 2:

  • Formation & establishment of the WUA’s in Al Mawaset & Al Selw in Taiz & Al Mosaymer in Lahj based on the guideline of formation of WUA’s & alliances at water basin areas guideline published by FAO in 2018.

Preparing & motivating target communities, within this activity, the consultant will focus on preparing & empowering local communities to embrace positive & cooperative attitudes towards the establishment of WUA’s in their respective areas. A comprehensive approach will be adopted, utilizing various communication channels such as publications, brochures, awareness sessions & meetings. After arriving at the number of structures to be established in each district, the consultant will conduct awareness campaigns to targeted communities across 3 districts, providing them with the necessary support & guidance. To ensure effective community engagement, the consultant will enlist the assistance of experienced consultants & community activists who specialize in community mobilization. Their expertise will be instrumental in encouraging active participation, particularly from women, who will be encouraged to play a vital role in the process. Also, the consultant will foster a sense of ownership & motivation within the communities. By highlighting the benefits of WUA’s & emphasizing the importance of collective action, community members will be encouraged to actively participate in the establishment & operation of these associations. This activity including the following:

  • Coordinates with the local authorities & dignitaries at districts level to enable the environment for WUAs establishment process. To create an enabling environment for the establishment process of WUAs, the consultant will actively coordinate with local authorities & dignitaries at the district level including agriculture & IO’s. This coordination aims to foster collaboration & obtain support from key stakeholders, ensuring a smooth & successful establishment process for the WUAs. By engaging with local authorities, such as district level officials & representatives, the consultant will work towards aligning the objectives of the WUAs with the broader development plans & strategies of the respective districts. This collaboration will help in addressing any regulatory or administrative requirements, ensuring that the necessary permissions, licenses & legal procedures are followed during the establishment process. Additionally, the consultant will seek the involvement of local dignitaries who hold influential positions within the districts. By garnering their support & endorsement, the consultant can enhance community engagement & participation in the establishment of WUAs as well as generating awareness, building trust & encouraging community members to actively contribute to the establishment process.
  • Select well qualified motivation teams & hold meetings at the sub district level (one meeting per each sub district) to provide information to the motivation team, work procedures & the steps of the formation of WUAs. The consultant will undertake the task of recruiting highly qualified motivation teams & conducting meetings at the sub district level, with one meeting dedicated to each sub district. These meetings will serve as platforms to provide comprehensive information to the motivation teams regarding their roles, work procedures & the step by step process of establishing WUA’s. The consultant can seek support from the Community Mobilizer / Mappers nominated by each district while conducting the inception workshops in each district. These community mappers are supposed to receive some trainings to support implementation of related activities at community level. To ensure the effectiveness of the motivation teams, the consultant should carefully select competent individuals with the necessary skills & expertise in community mobilization & engagement. These teams will play a crucial role in inspiring & motivating local communities to actively participate in the formation of WUA’s. During the sub district level meetings, the consultant will furnish the motivation teams with detailed information about the formation procedures of WUAs. This will include sharing insights on the legal requirements, administrative processes & best practices for establishing & managing WUAs. The consultant will also provide guidance on effective communication strategies, community outreach & stakeholder engagement to facilitate the successful formation of WUAs.

Organize individual meetings at the village level, during each meeting the following shall be discussed, the consultant will organize individual meetings at the village level, where important topics related to WUA formation will be discussed. Each meeting will serve as a platform to address the following key areas:

  • The importance of WUA formation: The consultant will highlight the significance of establishing WUAs & their pivotal role in effectively managing water resources. This discussion will underscore how WUAs contribute to sustainable water management practices & the overall well being of the community.
  • Promoting women’s participation in water resource management: Recognizing the vital role of women in water resource management, the consultant will emphasize the importance of their active involvement. By encouraging women’s participation, the consultant aims to foster gender equality & ensure diverse perspectives in decision making processes related to water resources.
  • Explaining the scope, future & sustainability of WUAs: The consultant will provide a comprehensive overview of the WUA’s scope of work, clarifying its objectives & responsibilities. Additionally, the consultant will discuss the long term vision & sustainability of the WUA, emphasizing the importance of community participation for its success.
  • Selection of focal points: To facilitate effective communication & representation, the consultant will guide the process of selecting two focal points from each village. These focal points will consist of one male & one female, ensuring diverse perspectives & equal gender representation within the WUA. The chosen individuals will act as key liaisons between the WUA and their respective villages.

