Feasibility Assessment for artistic humorous activities with children affected by crisis and displacement in Jordan - Tenders Global

Feasibility Assessment for artistic humorous activities with children affected by crisis and displacement in Jordan

  • Contract
  • Jordan
  • Posted 5 months ago

RED NOSES Clowndoctors International



RED NOSES International is an artistic organisation bringing humour and laughter to people in need of joy. Through interactive artistic interventions, training and partnerships, advocacy and research, RED NOSES aims to improve the emotional well-being, social inclusion, and supportive environments of its audiences. By engaging with different groups of people through different artistic formats, the RED NOSES healthcare clowns cultivate human connection, delve into emotions and transform them through playful interactions, igniting feelings of joy, hope, self-expression and creativity through humour.

The journey of RED NOSES in Jordan started in 2014 as part of the RED NOSES International programme “Emergency Smile”, our programme to provide psychosocial support to people facing crisis through the art of clowning (to read more about RED NOSES Emergency Smile activities, formats and their impact on the participants, please read these 2019 and 2023 evaluation reports). At that time, clown visits were conducted to camps of Syrian and Palestinian refugees (Zaatari, Al Azraq, Baqaa, and Emirati). In parallel, regular clown visits started taking place at the “King Hussein Cancer Centre” and “Doctors Without Borders Hospital” in Amman, both of whom became strong partners of RED NOSES. Since 2014, the programmes and clown team in Jordan continued to grow and expand to other hospitals and facilities to provide support to other groups of people including older adults and non-refugee children. The organisation was officially registered in Jordan in 2017 and became the 11th organisation of RED NOSES International group.

In recent years, political upheavals and conflicts in the MENA region have had a profound impact on Jordan, particularly in terms of the influx of refugees and forced migration. Jordan has consistently provided a safe place for those fleeing violence and instability in neighbouring countries. The ongoing Syrian civil war has led to a significant refugee crisis, with hundreds of thousands seeking refuge in Jordan. Additionally, the conflict in Iraq, intensified by the rise of ISIS in 2014, and the ongoing conflict in Yemen, which escalated in 2015, have further exacerbated the refugee situation in the region. More recently, the economic and political crisis in Lebanon since 2019 has also contributed to increased migration flows to Jordan. According to UNHCR, by end of 2023 Jordan hosted over 720,000 refugees of different nationalities. This influx has placed considerable strain on Jordan’s resources, infrastructure, and economy, as the country grapples with the challenges of accommodating and providing for the needs of a large refugee population. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has added another layer of complexity to the situation, exacerbating the economic challenges and putting additional pressure on Jordan’s healthcare system. The presence of refugees has contributed to social and political tensions within Jordan, as the government and local communities navigate the complexities of integrating refugees while ensuring the security and stability of the country.

Considering the high number of people living in crisis in Jordan, RED NOSES International has decided to recentre the focus of their activities to better answer the needs of people affected by crisis and displacement, especially children involved in forced migration and living in hardship conditions, unaccompanied minors, but also their support networks including their families and the host communities.

To be able to tailor its interventions in the best way, RED NOSES International wishes to carry out a feasibility assessment for artistic humorous activities for children in Jordan who are affected by crisis and displacement.

Interested candidates are invited to submit their proposal according to these Terms of Reference.

Feasibility objectives

The objectives of the feasibility assessment are:

  • To get detailed information about the current context, living conditions and quality of life (basic needs, access to housing, health care, education, social protection, recreational activities) of children affected by crisis and displacement, including children involved in forced migration and living in hardship conditions, unaccompanied minors, but also their support networks including their families and the host communities in Jordan.
  • To get a detailed overview of the international and local partners (such as governmental, non-governmental, community-based, faith-based), structures, networks and projects providing support to children affected by crisis and displacement in Jordan, including but not only medical, psychosocial and educational support. The consultant will collect information on their mandate, their current and planned activities/services, the different groups of program participants, the location of their structures and activities, and their willingness to collaborate with RED NOSES Jordan to provide artistic humorous activities to children in crisis.
  • Collect information from existing partners of RED NOSES Jordan working with children affected by crisis and displacement about their willingness to continue collaborating or intensify the collaboration with RED NOSES Jordan, and provide feedback for improvement of the partnership.
  • Identify opportunities and risks for RED NOSES Jordan to collaborate with partners and implement artistic activities for children affected by crisis and displacement, taking into consideration technical, financial and operational feasibility, and legal regulations and restrictions for working with children in Jordan.

Feasibility assessment guiding questions

These feasibility questions aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the context, challenges, opportunities, and risks associated with implementing artistic humorous activities for children affected by crisis and displacement in Jordan. The answers to these questions will guide the development of the feasibility assessment report and inform RED NOSES Jordan’s future interventions and collaborations.

Contextual Understanding:

  • What is the current socio-economic and political context for children affected by crisis and displacement and their families in Jordan?
  • How do the current crises (refugee influx, economic challenges, post-COVID-19 pandemic, multiple crises in the Middle East region) impact the emotional and psychological well-being of children affected by crisis in Jordan?
  • What is the current access of children affected by crisis and displacement to artistic and humorous activities?
  • What unique challenges are faced by different groups: unaccompanied minors, children affected by crisis and displacement and their families?
  • How do host communities in Jordan perceive and interact with children affected by crisis and displacement, especially refugees and forced migrants?

