Data collection services in Belgium and France for the RUM project on outreach towards undocumented migrants - Tenders Global

Data collection services in Belgium and France for the RUM project on outreach towards undocumented migrants

Danish Refugee Council

Data collection services in Belgium and France for the RUM project on outreach towards undocumented migrants

  1. Who is the Danish Refugee Council?

The Danish Refugee Council

Founded in 1956, the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is a leading international NGO and one of the few with a specific expertise in forced displacement. Active in 40 countries with 9,000 employees and supported by 7,500 volunteers, DRC protects, advocates, and builds sustainable futures for refugees and other displacement affected people and communities. DRC works during displacement at all stages: In the acute crisis, in displacement, when settling and integrating in a new place, or upon return. DRC provides protection and life-saving humanitarian assistance; supports displaced persons in becoming self-reliant and included into hosting societies; and works with civil society and responsible authorities to promote protection of rights and peaceful coexistence.

The Mixed Migration Centre

Part of DRC, the Mixed Migration Centre (MMC) is a leading source for independent and high-quality data, research, analysis and expertise on mixed migration. The MMC aims to increase understanding of mixed migration, to positively impact global and regional migration policies, to inform evidence-based protection responses for people on the move and to stimulate forward thinking in public and policy debates on mixed migration. The MMC’s overarching focus is on human rights and protection for all people on the move. The three overall objectives of the MMC are:

  • To contribute to a better, more nuanced and balanced understanding of mixed migration (knowledge)
  • To contribute to evidence-based and better-informed migration policies and debates (policy)
  • To contribute to effective evidence-based protection responses for people on the move (programming)

The MMC is a global network, with regional hubs in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America hosted in DRC regional offices, and a small central team in Geneva. The MMC is part of, and governed by, DRC. While its institutional link to DRC ensures MMC’s work is grounded in operational reality, it acts as an independent source of data, research, analysis, and policy development on mixed migration for policy makers, practitioners, journalists, and the broader humanitarian sector. The position of the MMC does not necessarily reflect the position of DRC.

MMC Europe is currently operational in Europe through several data collection initiatives. MMC Europe is collecting data in Italy, Greece and Spain on a number of different initiatives focusing on various topics, including: impact of irregularity on access to services and employment; migration-related decision making along journeys in Europe; understanding of mixed movements and the associated protection risks for refugees and migrants arriving through the Western Mediterranean and Atlantic routes; discrimination for people of migratory background in access to housing.

For more information on MMC visit our website here:

  1. Purpose of the consultancy

The MMC, based in Geneva seeks proposals from a consultant to conduct quantitative data collection (survey administration) in Belgium and France. Brussels and Paris are priority locations and others could be included during the inception phase.

  1. Background

As migrant receiving countries increasingly focus on ‘return and reintegration’ as a cornerstone of their migration management practices, much more evidence is needed to understand how sustainable such practices are, as well as the impact they have on migrants. This includes a deeper understanding of how irregular migrants view, understand and perceive return options from Europe to their country of origin. A better understanding of migrants’ views and perceptions is crucial to design more humane, rights-based, and sustainable return and reintegration programmes and policies into the future.

Data collection in France and Belgium will take place as part of the EU-funded REACH OUT project, bringing together member states and think thanks to better understand undocumented migrants’ profiles, journeys, access to basic services, knowledge/understanding/perception of return options with a particular focus on Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR) programmes.

  1. Objective of the consultancy

Research objectives

Within the framework of the REACH OUT project, MMC will conduct a new data collection initiative in France and in Belgium, focusing on undocumentedmigrants’ profiles and drivers, journeys in Europe, access to basic services, migration decision making processes, knowledge/understanding/perception of return options with a particular focus on Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR) programmes.

The research design will focus on quantitative data collection methods. All interviews will be conducted using a survey questionnaire provided by MMC.

Target population

  • Migrants with irregular status in the country of interview
  • 18+ years old
  • From a limited number of prioritized nationalities, specific to each country.
  • A quota (see below) of former Unaccompanied Minors (at the time of arrival in EU)

Sample size

The target for data collection will be 500 surveys in each country (500 in Belgium, 500 in France) divided as follows:

  • 500 surveys conducted with respondents with an irregular status in France

    • Of which at least 100 former Unaccompanied Minors (at the time of arrival in EU)
  • 500 surveys conducted with respondents with an irregular status in Belgium

    • Of which at least 100 former Unaccompanied Minors (at the time of arrival in EU)

Data collection must be conducted in accordance with MMC’s methodology and research objectives, in close cooperation with the MMC team.