Support forming a preparation committee from all villages (the two focal points, man & woman from each village) to take over the following tasks. To ensuring the local community involvement & ownership in the formation of WUAs & facilitating the formation of WUA’s, the consultant will extend support in establishing a preparation committee consisting of the selected male & female focal points from each village. This committee will be entrusted with the following tasks:

  • Compilation of WUA member list: The preparation committee, in collaboration with community members, will compile a comprehensive list of WUA members. This list will include the names, mobile contact details & signatures of individuals who have expressed their willingness to actively participate in the WUA.
  • Drafting the WUA constitution: The preparation committee will take the lead in drafting the constitution for the WUA. This document will outline the governance structure, roles & responsibilities of members, decision making processes & any other relevant provisions necessary for the effective functioning of the WUA.
  • Determining the establishment meeting date: The committee will propose a specific date for the WUA establishment meeting. This meeting will serve as a formal gathering where community members, as well as relevant stakeholders, will come together to officially establish the WUA.
  • Preparing the official request for formation: The preparation committee will be responsible for drafting an official request to the local office of social affairs & labour, seeking their approval for the formation of the WUA. This request will outline the purpose, objectives & importance of the WUA, seeking the necessary endorsement & support from the local authorities.

Ensure establishment of WWUA groups & women coordination councils as stipulated in the formation of WUA & alliances at water basin areas guideline.

  • Working closely with local communities, the consultant will establish the WWUA groups & women coordination councils as outlined in the formation of WUA & alliances at water basin areas guideline. This process aims to promote gender equality, women’s empowerment & active participation in water resource management which will serve as dedicated platforms for women to engage, voice their perspectives & contribute to decision making processes related to water resources. These groups will provide a supportive environment for women to collectively address their specific needs & concerns.

Completing the procedures for organizing the establishment of associations, to streamline the establishment process of WUA’s, the consultant will undertake the following procedures:

  • Liaison with the office of social affairs & labor: The consultant will establish effective communication channels with the office of social affairs & labor to ensure seamless coordination & support for the establishment & registration of the agreed upon number of WUAs in each district. Specifically, the consultant will assist the WUAs in obtaining all the necessary documents required for their establishment & registration. This includes providing guidance & assistance in fulfilling any legal & administrative requirements.
  • Reviewing WUA documents & supporting completion: The consultant will carefully review the documentation submitted by the WUAs, including their members’ list & constitution. Through this review process, the consultant will ensure that all required information is accurately captured & any gaps or discrepancies are addressed. The consultant will provide guidance & support to the WUAs in completing & refining their documents to meet the necessary standards.
  • Ensuring completion of all documents & arrangements: The consultant will meticulously oversee the entire process, ensuring that all required documents & arrangements are completed in a timely manner. This includes verifying that the WUA members’ list & constitution are finalized & all other relevant paperwork is properly prepared. Once these documents are finalized, the consultant will ensure their effective sharing & submission to the local office of social affairs & labor for the formal establishment & registration of the WUAs.

Conducting the election processes, under this activity, the consultant aims to ensure a transparent & inclusive election process for the establishment of WUA’s, the consultant will undertake the following initiatives:

  • Ensuring nomination of focal points: The consultant will ensure that both male & female focal points nominated by each village actively participate in the WUA establishing elections. This will promote equal representation & encourage diverse perspectives in the decision making process.
  • Supporting the WUA general assembly establishing meeting: The consultant will provide support in organizing the WUA general assembly establishing meeting. This includes selecting an appropriate location & scheduling the meeting at a suitable time that enables maximum attendance & active participation, particularly from women. By facilitating a conducive environment, the consultant aims to promote the engagement of all community members in the election process.
  • Facilitating the first meeting of elected boards & committees: The consultant will assist in facilitating the first meeting of the elected boards & committees. This meeting will focus on dividing tasks & authorities among the members to ensure effective governance & operational efficiency within the WUA.
  • Publishing election results: The consultant will ensure that the election results are published in one of the official daily newspapers. This transparent dissemination of information will promote accountability, trust & confidence among the community members regarding the election outcomes.
  • Follow up on official permissions & documents: The consultant will diligently follow up with the relevant official authorities to ensure the issuance of necessary permissions, such as conducting business & the provision of identity cards of membership & other required documents for the WUA. This proactive approach will enable the WUA to operate effectively & in compliance with legal & administrative regulations.
  • Ensuring gender engagement & representation: In line with promoting gender equality & inclusion, the consultant will strive to achieve a minimum of 30% representation of women within the WUA establishment. This commitment to gender balance will ensure diverse perspectives, equal participation & effective decision making within the WUA.

Objective 3:

  • Enhancing the WUAs Boards of Directors skills technically & administratively as well as supporting them to develop the internal regulations, by law, administration, financial system & action plan for each WUA as stipulated by.

Provide the WUAs with the required training, to enhance the capabilities & effectiveness of WUA’s, the consultant will provide the necessary training through the following sub activities:

  • 2 day training for the Board of Directors: The consultant will conduct a comprehensive 2 day training program specifically designed for at least 12 members of each WUA’s Board of Directors. This training will focus on equipping them with the knowledge & skills required to actively contribute to the technical & administrative development of the WUA. By enhancing their capabilities, the consultant aims to empower the board members to effectively fulfill their roles & responsibilities.
  • Support in developing internal regulations: The consultant will extend support to the WUAs in the development of internal regulations, by laws, administration protocols, financial systems & action plans. These elements are stipulated by the MoSAL & are essential for the smooth functioning and governance of the WUAs. The consultant will provide guidance & assistance to ensure that these documents are comprehensive, aligned with regulations & tailored to the specific needs & context of each WUA.