Partner Analysis:

  • Who are the key international and local partners (such as governmental, non-governmental, community-based, faith-based partners) providing support to children affected by crisis and displacement in Jordan?
  • What are the current and planned activities/services of these partners, and where are their facilities located?
  • What artistic and humorous activities are implemented by the partners for children affected by crisis and displacement?
  • What is the willingness of these partners to collaborate with RED NOSES Jordan to provide artistic humorous activities to children affected by crisis and displacement?
  • What feedback and recommendations do existing partners of RED NOSES Jordan have for improving and expanding the partnership and the activities provided?

Operational Feasibility and Risks:

  • What logistical arrangements will be necessary to ensure smooth implementation of the artistic activities, including transportation, venue selection, scheduling, and frequency?
  • What are the operational challenges (including human resource availability, safety and safeguarding measures, and communication coordination with partners) in implementing and managing artistic humorous activities for children living in crisis in Jordan?

Approach and Methods

The feasibility assessment will be conducted in compliance with RED NOSES Safeguarding Policy and international ethical standards. The consultant(s) must take extra measures to ensure that they promote the wellbeing of everyone who is participating in or affected by the research process. The dignity and autonomy of all those involved in the research process must be respected in all phases of design, implementation, and reporting.

As an international study, it is vital that the feasibility assessment be conducted with a high level of cultural sensitivity and respect. In particular, the consultant(s) need to make suitable plans for translations and interpreters for the data collection process to ensure that participants are not excluded on the basis of language. In this regard, RED NOSES Jordan will support the consultant(s) in the search for available translators or interpreters in the field.

Considering the constraints of the project timeline and objectives, it has been concluded that the involvement of children and their families in the assessment process would not be appropriate. While RED NOSES acknowledge the importance of inclusion, it is essential to prioritize the respect of their time and to refrain from seeking their support without being able to provide them with artistic activities yet. Furthermore, engaging children and their families could potentially raise unrealistic expectations among the people interviewed regarding the delivery of an initiative.

It is expected that the consultant(s) will apply a mixed-method approach for data collection, analysis and interpretation, being mindful of the assessment timeline and time constraints. All data collected through the assessment must be disaggregated by location, age and sex as much as possible. Concerning the quality of data and information, the consultant(s) should systematically check accuracy, consistency and validity of collected data and information and acknowledge any limitations/caveats in drawing conclusions using the data.

  • Desk Review: Publicly available information and data sources will be particularly important for assessing the situational analysis of the influx of children affected by crisis and displacement, what partners are working with them, and what activities and networks of support exist for them. RED NOSES International and RED NOSES Jordan will provide useful information in terms of narrative and financial reports and any documentation that could support the assessment.
  • Interviews and focus group discussions with representatives of local government, international organisations and civil society: Qualitative information gained through interviews and focus group discussions will help assess the specific needs of vulnerable groups and their constellation of support according to the local government, international organisations and the civil society. Moreover, these tools will be helpful to understand any willingness of the partners to collaborate with RED NOSES towards the goal of providing people living in crisis with access to artistic activities. Finally, interviews may be useful to assess the satisfaction of those partners working with people affected by crisis which already work with RED NOSES Jordan and assess the continuation of the collaboration.
  • Survey: A structured survey will be conducted among existing and potential partners to gather comprehensive and quantifiable data about their audiences, activities and location of implementation, issues related to feasibility, and willingness to collaborate with RED NOSES to provide artistic humorous activities to people in crisis.
  • Site Visits: Conduct site visits to selected locations (camps, hospitals, communities) to observe the living conditions, assess the infrastructure, and understand the context in which RED NOSES Jordan will operate.

Uses of the assessment

The results of the assessment will be used to inform RED NOSES, donors and the stakeholders on the current involvement of vulnerable groups in artistic projects, including in their design, and to justify the need for humorous artistic activities for children affected by crisis and displacement in Jordan**.** Moreover**,** the results of the evaluation will support RED NOSES International in setting-up an activity plan and will inform the choices of partners, locations and level of outreach of their artistic activities.

Timeline and management

The feasibility assessment is scheduled to begin in June 2024 and to be completed by September 2024.

The consultant(s) will report progress and discuss the assessment implementation and progress with the assessment coordinator at the Research and Learning Department of RED NOSES International. The frequency of the meetings will be agreed with RED NOSES International upon beginning of the assignment. The feasibility assessment will be managed remotely, and meetings will happen online.