Interview questions

The quantitative survey will serve to identify quantitative (yet non-representative) tendencies among the target population, using the 4Mi survey developed by MMC. The questionnaire will cover the following topics:

  • Profiles of respondents (main demographics, sex, age, education, area of origin, migration status).
  • Journeys and experiences in Europe (last transit country before entering EU, country transited in Europe, financing and access to information).
  • Drivers for migration and planning of the journey (migration drivers, influences).
  • Conditions and access to basic services in the country of interview (legal status; access to healthcare, work; housing; education and housing, and obstacles faced in obtaining such rights and services; relations with local communities and authorities; safety; access to income support; living standards; likeliness to access residence and work permits; safety).
  • Migration decision making (movement intentions – staying, moving onward, returning; preferred destination; expectations).
  • knowledge/understanding/perception of AVRR programmes (sources of information, knowledge and perception of AVRR, factors impacting the decision to return, obstacles to voluntary return).

Data collection

Surveys are planned to be conducted face-to-face through electronic data collection (text-based survey solution on phones/tablets).

The survey will be administered in French OR English. Enumerators shall all have a good command of French to receive training in this language.

The purpose of this consultancy is to to recruit consultants or consultancy firms to conduct quantitative data collection (administration of surveys) in France and Belgium. The final data collection locations will be decided jointly with the selected consultant(s). Prioritized cities include:

  • Belgium: Brussels
  • France: Paris

IMPORTANT: Applicants can decide whether they want to submit their proposal for data collection in both countries, or only one country.

  1. Scope of work and Methodology

Specifically, the consultant is expected to:

  1. Recruit, contract and supervise a network of enumerators in line with MMC SOPs;
  2. Organize a training for enumerators (that will be facilitated by MMC) in each country, providing an adequate room for this;
  3. Collect 500 surveys in the defined areas of data collection in electronic format (ODK), according to the workplan agreed upon in advance with MMC;
  4. Cover potential phone credit and transportation prices;
  5. Provide phones or tablets (hardware) to its enumerators for electronic data collection;
  6. Support in identifying respondents;
  7. Conduct data validation and cleaning in accordance with MMC SOPs
  8. Ensure methodological guidelines shared by MMC are applied for the survey;
  9. Regularly submit clean datasets in the digital format specified by MMC.
  10. Designate a focal point and set up regular reporting and discussion with MMC teams, especially during the data collection phase to ensure efficient data collection and high-quality standards.

MMC will provide:

  1. Methodology and research tools for quantitative data collection, already coded in ODK format and translated in the relevant languages.
  2. Training for enumerators and/or training of trainers on relevant concepts, methodology, the questionnaire, principles and ethics of research in the field, Code of conduct.
  3. Context analysis, including the contact of a number of organizations which will facilitate access to respondents in both countries.
  4. The backend infrastructure (server, ONA administration) for electronic data collection on the phones provided by the consultant.
  5. Guidelines for data validation and cleaning / spot checks for quality control. Direct validation and cleaning by MMC to be discussed depending on the consultant’s capacities.

General requirements:

  • The consultant is responsible for all aspects of data security and data protection for the duration of the contract.
  • The consultant is responsible for frequently reporting to MMC on progress and any issues regarding deliverables, the timeline, and data quality. When designating a focal point for this project, the consultant should:
    • Ensure that the focal point has direct supervision over the enumerators in order to secure a direct line of communication and reactivity between both parties;
  • The consultant is responsible for adhering to ethical guidelines detailed in the research protocol.
  • The consultant is responsible for providing insurance and ensuring compliance regarding human resources.
  1. Deliverables

The Consultant will submit the following deliverables, for each country:


Expected deliverables

Indicative description tasks

Phase 1

Inception phase

Inception report

An inception report detailing modalities for carrying out the agreed tasks for the entire length of the project including: composition of the team, suggested coordination mechanism between the implementing partner(s), local organisations and MMC, and all the other elements needed for an effective implementation of the activities and proper coordination with MMC.

Phase 2


Data collection field pilot report

Test of the survey followed by a short report on the field pilot for potential methodological/technical adjustments to be discussed with MMC before data collection.

Phase 3

Data collection

Survey dataset

Collection of 500 high-quality quantitative interviews in the agreed locations, in electronic format. Surveys are expected to be collected from the beginning of the data collection period and consistently throughout it, with a weekly quota to be established.

A full review of data collection trends will be carried out after the first three months of data collection, to assess advancement and discuss any adjustment needed.

Phase 4

Finalisation of dataset

All data collection documentation

Full documentation regarding data collection, including notes and observations on any changes or modifications.

To carry out the above-mentioned deliverables, it is expected that the applicant will identify the following positions within the team:

  • Project manager, responsible for the overall implementation of the project and coordination with MMC.
  • Field coordinator(s), responsible for the supervision of the enumerators team(s) and for ensuring that data collection proceeds successfully. The number of field coordinators is to be proposed by the consultant, also depending on whether the proposal is single- or multi-country.
  • Enumerators, directly responsible for collecting the surveys. The number of enumerators is to be proposed by the consultant, also depending on whether the proposal is single- or multi-country. The number should not be lower than 3 per country.

