IOM – Norwegian Documentary on Returns – Media and Marketing TOR, BoQ, EC

Tender Title: IOM – Norwegian Documentary on Returns – Media and Marketing TOR, BoQ, EC
Tender No: 22343
Location: Iraq
Tender Package Available from: 2024-05-30
Deadline for Offer Submission: 2024-06-10 at 11:00 (Iraqi Time)


IN/168 (Rev.3): Procurement Manual_ Annex 19_ effective on 17 March 2023
RFQ Reference: 22343
Date: 30 May 2024
Subject of RFQ: Norwegian Documentary on Returns
International Organization for Migration kindly requests your quotation for the provision of the goods, works and/or services described in the RFQ submission form below.
When preparing your quotation, please be guided by the RFQ information below. It is your responsibility to ensure that your quotation is submitted on or before the deadline. Quotations received after the submission deadline, for whatever reason, will not be considered for evaluation.
Deadline for the submission of quotation
No later than at 11:00 am, on 10th June 2024
If any doubt exists as to the time zone in which the quotation should be submitted, refer to
Method of submission
The quotation must be submitted as follows:
☐ E-tendering
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☐ Courier / Hand delivery
☐ Other Click or tap here to enter text.
Cost of preparation of quotation
IOM shall not be responsible for any costs associated with a vendor’s preparation and submission of a quotation, regardless of the outcome or the manner of conducting the selection process.
Contractual Terms
Any Purchase Order that will be issued as a result of this RFQ shall be subject to the IOM standard terms for provision of goods/services/transportation/medical services available at or IOM standard contract templates.
Documents to be submitted
Bidders shall submit and sign the-bid submission form below.
Quotation validity period
The quotation shall remain valid for 60 days days from the deadline for the submission.
Quotations shall be for the goods, works and/or services stated in the Specification/TOR/SOW
Partial quotations
☒ Not permitted
☐ Permitted Insert conditions for partial bids and ensure that the requirements are properly listed in lots to allow partial bids Clarifications
Contact person for correspondence, notifications and clarifications
Contact person: IOM Iraq Tender
E-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. The E-mail subject shall be RFQ No. 22343
Evaluation method
☒ The contract will be awarded to the lowest price substantially compliant offer
☒ Other Technical Evaluation Criteria (Annex 3 in TOR)
Right not to accept any quotation
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Expected date for contract/PO award.
15-30 days
For technical questionaries’ send your email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
No later than at 11:00 am, on 06th June 2024
IN/168 (Rev.3): Procurement Manual_ Annex 19_ effective on 17 March 2023
Thank you and we look forward to receiving your quotation.
Date: 30 May 2024
RFQ ref no: 22343
Requirements (Specs/TOR/SOW)
Attached TOR, BoQ and Evaluation Criteria with this RFQ.
Delivery Requirements:
Currency of the Quotation: IQD INCOTERMS: N/A Item No Description UOM Qty Unit price Total price
Norwegian Documentary on Returns
Phase One: Campaign visual identity creation
Norwegian Documentary on Returns
Phase Two: Video production
Norwegian Documentary on Returns
Phase Three: Social media marketing and dissemination
Delivery Period
4 Months
Total Final and All-inclusive Price
IN/168 (Rev.3): Procurement Manual_ Annex 19_ effective on 17 March 2023
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On behalf of the vendor, I hereby represent and warrant that neither the vendor, nor any person having powers of representation, decision-making or control over it or any member of its administrative, management or supervisory body, has been the subject of a final judgement or final administrative decision for one of the following reasons: bankruptcy, insolvency or winding-up procedures; breach of
1 If company id not registered in UNGM or with IOM. If supplied to IOM already, please indicate if there are any changes to be incorporated in the vendor information sheet signed earlier
2 This form is mandatory to fill in and sign by every vendor who submits quotation
IN/168 (Rev.3): Procurement Manual_ Annex 19_ effective on 17 March 2023
obligations relating to the payment of taxes or social security contributions; grave professional misconduct, including misrepresentation, fraud; corruption; conduct related to a criminal organisation; money laundering or terrorist financing; terrorist offences or offences linked to terrorist activities; child labour and other trafficking in human beings, any discriminatory or exploitative practice, or any practice that is inconsistent with the rights set forth in the Convention on the Rights of the Child or other prohibited practices; irregularity; creating or being a shell company.

