IOM - RFP - Provision of Services for Survivors of CRSV - Tenders Global

IOM – RFP – Provision of Services for Survivors of CRSV

Tender Title: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) Provision of services for survivors of CRSV
Tender No: 22523
Location: Iraq
Tender Package Available from: 2024-10-21
Deadline for Offer Submission: 2024-11-04 at 11:00 (Iraqi Time)


IN/168 (Rev.3): Procurement Manual_ Annex 22_ effective on 17 March 2023
Provision of services for survivors of CRSV
RFP Reference No: 22523
Country: Iraq.
Date: 21 October 2024
The International Organization for Migration in Iraq hereinafter referred to as IOM. hereby invites prospective proposers to submit a proposal in accordance with the General Conditions of Contract and the Terms of Reference as set out in this Request for Proposal (RFP).
To enable you to submit a proposal, please read the following attached documents carefully.
Section 1: This Letter of Invitation
Section 2: Instruction to Proposers
Section 3: Data Sheet
Section 4: Evaluation Criteria
Section 5: Terms of Reference/Statement of Works
Section 6: Conditions of Contract and Contract Forms
Section 7: Proposal Forms
● Form A: Proposal Confirmation
● Form B: Checklist
● Form C: Technical Proposal Submission
● Form D: Proposer Information
● Form E: Joint Venture/Consortium/Association Information
● Form F: Eligibility and Qualification
● Form G: Format for Technical Proposal
● Form H: Format for CV of proposed key personnel
● Form I: Statement of Exclusivity and Availability
● Form J: Financial Proposal Submission
● Form K: Format for Financial Proposal
If you are interested in submitting a proposal in response to this RFP, please prepare your proposal in accordance with the requirements and procedure as set out in this RFP and submit it by the deadline for submission of proposals set out in Section 3: Data Sheet.
Please acknowledge receipt of this RFP completing and returning the attached Form A: Proposal Confirmation by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later than 04/11/2024., indicating whether you intend to submit a proposal or otherwise. Should you require further clarifications, kindly communicate with the contact person/s identified in Section 3: Data Sheet as the focal point for queries on this RFP.
We look forward to receiving your proposal.
Approved by: Supply Chain Unit
1. Scope
Proposers are invited to submit a proposal for the services/works specified in Section 5: Terms of Reference/Scope of Works, in accordance with this Request for Proposal (RFP). A summary of the scope of the proposal is included in Section 3: Data Sheet.
Proposers shall adhere to all the requirements of this RFP, including any amendment made in writing by IOM. This RFP is conducted in accordance with Policies and Procedures of IOM.
2. Interpretation of the RFP
Any proposal submitted will be regarded as an offer by the proposer and does not constitute or imply the acceptance of the proposal by IOM. IOM is under no obligation to award a contract to any proposer as a result of this RFP.
3. Supplier Code of Conduct
All proposers must read the United Nations Supplier Code of Conduct and acknowledge that it provides the minimum standards expected of suppliers to the IOM. The Code of Conduct, which includes principles on labour, human rights, environment and ethical conduct may be found at:
4. Eligible proposers
Proposers shall have the legal capacity to enter into a binding contract with IOM.
A proposer, and all parties constituting the proposer, may have the nationality of any country with the exception of the nationalities, if any, listed in Section 3: Data Sheet. A proposer shall be deemed to have the nationality of a country if the proposer is a citizen or is constituted, incorporated, or registered and operates in conformity with the provisions of the laws of that country.
All proposers found to have a conflict of interest shall be disqualified. Proposers may be considered to have a conflict of interest if they are or have been associated in the past, with a firm or any of its affiliates that have been engaged by Click or tap here to enter text. to provide consulting services for the preparation of the design, specifications, Terms of Reference, cost analysis/estimation and other documents to be used for the procurement of the services required in the present procurement process.
Proposers shall not be eligible to submit a proposal if at the time of proposal submission:
● is included in the Ineligibility List, hosted by UNGM, that aggregates information disclosed by Agencies, Funds or Programs of the UN System;
● is included in the Consolidated United Nations Security Council Sanctions List, including the UN Security Council Resolution 1267/1989 list;
● is included in the World Bank Corporate Procurement Listing of Non-Responsible Vendors and World Bank Listing of Ineligible Firms and Individuals.
● Other sanctions lists, if applicable, as per the discretion of the IOM.