The timeline is foreseen as follows:

  • Deadline for proposals: 9 June, 2024
  • Selection of consultant: 21 June, 2024
  • Detailed feasibility assessment plan: 7 July, 2024
  • Data collection (including field visit): July – August
  • Analysis and report: August – September
  • Draft feasibility assessment report: 29 August, 2024
  • Submission and presentation of final assessment report: 16 September, 2024


Detailed feasibility assessment plan (due 7 July 2024)

  • Overview of data collection methods
  • Data collection schedule including field visits
  • Clear role and responsibilities of the consultants (if in a team) clearly mentioned
  • Financial overview
  • Comments and feedback of RED NOSES International already included

Draft feasibility assessment report (due 29 August 2024)

The report should be comprehensive, evidence-based, and tailored to address the specific objectives and needs of RED NOSES in the context of Jordan. The report will clearly differentiate between findings, conclusions, and recommendations to ensure a logical and coherent presentation of the information. The information will be presented in a clear and straightforward manner, avoiding unnecessary jargon to enhance readability and accessibility for all readers.

The report should not exceed 40 pages with an 11 font size to maintain conciseness and focus, and will comply to the following structure:

1. Executive Summary

  • Brief overview of the project
  • Summary of key findings and recommendations

2. Introduction

  • Background of RED NOSES and its work in Jordan
  • Rationale for focusing on Jordan and the need for the feasibility assessment
  • Objectives of the feasibility assessment

3. Methodology

  • Description of the research methods and tools used
  • Data collection sources and techniques and limitations
  • Data analysis techniques

4. Contextual Analysis of Children Affected by Crisis and Displacement in Jordan

  • Overview of the living conditions and quality of life (basic needs, access to housing, health care, education, social protection, recreational activities) of children affected by crisis and displacement in Jordan
  • Impact of political upheavals, conflicts, and the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Social and economic challenges faced by refugees and host communities
  • Specific challenges faced by forced migrants, unaccompanied minors, and families/children in hardship conditions

5. International Partners, Structures, Networks, and Projects

  • Identification of international, local, non-governmental and governmental organisations, and projects focusing on children affected by crisis and their support networks in Jordan
  • Description of existing collaborations and partnerships
  • Assessment of the landscape of support and services available for children affected by crisis
  • Identification of potential partners for collaboration

6. Opportunities and Risks for RED NOSES Jordan

  • Operational feasibility as per the guiding questions, including challenges and risks.

7. Conclusion and Recommendations

  • Summary of key findings from the feasibility assessment
  • Recommendations for next steps, actions, and strategic directions for RED NOSES Jordan

8. Appendices

  • Additional supporting information, data, or documents
  • Detailed financial calculations, charts, and graphs if applicable
  • References and sources of information

9. Acknowledgments

  • Acknowledgment of contributors, stakeholders, and participants involved in the feasibility assessment

Final assessment report (16 September 2024)

  • Revisions and suggestions from RED NOSES International taken into account

Raw data (16 September 2024)

  • All raw data collected as part of the assessment (which will be the property of RED NOSES International)

Presentation of findings and recommendations (16 September 2024)

  • Clear and visually engaging representation of key messages

Qualifications and Requirements

The consultant(s) should possess the following qualifications and experience:

  • Proven experience in conducting feasibility assessments for development and emergency response projects;
  • Experience working within the humanitarian context, in particular with international and non-governmental organisations, as well as governmental stakeholders;
  • Experience working with child-focused humanitarian projects and organisations;
  • A strong understanding of humanitarian assistance frameworks, infrastructure, and capacities in the Middle East, especially in Jordan;
  • Demonstrated knowledge of the socio-political and cultural context of Jordan;
  • Strong cross-cultural communication skills and awareness of diverse cultural contexts;
  • Strong analytic and writing skills;
  • Strong understanding of ethical standards governing research and data collection, ensuring participant rights and dignity;
  • Expertise in conducting stakeholder consultations and data collection;
  • Track record of delivering high-quality and comprehensive reports;
  • Willingness to travel to and/or within Jordan;
  • Flexibility to navigate dynamic humanitarian contexts and adjust plans as needed;
  • Ability to work under pressure and provide quality output on a tight deadline;
  • Fluent speaking and writing in English, fluency in Arabic a plus;
  • Experience in working with artistic organisations a plus.


A fixed budget of maximum 18,000 EUR (all taxes included[1]) is available. This budget includes, for example, fees for the consultant(s), translation costs (if applicable), travel, per diems, and any other incidental costs that may arise during any phase of the assessment. Any and all costs and expenses exceeding this amount and which might be incurred by the contractor(s) due, for example, to an event of force majeure or otherwise, are to be borne solely and exclusively by the contractor(s).

[1] For VAT paying organisations, note to include the local VAT payable to the budget proposal, with the overall, post-VAT amount not exceeding 18,000 EUR.

How to apply

All applicants must submit the following documents to [email protected] (you can also write us should you require clarifications) with the object “Jordan feasibility assessment” no later than Sunday, 9 June 2024:

  1. Experience, expertise, and personal information (CV, certifications, etc.)
  2. A detailed proposal about how the consultant(s) will undertake the assignment, detailing methodology, work plan, and financial proposal in EUR (daily rates, travel and totals, VAT included)
  3. Previous sample reports and publications with a clear link to the subject of this evaluation.

The submitted proposals will be evaluated on the basis of their quality and adherence to the criteria presented above.

Applications will be considered on a rolling basis.

To help us track our recruitment effort, please indicate in your email/cover letter where (tendersglobal.net) you saw this job posting.

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