On behalf of the vendor, I further represent and warrant that the vendor is financially sound and duly licensed.

On behalf of the vendor, I further represent and warrant that the vendor has adequate human resources, equipment, competence, expertise and skills necessary to complete the contract fully and satisfactorily, within the stipulated completion period and in accordance with the relevant terms and conditions.

On behalf of the vendor, I further represent and warrant that the vendor complies with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations.

On behalf of the vendor, I further represent and warrant that the vendor will in all circumstances act in the best interests of IOM.

On behalf of the vendor, I further represent and warrant that no official of IOM or any third party has received from, will be offered by, or will receive from the vendor any direct or indirect benefit arising from the contract.

On behalf of the vendor, I further represent and warrant that the vendor has not misrepresented or concealed any material facts during the contracting process.

On behalf of the vendor, I further represent and warrant that the vendor will respect the legal status, privileges and immunities of IOM as an intergovernmental organization.

On behalf of the vendor, I further represent and warrant that neither the vendor nor any persons having powers of representation, decision-making or control over the vendor or any member of its administrative, management or supervisory body are included in the most recent Consolidated United Nations Security Council Sanctions List (the “UN Sanctions List”) or are the subject of any sanctions or other temporary suspension. The vendor will immediately disclose to IOM if it or they become subject to any sanction or temporary suspension.

On behalf of the vendor, I further represent and warrant that the vendor does not employ, provide resources to, support, contract or otherwise deal with any person, entity or other group associated with terrorism as per the UN Sanctions List and any other applicable anti-terrorism legislation.

On behalf of the vendor, I further represent and warrant that, the vendor will apply the highest ethical standards, the principles of efficiency and economy, equal opportunity, open competition and transparency, and will avoid any conflict of interest.

On behalf of the vendor, I further represent and warrant that the vendor undertakes to comply with the Code of Conduct, available at

It is the responsibility of the vendor to inform IOM immediately of any change to the information provided in this Declaration.

On behalf of the vendor, I certify that I am duly authorized to sign this Declaration and on behalf of the vendor I agree to abide by the terms of this Declaration for the duration of any contract entered into between the vendor and IOM.

IOM reserves the right to terminate any contract between IOM and the vendor, with immediate effect and without liability, in the event of any misrepresentation made by the vendor in this Declaration.
IN/168 (Rev.3): Procurement Manual_ Annex 19_ effective on 17 March 2023
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Date: Click or tap to enter a date.