5. Proprietary information
The RFP documents and any Terms of Reference or information issued or furnished by IOM are issued solely for the purpose of enabling a proposal to be completed and may not be used for any other purpose. The RFP documents and any additional information provided to proposers shall remain the property of IOM. All documents which may form part of the proposal will become the property of IOM, who will not be required to return them to your firm.
6. Publicity
During the RFP process, a proposer is not permitted to create any publicity in connection with the RFP.
7. Clarification of solicitation documents
Proposers may request clarifications on any of the RFP documents no later than the date indicated in Section 3: Data Sheet. Any request for clarification must be sent in writing in the
manner indicated in Section 3: Data Sheet. Explanations or interpretations provided by personnel other than the named contact person will not be considered binding or official.
IOM will provide the responses to clarifications through the method specified in Section 3: Data Sheet.
IOM shall endeavour to provide responses to clarifications in an expeditious manner, but any delay in such response shall not cause an obligation on the part of IOM. to extend the submission date of the proposals, unless IOM deems that such an extension is justified and necessary.
8. Amendment of solicitation documents
At any time prior to the deadline for proposal submission, IOM may for any reason, such as in response to a clarification requested by a proposer, modify the RFP in the form of an amendment to the RFP. Amendments will be made available to all prospective proposers.
If the amendment is substantial, IOM may extend the deadline for submission of proposals to give the proposers reasonable time to incorporate the amendment into their proposal.
9. Cost of preparation of proposal
The proposer shall bear all costs related to the preparation and/or submission of the proposal, regardless of whether its proposal is selected or not. IOM shall not be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the procurement process.
10. Language
The proposal, as well as any and all related correspondence, exchanged by the proposer and IOM, shall be written in the language(s) specified in Section 3: Data Sheet.
11. Documents establishing eligibility and qualifications of the proposer
The proposer shall furnish documentary evidence of its status as an eligible and qualified vendor, using the forms provided in Section 7 and providing the documents required in those forms. In order to award a contract to a proposer, its qualifications must be documented to IOM’s satisfaction.
12. Technical proposal format and content
The proposer is required to submit a technical proposal using the forms provided in Section 7 and taking into consideration the requirements in the RFP.
The technical proposal shall not include any price or financial information. A technical proposal containing material financial information may be declared non-responsive.
13. Financial proposal
The financial proposal shall be prepared using the form provided in Section 7 and taking into consideration the requirements in the RFP. It shall list all major cost components associated with the services, and the detailed breakdown of such costs.
Any output and activities described in the technical proposal but not priced in the financial proposal, shall be assumed to be included in the prices of other activities or items as well as in the final total price.
Prices and other financial information must not be disclosed in any other place except in the financial proposal.
14. Currencies
All prices shall be quoted in the currency or currencies indicated in Section 3: Data Sheet. Where proposals are quoted in different currencies, for the purposes of comparison of all proposals:
● IOM will convert the currency quoted in the proposal into the IOM preferred currency, in accordance with the IOM Operational Rate of Exchange on the date of the bid closure.
● In the event that IOM selects a proposal for an award that is quoted in a currency different from the preferred currency in Section 3: Data Sheet, IOM shall reserve the right to award the contract in the currency of IOM’s preference, using the conversion method specified above.
15. Duties and taxes
The International Organization for Migration is exempt from all direct taxes, except charges for public utility services, and is exempt from customs restrictions, duties, and charges of a similar nature in respect of articles imported or exported for its official use. All quotations shall be submitted net of any direct taxes and any other taxes and duties. All proposals shall be submitted net of any direct taxes and any other taxes and duties unless otherwise specified in Section 3: Data Sheet
16. Proposal validity period
Proposals shall remain valid for the period specified in Section 3: Data Sheet, commencing on the deadline for submission of proposals. A proposal valid for a shorter period may be rejected by IOM and rendered non-responsive.
During the proposal validity period, the proposer shall maintain its original proposal without any change, including the availability of the key personnel, the proposed rates and the total price.
In exceptional circumstances, prior to the expiration of the proposal validity period, IOM may request proposers to extend the period of validity of their proposals. The request and the responses shall be made in writing and shall be considered integral to the proposal.
If the proposer agrees to extend the validity of its proposal, it shall be done without any change to the original proposal but will be required to extend the validity of the proposal security, if required, for the period of the extension, and in compliance with Article 17 (Proposal security) in all respects.
The proposer has the right to refuse to extend the validity of its proposal without forfeiting the proposal security, if required, in which case, the proposal shall not be further evaluated.
