International Consultant to develop Information Education and Communication material, human interest and change story, and promote visibility


UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security.

For 2024 and 2025, UN Women Cambodia Office focuses its programme actions on contributing toward the achievement of planned output results that are in line with United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) as well as global Strategic Plan outputs and outcomes of the UN Women. In doing so, the high level actions include the provision of support to the government, women organisations as well as gender advocate movements/networks to address gender inequality causes through the development of the fourth National Action to Prevent Violence Against Women (4th NAPVAW) and its monitoring framework, building national understanding of Women Peace Security, implementation of policies, tools and standard procedures for more gender-responsive actions in climate change and disaster risk reduction (DRR) and labour governance, the transformation of negative social norms via strengthening community-based women networks and movements and advocacy by using a normative framework such as CEDAW, Security Resolution 1325, Sendai and Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action.

The UN Women Cambodia Programme Office is implementing projects and programmes as outlined below:

  • The Empower: Women for Climate-Resilient Societies Programme (EmPower) is a unique partnership between UN Women and The UN Environment Programme (UNEP), supported by the Governments of Germany, New Zealand, Sweden and Switzerland that aims to ensure that climate action and disaster risk reduction in Asia-Pacific respond to gender equality and human rights. From 2018 to 2022, EmPower phase I was implemented regionally across Asia and the Pacific, with national footprints in Bangladesh, Cambodia and Viet Nam. EmPower phase II (2023-2027) was built on the successes and lessons learnt of the phase I and aims to scale up for regional implementation and generate new regional commitments and national policies, financial mechanisms and tools, methodologies, evidence, and knowledge to further impact. The programme will contribute to the overall Impact: “People in Asia-Pacific are less vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and experience greater gender equality and the full enjoyment of their rights, including equal access to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment.” One of EmPower’s approach is to undertake public awareness campaigns to support changing perceptions and attitudes on women’s roles in renewable energy and as leaders and change agent in climate action and disaster risk reduction. This requires the use of information education and communication (IEC) material as the tool to convey educational messages and information to public including amplifying women voices and stories.
  • Ending Violence Against Women (EVAW), including women migrant workers, forms an important part of programme portfolio that focuses on quality of service provision through strengthening existing coordination mechanism, capacity development of frontline service providers in applying of essential service principles and tools as well as implementation of national action plan to prevent violence against women. At the same time, the programme also seeks to address negative social and gender norms that persistently cause gender inequality by development of prevention framework, piloting and documentation of lessons learnt and good practices.
  • Under the EVAW Programme, Protection of the Rights of Women and Children in Labour Migration (PROTECT) is a multi- UN agency project, which will be implemented to promote decent work, while reducing the vulnerabilities of women and children in the context of labour migration, in particular through preventing and responding to violence against women and children, human trafficking and migrant smuggling. It’s a three-year project (January 2024-December 2026). PROTECT is a joint regional project implemented by the International Labour Organization (ILO), The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). The European Union (EU) is the donor partner of the project. In Cambodia UN Women will oversee the results related to violence against women migrant workers and provide support to and coordinate with the Ministry of Women Affairs (MoWA), civil society organisations (CSOs) working on women’s rights and violence against women and other stakeholders. The focus will include strengthening service provision for women migrant workers through formulation and implementation of national policies/action plans on prevention and response to violence against women, increase the capacities of front-line service providers, and increase in capacities and opportunities for women migrants to engage meaningfully with policy dialogues on safe migration in Cambodia and in Thailand.

Through UN Women Regional Framework towards Peaceful, Inclusive Societies: Advancing the Women, Peace and Security Agenda and Inclusive Governance in the Asia Pacific Region, Cambodia Programme Office has been prioritizing key activities to be implemented for contributing to outcome 1: Women meaningfully participate and lead in peace and security processes that contribute to sustaining peace and resilience in Asia and the Pacific of the framework, including the following outputs. The intervention includes the support to the Ministry of Women’s Affairs in its commitment to localize the ASEAN Regional Plan of Actions on Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) to the National Action Plan on WPS.

Normative priority is to strengthen government capacity and accountability to integrate international norms and commitments (CEDAW, SDGs, Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, Security Resolution 1325Sendai) into national legislative and regulatory frameworks, and supporting dialogue and CSO engagement in accountability for gender equality and women’s empowerment commitments.

To aid in various creative awareness raising and campaign, show significant change/impact story and promote visibility of the programme achievement and key activities, UN Women Cambodia Programme Office is recruiting a retainer consultant who can produce IEC materials with focus on women’s voice and agency and promote country office visibility by capturing its result/accomplishment through photo, video production and the write up of change stories that are in line with UN Women’s guideline.