Project summary
This project will result in the creation of a social media campaign about successful returns or relocations of displaced people and/or families in Iraq and their reintegration into host communities. The campaign aims to reshape community perceptions of returnees in Iraq, focusing on locations of high return in West Anbar, West Ninewa and North Salah al-Din. Over a six-month period, this project will include the creation of the campaign visual and written identity, key messages and calls to action, a Facebook page, a Facebook marketing plan, and campaign content including a video (in various languages and formats), photos, graphics and social media messaging.
This project will begin with the procurement of an experienced media and marketing company specializing in sensitive humanitarian storytelling. The selected company will collaborate closely with IOM to develop and launch the campaign package, with a select civil society organization taking ownership and operating the campaign marketing after its launch. IOM will work closely with local civil society organizations, community leaders and community members to gain insights on developing key messages and calls to action that the company will build the campaign around. The main product of the campaign will be a video featuring a family from one of the targeted governorates. Script development will involve extensive stakeholder engagement to ensure cultural sensitivity and accuracy, followed by review and endorsement.
The dissemination phase will leverage social media platforms as well as community screenings to maximize reach and impact. The campaign will be monitored and evaluated for its effectiveness in changing perceptions, with feedback mechanisms in place to inform future initiatives.
This initiative seeks to foster empathy, support, and inclusion for returnees, ultimately contributing to social cohesion and community resilience in Iraq.
Background and Justification
The reintegration of individuals and families returning to their communities after years of displacement poses a significant challenge in Iraq, particularly for those with perceived or actual affiliation with ISIL. These returnees often face stigma, distrust and resistance from their home communities, complicating efforts towards social cohesion and peacebuilding. Negative perceptions of returnees are often exacerbated by traditional and social media, with few examples of successful returns or its positive impact on society circulating among Iraq. This project activity proposes a video series aimed to address these challenges by influencing community perceptions through the power of storytelling.
This project seeks to highlight the human stories behind returns, focusing on families that have successfully reintegrated into their communities. By showcasing their
journey and contributions to their community, the campaign aims to evoke empathy, understanding and support from the wider public. The narrative will explore themes of healing, resilience and the shared desire for peace and social inclusion.
In collaboration with local civil society organizations, the Ministry of Migration and Displacement (MoMD) and the Tribal Affairs Directorate, the project will involve community voices to enrich the narrative and ensure its relevance and impact. Through calls to action, the series will mobilize viewers to contribute to reintegration and reconciliation efforts.
IOM, with support from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is launching this project as Year One of a three-year-long campaign to promote positive stories of return and reintegration. This project is part of a national awareness-raising campaign led by the MoMD to decrease possible rumours, tensions, hate speech and negative perceptions around the Government of Iraq’s return programme.
Terms of reference
It is envisaged that the Project will be accomplished in three phases, as follows:
Phase One: Campaign visual identity creation
Phase Two: Video production
Phase Three: Social media marketing and dissemination
All three phases will take place over a four-month period, thus overlapping of phases and products is expected to occur (i.e. work should be done simultaneously, see Annex 1 for timeline).
Phase One: Design the visual identity of the social media campaign and Facebook page, including campaign title, logo, brand colors and fonts, social media card templates, illustrated icons; support creation of a written identity by providing creative input to the key messages and calls to action provided by IOM.
Throughout the project, the media and marketing company will work closely with the Peace and Stabilization Division’s (PSD) Strategic Communications Officer, IOM Iraq Public Information (PI) Unit and project manager. IOM will provide substantive input for each section, based on contributions by the selected lead civil society organization, to facilitate the campaign production.
Campaign identity
The social media campaign should have a distinct identity or brand for audiences to easily identify the campaign’s message, the emotions it is trying to evoke and motivate them with a call to action. The media and marketing company will be responsible for creating a branding package complete with templates for future use as the campaign progresses over a three-year period. All content should be available in English and Arabic.
In coordination with the PSD Strategic Communications Officer, IOM PI Unit and project manager, the media and marketing company will be responsible for creating a complete branding package, including (see Annex 2 of deliverables list):

Campaign title

Campaign description/introduction

Campaign logo

Brand colors and fonts

Illustrated icons

Social media card templates

Video templates
IOM will be responsible for creating key messages and calls to action taking into close consideration inputs from key stakeholders and using creative suggestions and inputs from the service provider.
Phase Two: Produce a video in multiple formats as the culminating product of the campaign, showcasing a selected returnee family and their successful reintegration into their community.
Phase Two is the production of the main product of the campaign. The media and marketing company will be responsible for producing (2) mini-documentary style videos – (1) ~5 minutes long for community screening dissemination and (1) ~2 minutes long for social media. Both videos will tell the same story of a previously displaced family after their successful return to and reintegration in the community. Host community members should be included the video to provide perspective of positive integration and contributions to the community.
IOM will be responsible for identifying the subjects for the video, obtaining informed, written consent, conducting a risk analysis and accompanying the media and marketing company while meeting the interviewees.
Depending on the target subject and location identified and results from the risk analysis conducted by IOM, illustrative animation elements might be necessary in the production of this video. Animations should be illustrated, not motion graphics, and originally produced by the media and marketing company. This detail should be clearly drawn out on the storyboard before production starts.
In coordination with the PSD Strategic Communications Officer, IOM PI Unit and project manager, the media and marketing company will be responsible for (see Annex 2 for detailed deliverable list):