17. Proposal security
Proposal security, if required by Section 3: Data Sheet, shall be provided in the amount and form indicated in Section 3: Data Sheet. The proposal security shall be valid for a minimum of thirty (30) days after the final date of validity of the proposal.
The proposal security shall be included along with the proposal. If proposal security is required by the RFP but is not found in the proposal, the offer shall be rejected.
If the proposal security amount, or its validity period, is found to be less than is required by IOM, IOM shall reject the proposal.
In the event an electronic submission is allowed in Section 3: Data Sheet, proposers shall include a copy of the proposal security in their proposal and the original of the proposal security must be sent via courier or hand delivery as per the instructions in Section 3: Data Sheet.
Unsuccessful proposers’ proposal securities will be discharged/returned as promptly as possible but no later than thirty (30) days after the expiration of the period of proposal validity prescribed by Click or tap here to enter text. pursuant to Article 16 (Proposal Validity Period).
The Proposal security may be forfeited by IOM., and the proposal rejected, in the event of any, or combination, of the following conditions:
● If the proposer withdraws its offer during the period of the proposal validity specified in Section 3: Data Sheet, or;
● In the event the successful Proposer fails:
o to sign the contract after IOM has issued an award; or
o to furnish the performance security, insurances, or other documents that IOM. may require as a condition precedent to the effectivity of the contract that may be awarded to the proposer.
18. Joint Venture, Consortium or Association
If the proposer is a group of legal entities that will form or have formed a Joint Venture (JV), Consortium or Association for the proposal, each such legal entity will confirm in their joint proposal that:
● they have designated one party to act as a lead entity, duly vested with authority to legally bind the members of the JV, Consortium or Association jointly and severally, and this will be evidenced by a duly notarised agreement among the legal entities, which will be submitted along with the proposal; and
● if they are awarded the contract, the contract shall be entered into by and between IOM. and the designated lead entity, who will be acting for and on behalf of all the member entities comprising the joint venture.
After the deadline for submission of proposal, the lead entity identified to represent the JV, Consortium or Association shall not be altered without the prior written consent of IOM.
If a JV, Consortium or Association’s proposal is the proposal selected for award, IOM. will award the contract to the joint venture, in the name of its designated lead entity. The lead entity will sign the contract for and on behalf of all other member entities.
The lead entity and the member entities of the JV, Consortium or Association shall abide by the provisions of Article 19 (Only one Proposal) herein in respect of submitting only one proposal.
The description of the organization of the JV, Consortium or Association must clearly define the expected role of each of the entities in the joint venture in delivering the requirements of the RFP, both in the proposal and the JV, Consortium or Association Agreement. All entities that comprise the JV, Consortium or Association shall be subject to the eligibility and qualification assessment by IOM..
A JV, Consortium or Association, in presenting its track record and experience, should clearly differentiate between:
● Those that were undertaken together by the JV, Consortium or Association; and
● Those that were undertaken by the individual entities of the JV, Consortium or Association.
Previous contracts completed by individual experts working privately but who are permanently or were temporarily associated with any of the member firms cannot be claimed as the experience of the JV, Consortium or Association or those of its members, but should only be claimed by the individual experts themselves in their presentation of their individual credentials.
JV, Consortium or Associations are encouraged for high value, multi-sectoral requirements when the spectrum of expertise and resources required may not be available within one firm.
19. Only one proposal
The proposer (including the individual members of any Joint Venture) shall submit only one proposal, either in its own name or as part of a Joint Venture.
Proposals submitted by two (2) or more proposers shall all be rejected if they are found to have any of the following:
● they have at least one controlling partner, director, or shareholder in common; or
● any one of them receive or have received any direct or indirect subsidy from the other/s; or
● they have the same legal representative for purposes of this RFP; or
● they have a relationship with each other, directly or through common third parties, that puts them in a position to have access to information about or influence the proposal of another proposer regarding this RFP process;
● they are subcontractors to each other’s proposal, or a subcontractor to one proposal also submits another proposal under its name as lead proposer, or some key personnel proposed to be in the team of one proposer participates in more than one proposal received for this RFP process. This condition relating to the personnel does not apply to subcontractors being included in more than one proposal.
20. Alternative proposals
Unless otherwise specified in Section 3: Data Sheet, alternative proposals shall not be considered. If submission of alternative proposals is allowed in Section 3: Data Sheet, a proposer may submit an alternative proposal, but only if it also submits a proposal conforming to the RFP requirements. Where the conditions for its acceptance are met, or justifications are clearly established, IOM reserves the right to award a contract based on an alternative proposal.