The consultant will be reporting to National Programme Officer, and will be supported by Country Programe Coordinator, who will be the point of contact on the contract and payment issues.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • The international consultant will lead in the production of IEC materials for public awareness raising and campaigning and provide creative and contextual design to promote programme visibility by capturing programme achievement including writing up human interest stories, taking events photos and footage for comms production.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • The consultant will work under the supervision of the country programme coordinators and collaborate with programme analysts/officers for the detail assignments. This includes building an understanding of the focus of the Cambodia programme portfolio and identifying the key events as well as the headlines of the stories to be captured.
  • Lead in the development and production of printed and digital IEC materials, such as infographics, poster, leaflets, information sheets, factsheets, and video
  • Lead in the development and production of one 3-4-minute video showcasing women’s leadership and participation in addressing climate change and disaster issues.
  • Lead in developing a promotional and advocacy video to invest in preventing violence against women. This will require collaboration with international and national experts in EVAW.
  • Support in developing event concept notes and programmes, with attention to visibility of UN Women and programme requirement
  • Work closely with UN Women programme team to collect data through interview for instance for the production of human-interest stories. This includes the development of guiding questions, headlines, and storyboards.
  • Produce human-interest stories aligned with UN Women’s editorial guidelines.
  • The Consultant need to adhere to Warranties, Consent, and Intellectual Property as detailed below:
  1. The Consultant represents and warrants that he/she has not, and undertakes that he/she shall not, infringe any third party intellectual property rights in performing any activities pursuant to the Contract. The Consultant represents and warrants that that he/she shall perform the activities pursuant to the UN Women Communications Policy and Guidelines including obtaining written consent when required, including from survivors of violence and from the legal guardian/s of children under 18 years of age (mandatory use of UN Women consent form within the UN Women Communications Policy and Guidelines.
  2. The Consultant shall indemnify, hold and save harmless, and defend, at its own expense, UN Women, its officials, employees, consultants, agents or other representatives from and against all suits, claims, demands, and liability of any nature or kind, including their costs and expenses arising out the Consultant’s violations of the representations and warranties above.
  3. The indemnity set forth, above, shall not apply to:
    • A claim of infringement resulting from the Consultant’s compliance with specific written instructions by UN Women directing a change in the specifications for the Deliverables or directing a manner of performance of the Contract not normally used by the Consultant; or
    • A claim of infringement resulting from additions to or changes in any Deliverables furnished under the Contract if UN Women or another party acting under the direction of UN Women made the changes.
  4. UN Women shall advise the Consultant about any such suits, proceedings, claims, demands, losses or liability within a reasonable period of time after having received actual notice thereof. The Consultant shall have sole control of the defense of any such suit, proceeding, claim or demand and of all negotiations in connection with the settlement or compromise thereof, except with respect to the assertion or defense of the privileges and immunities of UN Women or any matter relating thereto, for which only UN Women itself is authorized to assert and maintain. UN Women shall have the right, at its own expense, to be represented in any such suit, proceeding, claim or demand by independent counsel of its own choosing.
  5. In the event the use by UN Women of any Deliverables provided to UN Women by the Consultant, in whole or in part, in any suit or proceeding, is for any reason enjoined, temporarily or permanently, or is found to infringe any patent, copyright, trademark or other intellectual property right, or in the event of a settlement, is enjoined, limited or otherwise interfered with, then the Consultant, at its sole cost and expense, shall, promptly, either:
    • procure for UN Women the unrestricted right to continue using such Deliverables provided to UN Women;
    • replace or modify the Deliverables provided to UN Women, or part thereof, with the equivalent or better product, or part thereof, that is non-infringing; or,
    • refund to UN Women the full price paid by UN Women for the right to have or use such Deliverables, or part thereof.
  6. UN Women confirms that the whole of the copyright present, future or contingent whatsoever and all other right, title and interest in and to the Deliverables shall be vested in the Consultant throughout the world in accordance with all applicable copyright laws. The Consultant further acknowledges and agrees that UN Women shall have the unconditional non-exclusive and perpetual right to make use of the Deliverables including but not limited to the entire take of all photographs and videos from the Assignment in such manner as UN Women shall in its sole discretion think fit including without limitation the right to include the Deliverables on its own website and/or in any other public relations materials used to promote UN Women. UN Women may re-edit the Deliverables or any part thereof as convenient for its own exploitation of the Deliverables in any medium. UN Women may provide the Deliverables to other UN agencies and the media at no cost and may apply a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-commercial-NoDeriv 2.0 Generic license to the Deliverables.

Final Products and Deliverables

  • The consultant must submit video footage with high quality and the final edited video for the record of case story on video form
  • Produce high quality animated videos with translated sub-title and sign language for awareness raising activities, campaign and capacity development purposes.
  • Design online posters to be used for media awareness raising
  • Produce human-interest stories in a written form aligned with UN Women reporting and editorial guidelines
  • Produce high-resolution photos of events that are organized by UN Women and partners

Consultant’s Workplace and Official Travel

This is a home-based consultancy for 200 days over the period of May 2024-20 December 2025. As part of this assignment, there will be a maximum of 5 trips to Cambodia. For in country or overseas assignments, UN Women will be responsible for the accommodation and travel expenses if any cost is incurred during the assigned period. The consultant will be engaged under a retainer contract, which facilitates direct engagement of the consultant depending on need and availability within the contract period for a pre-agreed fee.

