Expert in Inter-institutional Coordination IPA CARE Programme - Tenders Global

Expert in Inter-institutional Coordination IPA CARE Programme

MSB - Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap

Expert in Inter-institutional Coordination IPA CARE Programme


The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) is looking for an expert in institutional strengthening with focus of integrating the sector of civil protection and health. The expert will be working for IPA CARE Programme, which is an EU funded capacity development Programme running from March 2023 to February 2029 with focus on Albania, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Kosovo*, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Türkiye. The programme is implemented by a consortium of civil protection authorities and research institutes where MSB serves as the Coordinator. The overall objective of the Programme is to contribute to increased resilience in this region, in particular to earthquakes and health emergencies. Specific objectives include:(1.) enhanced institutional and legal frameworks and capacities on disaster risk reduction related in particular to earthquakes and health emergencies; (2.) increased prevention, preparedness and response capabilities at regional, cross-border and local levels and (3.) increased participation in and cooperation with the EU Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM), including regional cross-border cooperation. IPA CARE Programme is divided into nine work packages, corresponding to the three main objectives. The expert will be responsible for work package 1.2. Inter-institutional Cooperation, which falls under the first Programme objective.

*The designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

Introduction swedish

Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MBS) söker en expert inom inter-institutionell förstärkning med fokus på att integrera sektorn för civilskydd och hälsa. Experten kommer att arbete inom IPA CARE Programme, ett EU-finansierat kapacitetsutvecklingsprogram (2023-29) vars målgruppsländer omfattar Albanien, Bosnien-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Nordmakedonien, Serbien och Turkiet. Programmet avser att stärka målgruppsländernas förmåga att förebygga risker för jordbävningar och hälsokriser samt stärka deras beredskap och operativa förmåga med EU:s civilskyddsmekanism (UCPM). Programmets huvudmål är att: (1) stärka de juridiska och institutionella ramverken inom katastrofriskhantering, med fokus på jordbävningar och hälsokriser, (2) bygga kapacitet inom förebyggande, beredskap inför och insatser vid jordbävningar och hälsorelaterade kriser och (3) stärka beredskapen och den operativa förmågan att agera regionalt, över gränser och på lokal nivå liksom ge och ta emot stöd inom ramen för EU:s civilskyddsmekanism UCPM. Programmet omfattar nio arbetspaket som svarar mot de tre projektmålen. Experten kommer att ansvara för arbetspaket 1.2. ’Inter-institutional Cooperation’, som faller under det första projektmålet. Programmet implementeras av ett konsortium av olika civilskyddsmyndigheter och forskningsinstitutet där MSB är koordinator.


The expert in Inter-institutional Coordination will work under the direct supervision of the IPA CARE Team Leader.
He/she will work in an integrated manner with two other work packages: 1.1.a legal and institutional frameworks focusing on health and 3.1 Regional cooperation.
Tasks include:
• Reaching agreements with all seven partners on the aim of the institutional strengthening, both from the side of civil protection authorities but also aligned with the health crisis management.
• Support and contribute to further development of legal frameworks, strategies and practical working methods for civil protection authorities.
• Contributing to exercises (Table Top Exercises and Discussion Based Exercises) on the improved cooperation between civil protection authorities and health emergencies actors.
• Reporting on the work through activity reports and material for external communication.
• Plan, conduct, report and develop capacity development activities based on the aims, objectives and outputs of Work Package 1.2 Inter-institutional Coordination.
This contract period to focus on:
o developing and conducting national workshops on standard-operation procedures for inter-institutional coordination
o preparing for discussion-based exercises

• Possibility to extend the contract to continue with the following activities.



• Proven experience in international institutional strengthening of crisis management for governmental organisations
• Proven experience in international capacity building of interagency coordination for governmental organisations
• Ability of self-managing, with a result driven attitude, including reporting on conducted activities and achieved results
• Experience in the development and conduction of discussion-based exercises and table- top exercise in the field of work.
• Structured approach to addressing tasks, strong administrative skills and working in an organised way.
• Experience of working in multi-cultural environment with high level participation.
• Experience of working with organizations involved in Civil Protection initiatives in Western Balkan and Türkiye is an advantage.
• Experience of working within the EU Civil Protection Mechanism is an advantage.


University degree (Bachelor minimum), preferably in political science, law, international relations, disaster risk management or other relevant area.


Proficiency written and spoken English. Knowledge of languages of the concerned region is an advantage

Other requirements

We are looking for persons with a strong commitment towards humanitarian relief and disaster operations. It is of utmost priority that you understand, respect and act in the spirit of the mandate and core values of the MSB. Prior to employment a medical examination must be carried out and the results must be approved by the MSB. Certain diseases and conditions can preclude international deployment. If you have any questions regarding the MSB’s health requirements, please contact
our medical coordinators, [email protected]
You must inform your regular employer of your potential assignment with the MSB. MSB operations are based on the needs of populations affected by crisis, and human equality. Through my behaviour and work as MSB field staff, I actively strive to prevent discrimination and harassment based on sex, ethnic origin, age, religion or belief, political opinion, disability, sexual orientation and gender identity or expression.


It is of utmost priority that the candidate understands, respects and acts in the spirit of the mandate and core values of the EU and MSB. The candidate must possess a high level of professional and personal maturity, especially in relation to the conflict sensitivity in the region. An ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with the IPA CARE Team Leader, Programme management, partner organisations, experts as well as external partners is desired. The candidate enjoys working in a multi-cultural environment, demonstrates initiative, is flexible, solution-oriented and feels comfortable working in a high-pace working environment. Personal characteristics will be of value for the position. Social qualities such as responsive communication and interpersonal skills are considered an asset for this position, as well as cultural, gender and conflict sensitivity.

Contractual conditions

The working period is of 12 months: September/October 2024 – August/September 2025 (starting date can be discussed). Possibility for extension of the contract.
This is a fixed-term position during the period of 12 months with an estimated working period of 55 days. The work load will fluctuate monthly, with an average of approximately 4 working days per month, not exceeding a total of 55 working days.
The work will be conducted from Sweden (remotely from an agreed workplace provided by the employee) and on site in the programme partner countries of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Türkiye.

How to apply:
If you wish to apply to this position you first need to create an account on MyPages. Please note; the information that you provide on MyPages will form the basis for your CV. When you have created you account and registered your CV-details on MyPages you submit your application by clicking on the “Apply” button in the add, and the follow the specified steps. If you already have an account on Mypages you can go directly to Apply-botton. If you find any trouble with MyPages, please contact our mypagess support; [email protected]

It is your responsibility as an applicant to document your skills in a way that allows an objective and qualitative assessment. As a government agency we are subject to the principle of public access to official records. This means that if someone requests copies of application documents, we are obliged to disclose them.

Please note that your application need to be in English.

If you have any questions, please contact HR Officer: Amanda Blixt phone +46 10-240 5363 or e-mail: [email protected]

Welcome with your application!

Application deadline


Point of contact

Daniel Thunberg
[email protected]

To help us track our recruitment effort, please indicate in your cover/motivation letter where ( you saw this job posting.

Job Location