If multiple/alternative proposals are being submitted, they must be clearly marked as “Main Proposal” and “Alternative Proposal”. If no indication is provided as to which proposal is the main proposal and which is/are the alternative proposal(s), then all proposals will be rejected.
21. Pre-proposal conference
When appropriate, a pre-proposal conference will be conducted at the date, time and location and according to any instructions specified in Section 3: Data Sheet.
If it is stated in Section 3: Data Sheet that the pre-proposal conference is mandatory, a Proposer which does not attend the pre-proposal conference shall become ineligible to submit a proposal under this RFP.
If it is stated in Section 3: Data Sheet that the pre-proposal conference is not mandatory, non-attendance shall not result in disqualification of an interested proposer.
IOM will not issue any formal answers to questions from proposers regarding the RFP or proposal process during the pre-proposal conference. All questions shall be submitted in accordance with Article 38 (Clarification of Proposals).
The pre-proposal conference shall be conducted for the purpose of providing background information only. Without limiting Article 24 (Proposers responsibility) proposers shall not rely upon any information, statement or representation made at the pre-proposal conference unless that information, statement or representation is confirmed by Click or tap here to enter text. in writing.
Minutes of the pre-proposal conference will be disseminated as specified in Section 3: Data Sheet. No verbal statement made during the conference shall modify the terms and conditions of the RFP, unless specifically incorporated in the minutes of the proposer’s conference or issued/posted as an amendment to RFP.
22. Site inspection
When appropriate, a site inspection will be conducted at the date, time and location and according to any instructions specified in Section 3: Data Sheet.
If it is stated in Section 3: Data Sheet that the site inspection is mandatory, a proposer who does not attend the site inspection shall become ineligible to submit a proposal under this RFP.
If it is stated in Section 3: Data Sheet that the site inspection is not mandatory, non-attendance, shall not result in disqualification of an interested proposer.
Proposers participating in a site inspection shall be responsible for making and obtaining any visa arrangements that may be required for the proposers to participate in a site inspection.
Prior to attending a site inspection, proposers shall execute an indemnity and a waiver releasing Click or tap here to enter text. in respect of any liability that may arise from:
(i) loss of or damage to any real or personal property;
(ii) personal injury, disease or illness to, or death of, any person;
(iii) financial loss or expense, arising out of the carrying out of that site inspection; and
(iv) transportation by IOM to the site (if provided) as a result of any accidents or malicious acts by third parties.
IOM will not issue any formal answers to questions from proposers regarding the RFP or solicitation process during a site inspection. All questions shall be submitted in accordance with Article 7 (Clarification of solicitation documents).
A site inspection will be conducted for the purpose of providing background information only. Without limiting Article 24 (Proposers Responsibility), proposers shall not rely upon any information, statement or representation made at a site inspection unless that information, statement or representation is confirmed by IOM in writing.
23. Errors or omissions
Proposers shall immediately notify IOM in writing of any ambiguities, errors, omissions, discrepancies, inconsistencies or other faults in any part of the RFP, with full details of those ambiguities, errors, omissions, discrepancies, inconsistencies or other faults.
Proposers shall not benefit from such ambiguities, errors, omissions, discrepancies, inconsistencies or other faults.
24. Proposers responsibility to inform themselves
Proposers shall be responsible for informing themselves in preparing their proposal. In this regard, proposers shall ensure that they:
● examine and fully inform themselves in relation to all aspects of the RFP, including the Contract and all other documents included or referred to in this RFP;
● review the RFP to ensure that they have a complete copy of all documents;
● obtain and examine all other information relevant to the project and the scope of the requirements available on reasonable inquiry;
● verify all relevant representations, statements and information, including those contained or referred to in the RFP or made orally during any clarification meeting or site Inspection or any discussion with Click or tap here to enter text., its employees or agents;
● attend any pre-proposal conference if it is mandatory under this RFP;
● fully inform and satisfy themselves as to requirements of any relevant authorities and laws that apply, or may in the future apply, to the supply of the services; and
● form their own assessment of the nature and extent of the services required as included in Section 5: Terms of Reference and properly account for all requirements in their proposal.
Proposers acknowledge that IOM, its directors, employees and agents make no representations or warranties (express or implied) as to the accuracy, currency or completeness of this RFP or any other information provided to the proposers.