The consultant will provide the documentation by email in Excel format (database of quantitative surveys) and Word format (field pilot report, final notes and observations).

  1. Duration, timeline, and payment


Period envisaged

Methodological & operational design (data collection sites, respondent recruitment criteria, etc.) (by MMC)

January-March 2024

Survey coding and translation (by MMC)

March 2024

Contractualization of data collection consultant

March-April 2023

Trainings of enumerators (organised by consultant, content and facilitation provided by MMC)

April 2024

Field pilot (3 days)

April 2024

Data collection of 500 surveys per country.

Surveys are expected to be collected from the beginning of the data collection period and consistently throughout it, with an average weekly quota to be established

April to end of December 2024 (with full review in July 2024)

Validation and cleaning of quantitative data


Estimated start date of consultancy: 15th April 2024

Date of submission of the finalized dataset: 31st of December 2024

MMC estimates that the above activities will require approximately 55 days of work per country over the indicated period.

  1. Eligibility, qualification, and experience required
  • Research organization, university, think tank, NGO, CSO, or consultancy company with extensive track record in conducting surveys and ensuring data quality in France and Belgium.
  • Legal authorization and operational capacity to independently carry out data collection in France and Belgium, expertise in data collection specifically the use of an electronic survey tool in respect of the highest research standards.
  • Proven expertise in researching or implementing projects on mixed migration, smuggling of migrants and with undocumented people on sensitive topics.
  • A proven experience in engaging with migrants.
  • Languages: French is essential, other relevant languages would be a plus (Arabic, Farsi, Urdu, Dari, Pashto).
  • The selected organisation will have to sign and comply with DRC’s code of conduct.
  1. Technical supervision

The assessment shall be completed in close cooperation with MMC Europe. The selected consultant will work under the supervision of Océane Uzureau, 4Mi Project Officer Belgium/France.

  1. Location and support

The assignment will take place in the cities of Brussels and Paris. Other data collection locations in the two countries could be added during the inception phase or later upon agreement between MMC Europe and the consultant. All interviews are to be conducted face-to-face.

The Consultant will be expected to arrange transportation, accommodation, adequate equipment (including data collection devices such as tablets or phones), phone credit, insurance, food for its team, and to make adequate provision in the Financial Proposal.

  1. Travel

If the consultant expects team members to travel between research locations within the same country, it is responsible for all logistical, administrative and financial arrangements, and should make adequate provision in the Financial proposal.

  1. Submission process

Please see Request for Proposal (RFP) section III, clause A

Candidates should submit an application including:

  • Documents requested in the Request for Proposal (RFP), section III, clause A
  • Cover Letter
  • CV including references of previous relevant publications (max. 4 pages)
  • Example of written work
  • Technical proposal (max 10 pages) including: proposed approach and workplan, proposed profiles for the team (team leader, enumerators…)
  • Financial proposal: budget (in CHF), which shall cover all costs over the course of the consultancy. The budget should be broken down as described below:

A. Consultancy fees – daily and total

B. Technical costs – phones, etc.

C. Travel costs, if applicable

D. Miscellaneous (e.g. insurance, printing, etc. – please specify in the financial proposal)

IMPORTANT: Candidates wishing to submit multi-country proposals should present a separate technical and financial proposal for each country.

  1. Evaluation of bids

The evaluation process consists of three stages: 1) Administrative, 2) Technical and 3) Financial. This process is explained in the Request for Proposal (RFP), section III.

Only those shortlisted will be contacted for an interview with the panel to ensure their understanding of the consultancy services.

  1. Terms and conditions

The consultant(s) will report directly to Océane Uzureau, 4Mi Project Officer for MMC Europe, with regular updates (at least bi-monthly) and sharing of partial data and feedback and observations at intervals before the final deadlines for deliverables. They are also likely to interact with other MMC Europe staff, and partners to the project.

  • Payment for the consultancy will be made as follows (per country):
  • 20% at the signature of the contract
  • 30% upon satisfactory receipt of the first 250 surveys
  • 50% upon satisfactory receipt of the last 250 surveys and final data collection documentation.

All information presented, obtained and produced is to be treated as the client’s property and is considered as confidential for all purposes other than what is outlined in these ToR. Upon signing the consultancy contract, the selected consultant will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement. The material prepared by the consultant cannot be sold, used or reproduced in any manner (partially or in full) by the consultant without prior permission from MMC.

How to apply

Please apply through DRC website

To help us track our recruitment effort, please indicate in your email/cover letter where ( you saw this job posting.

Job Location