Provide a report (supported with photos) documenting the WUAs establishment process, WUA structure, list of WUA membership, Bard of Directors & oversight committee for each WUAs. The consultant will compile a comprehensive report, supplemented with relevant photographs, documenting the entire process of establishing the WUA’s. This report will provide an overview of the WUAs structures, including the composition of the Boards of Directors & oversight committees, as well as the list of WUAs memberships. The report will encompass the following key elements:

  • WUAs establishment process: The consultant will outline the step by step process followed in establishing the WUAs, highlighting the key milestones & activities undertaken. This will provide a clear understanding of the efforts invested in forming these associations.
  • WUAs structures: The report will present the organizational structure of each WUA, showcasing the roles & responsibilities of the Board of Directors & oversight committee. This will demonstrate the governance framework & decision making hierarchy within the WUAs.
  • List of WUAs memberships: A comprehensive list of WUA members will be included, detailing the names & relevant contact information of individuals who have become members of each association. This will provide transparency & facilitate future communication & engagement with the members.
  • The report will include a profile of each established WUA, its boundaries, sub districts / valleys it covers, copies of the documents / permits associated with its formations & any other relevant information.
  • Boards of Directors & oversight committees: The report will introduce the members of the Board of Directors & oversight committee for each WUA, highlighting their respective roles & responsibilities. This will showcase the diverse expertise & representation within these governing bodies. The relevant photographs will be included. These images will capture key moments, such as the WUA establishment meetings, election processes & the involvement of community members.

Key milestones:

  • Milestone: Inception report (methodology, tools, stakeholders & workplan).

    Time allocation: 7 days

    Approving officer: Project Manager

    Percentage of payment: 40%

  • Milestone: Results of the mapping exercise including details information of the structures to be created in each district approved by official authorities (NWRA, IO & local authorities).

    Time allocation: 25 days

  • Milestone: A copy of official registration license of established WUAs along with each WUA’s boards of directors’ members list endorsed & stamped by official authorities. Lists of water user groups, women water user groups & women coordination councils for each WUA properly classified & organized should be provided.

    Time allocation: 30 days

    Approving officer: Project Manager

    Percentage of payment: 40%

  • Milestone: Final report including annexes of by law, action plan & training materials provided for established WUA.

    Time allocation: 8 days

    Approving officer: Project Manager

    Percentage of payment: 20%

Project reporting

  • The national consultant will under the direct supervision of the Project Manager & relevant colleagues in our clients Yemen country office such as Gender.

Key competencies

  • Bachelor’s degree in the field of public administration, economics, development issues or related field with at least 7 years of practical experience in the design & implementation of community based institutional frameworks & mechanisms.
  • Experience of efficient community mobilization, preferably on water management issues.
  • Proficiency in English, excellent analytical & presentation skills.
  • Knowledge & working experience with our client, the UN system & INGOs particularly with emergency & recovery program.
  • Good knowledge of written & spoken English & Arabic is an asset.
  • Understanding of the political, social & cultural background of the country & regional dynamics is greatly desirable.
  • Experience in enhancing women’s participation in water resource management.
  • Knowledge & understanding of establishing community structures especially WUAs.
  • Outstanding time management, organizational & interpersonal skills.
  • Proven knowledge of & sustained experience with local authorities in Yemen, preferably in target governorates.
  • Fluent in Arabic & English.
  • Proven knowledge of & sustained experience with local authorities in Yemen, preferably in target governorates.
  • Exerts strict adherence to corporate rules, regulations & procedures.
  • Demonstrates integrity & ethical standards.
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality & age sensitivity & adaptability.
  • Exhibits positive, constructive attitude to work, teamwork spirit & ability to operate under pressure.
  • Knowledge sharing / continuous learning.
  • Appropriate & transparent decision making.
  • Promotes the vision, mission & strategic goals of our client.
  • Experience & qualifications in agriculture, water management & WUAs.
  • Training & community development experience.
  • Demonstrated ability of analytical & research skills.
  • Ability to perform administrative & procedural activities to ensure that quality requirements & goals are fulfilled.
  • Proven & demonstrated technical abilities in the required field of expertise in addition to good interpersonal skills.
  • Excellent ability to communicate in English both written & spoken.
  • Good computer knowledge in MS Office applications (Word, Excel, Power Point).
  • Good writing & drafting abilities for the purpose of writing clear & concise reports.
  • Ability to work under pressure & to meet deadlines.
  • Demonstrates openness to change & ability to manage complexities.
  • Excellent organizational, communicative, time management & teamwork skills.

Team management

  • This role has no team management responsibility.

Further information

  • Qualified female candidates are encouraged to apply for this role.

How to apply

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