UN Women will not be committed to purchasing any maximum quantity of the Services, and purchases will be made only if there is an actual requirement upon the issuance of a Purchase Order based on this retainer contract. UN Women shall not be liable for any cost in the event that no purchases are made under this retainer contract.

The expected number of workdays for each deliverable will be discussed between the consultant and UN Women on a case-by-case basis. Payment will be made upon satisfactory completion of a deliverable or as agreed between the consultant and UN Women.

Schedule of Payments

Payment will be made monthly, 10 days after the submission of monthly claim. The amount paid will be based on the number of days within the month that the consultant has done the assignment.


Core Values:

  • Respect for Diversity
  • Integrity
  • Professionalism

Core Competencies:

  • Awareness and Sensitivity Regarding Gender Issues
  • Accountability
  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Effective Communication
  • Inclusive Collaboration
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Leading by Example

Please visit this link for more information on UN Women’s Core Values and Competencies:


  • Promotes knowledge management and a learning environment in the office through leadership and personal example.
  • Experience in group facilitation using a participatory, inclusive approach to managing differences and honing agreements. The capacity to liaise with a range of stakeholders to build rapport, working relationships, and exchange information in order to mobilize support and collaborative action.
  • Strong understanding of gender equality and social inclusion in the context of visual communications
  • Strong written and face-to-face communication skills in a cross-cultural context.

Demonstrated sensitivity, discretion, tact, and courtesy in relation to gender equality and women’s rights, development principles, implementing partners, and national and international personnel of varied nationalities and backgrounds.

Required Skills and Experience

Education and Certification:

  • Master’s degree in media and communication and other related fields.
  • A first-level university degree in similar fields in combination with two additional years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.


  • Minimum 7 years progressively responsible relevant experience, preferably from the UN System or an international organization.
  • At least 7 years professional experience in producing IEC material for promoting gender equality and women human rights.
  • Sound knowledge of capturing human interest story or change story both in written form and video production.
  • Professional experience and technical skill in capturing high quality photo and footage for story telling
  • Sound knowledge in promoting visibility.
  • Experience in similar area in Cambodia context is highly desirable.


  • Fluency in English is required.
  • Knowledge of Khmer or any other UN official is an asset.


  • Applications will be evaluated based on the cumulative analysis:
  • Technical qualification (100 points)

Technical qualification evaluation criteria:

The total number of points allocated for the technical qualification component is 100. The technical qualification of the individual is evaluated based on following technical qualification evaluation criteria: Technical Evaluation Criteria Obtainable


Education and certification
  • Master’s degree in media and communication and other related fields.
  • A first-level university degree in similar fields in combination with two additional years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.
15 %
  • Minimum 7 years progressively responsible relevant experience, preferably from the UN System or an international organization.
  • At least 7 years professional experience in producing IEC material for promoting gender equality and women human rights.
  • Sound knowledge of capturing human interest story or change story both in written form and video production.
  • Professional experience and technical skill in capturing high quality photo and footage for story telling
  • Sound knowledge in promoting visibility.
  • Experience in similar area in Cambodia context is highly desirable.
70 %
Language skills
  • Fluency in English is required.
  • Knowledge of Khmer or any other UN official is an asset.
15 %
Total Obtainable Score 100 %

Only the candidates who have attained a minimum of 70% of total points will be considered as technically qualified candidates who may be contacted for validation interview.

How to Apply:

Interested candidates are encouraged to submit an electronic application to , with cc to not later than 23 May 5 p.m. local time in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Late application submissions will not be considered.

All applications must include (as an attachment) the completed UN Women Personal History form (P-11) which can be downloaded from Application and recruitment process About us: Careers at UN Women UN Women – Headquarters Kindly note that the system will only allow one attachment. Applications without the completed UN Women P-11 form will be treated as incomplete and will not be considered for further assessment.

Submission package includes:


In July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly created UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality, and the Empowerment of Women. The creation of UN Women came about as part of the UN reform agenda, bringing together resources and mandates for greater impact. It merges and builds on the important work of four previously distinct parts of the UN system (DAW, OSAGI, INSTRAW, and UNIFEM), which focused exclusively on gender equality and women’s empowerment.

Inclusion Statement:

At UN Women, we are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment of mutual respect. UN Women recruits employ, trains, compensates and promotes regardless of race, religion, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, ability, national origin, or any other basis covered by appropriate law. All employment is decided on the basis of qualifications, competence, integrity, and organizational need.

If you need any reasonable accommodation to support your participation in the recruitment and selection process, please include this information in your application.

UN Women has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and UN Women, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority, and discrimination. All selected candidates will be expected to adhere to UN Women’s policies and procedures and the standards of conduct expected of UN Women personnel and will therefore undergo rigorous reference and background checks. (Background checks will include the verification of academic credential(s) and employment history. Selected candidates may be required to provide additional information to conduct a background check.)

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