Creating a storyboard and outlining content collection plan, based on script and subjects by IOM

Arranging own travel and security clearances to the target location

Conducting video interviews with the subjects of the video, including the returnee family and any host community members

Collecting photos and b-roll footage

Conducting all post-production necessary including, but not limited to, editing, illustrating, animating, color grading, and sound engineering
The specifications for the video are open to discussion during initial planning calls, and IOM invites creative expertise from the media and marketing company.
Phase Three: Creation of the campaign Facebook page and social media marketing plan, launching the campaign and collecting analytics.
Phase Three is the dissemination of the products created in Phase One and Two. While IOM and local partners will be responsible for disseminating the 4K video in community screenings and running feedback mechanisms during the events, the media and marketing company will be responsible for preparing the dissemination of the shorter video version on social media.
Using the branded elements of the campaign created in Phase One, the media and marketing company will be responsible:

Setting up a Facebook page dedicated to the campaign, complete with header and profile photo

Creating a post schedule/calendar for sharing launch items and video

Providing guidance on using paid promotions and setting up a Meta Analytic dashboard to run needed reports
Annex 1
Please find below the anticipated timeline for the project. Please note that this is subject to change as the project proceeds.
Target Month Action
(IOM) Select production company
(IOM) Select returnee families, conduct risk assessment
(IOM) Start engaging with CSOs for dissemination plan
(Company) Create campaign identity package
(Company) Create marketing and dissemination plan
(Company) Produce script and storyboard
(IOM) Stakeholder endorsement of script through feedback rounds
(IOM/Company) Finalize interviewees, shoot location, security clearances and other logistics
(IOM/Company) Production begins, ensuring community engagement
(IOM/Company) Production continues as necessary
(Company) Post-production begins
(IOM/Company) Feedback rounds for final edit
(IOM) Review final edit with community and government officials for final endorsement
**ALL deliverables from company must be handed over by 30 October
(IOM/CSO) Plan community screening events
(IOM/CSO) Dissemination begins
(IOM/CSO) Monitor feedback
(IOM/CSO) Report findings
Annex 2
Deliverables (BoQ) PHASE ONE
Campaign title
Document (in brand guide)
1 English
1 Arabic
.word, .pdf
Campaign description
Document (in brand guide)
1 English
1 Arabic
.word, .pdf
Campaign logo
2 Square, color
2 Square, b/w
2 Horizontal, color
2 Horizontal, b/w
4 English
4 Arabic
Brand guide (colors and fonts)
1 English
1 Arabic
Illustrated icons (original, universal)
.ai, .png
Social media card templates (2 designs)
2 Square, color
2 Square, b/w
2 Horizontal, color
2 Horizontal, b/w
16 Arabic
.ai, .png
Video templates (w/ logo placement, icons, subtitles, text graphics, motion graphics
1 Square (1:1)
1 Reel (9:16)
1 4K (16:9)
3 Arabic
.prproj PHASE TWO
Video storyboard
Storyboard w/ illustrations
Content collection plan
.word or .pdf
>2 minute video
1 1:1 (square)
1 9:16 (reel)
2 Arabic subtitles
.mp4 or .mov
>5-minute video
2 4K (3840 x 2160 pixel), 16:9
1 Arabic subtitles
1 English subtitles
.mp4 or .mov PHASE THREE
Facebook page
Header image for Facebook page
Profile image for Facebook page
Campaign marketing plan (post schedule, paid promotion targets, dashboard for analytics)
Meta analytics
Annex 3:
Evaluation Criteria:
Score Weight
Lowest price takes higher score

Based on relevant previous products provided as part of the supporting documents to the offer (Preferred from Media and/or Humanitarian/non-profit organizations). (30%)

In addition, the bidder must provide a list of equipment that will be used for this project. (10%)

Company’s profile and key staff professional resume. (10%)
At least 3 references who received similar services. (Preferred from Media and/or Humanitarian/non-profit organizations)
Based on confirmation from the bidder on the timeline set in (Annex 1)
Based on confirmation from the bidder that they can access field locations selected by IOM

Tender’s Files


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