25. No material change(s) in circumstances
The proposer shall inform IOM of any change(s) of circumstances arising during the RFP process, including but not limited to:
● a change affecting any declaration, accreditation, license or approval;
● major re-organizational changes, company re-structuring, a take-over, buy-out or
similar event(s) affecting the operation and/or financing of the proposer or its major sub-contractors;
● a change to any information on which IOM may rely in assessing proposals.
26. Instruction for proposal submission
The proposer shall submit a complete proposal in the format and comprising the documents and forms in accordance with requirements in Section 3: Data Sheet. The proposal shall be delivered according to the method specified in Section 3: Data Sheet.
The proposal shall be signed by the proposer or person(s) duly authorized to commit the proposer. The authorization shall be communicated through a document evidencing such authorization issued by the legal representative of the proposing entity, or, if requested, a Power of Attorney, accompanying the proposal.
Proposers must be aware that the mere act of submission of a proposal, in and of itself, implies that the proposer fully accepts the IOM General Conditions of Contract.
27. Deadline for proposal submission
Complete proposals must be received by IOM in the manner, and no later than the date and time, specified in Section 3: Data Sheet. If any doubt exists as to the time zone in which the Proposal should be submitted, refer to It shall be the sole responsibility of the proposers to ensure that their proposal is received by the closing date and time. IOM shall accept no responsibility for proposals that arrive late due to the courier company or any technical issues and shall only recognise the actual date and time that the proposal was received by IOM.
IOM may, at its discretion, extend this deadline for the submission of proposals by amending the solicitation documents in accordance with Article 8 (Amendment of solicitation documents). In this case, all rights and obligations of IOM and proposers subject to the previous deadline will thereafter be subject to the new deadline as extended.
28. Withdrawal, substitution and modification of proposals
A proposer may withdraw, substitute or modify its proposal after it has been submitted at any time prior to the deadline for submission by sending a written notice to IOM, duly signed by an authorized representative and shall include a copy of the authorization (or a Power of Attorney). The corresponding substitution or modification of the proposal, if any, must accompany the respective written notice. All notices must be submitted in the same manner as specified for submission of proposals, by clearly marking them as “WITHDRAWAL”, “SUBSTITUTION” OR “MODIFICATION”.
However, after the deadline for proposal submission, the proposals shall remain valid and open for acceptance by IOM for the entire proposal validity period, as may be extended.
Proposals requested to be withdrawn prior to the deadline for submission of the proposals shall be made available for collection by the proposer that submitted it within 15 days of its withdrawal. Otherwise, IOM shall have the right to discard such proposal unopened without further notice to the proposer. IOM shall not be responsible to return the proposal to the proposer at IOM’s cost.
29. Storage of proposals
Proposals received prior to the deadline of submission and the time of opening shall be securely kept unopened until the proposal opening date stated in Section 3: Data Sheet. No responsibility shall be attached to IOM for prematurely opening an improperly addressed and/or identified proposal.
30. Proposal opening
Proposals will be opened by an ad-hoc panel consisting of at least two staff members and where at least one individual is not involved in the subsequent stages of the procurement process.
There will be separate proposal openings for technical and financial proposals. Proposers may attend the opening of the proposals if stated in Section 3: Data Sheet.
The proposers’ names and submitted documents shall be announced and recorded on the technical proposal opening report, which will be available for viewing only to proposers who have submitted a proposal for a period of thirty days from the date of opening. Information not included in the proposal opening report will not be provided to proposers.
Once the technical evaluation has been completed, the financial proposals will be opened. During the financial proposal opening, the proposers’ names and the prices stated in the financial proposal shall be announced and recorded on the financial proposal opening report.
No proposal shall be rejected during proposal opening, except for late proposals.
31. Late proposals
Any proposal received by IOM after the deadline for submission of proposals will be destroyed unless the proposer requests that it be returned and assumes the responsibility and expenses for the re-possession of the returned proposal documents.
In exceptional circumstances, late proposals may be accepted if it is determined that the submission was sent in ample time prior to the proposed closing and the delay could not be reasonably foreseen by the proposer or was due to force majeure.
32. Confidentiality
Information relating to the examination, evaluation, and comparison of proposals, and the recommendation of contract award, shall not be disclosed to proposers or any other persons not officially concerned with such process, even after publication of the contract award.
Any effort by a proposer or anyone on behalf of the proposer to influence IOM in the examination, evaluation and comparison of the proposals or contract award decisions may, at IOM’s decision, result in the rejection of its proposal and may subsequently be subject to the application of prevailing IOM’s vendor sanctions procedures.
33. Evaluation of proposals
IOM shall evaluate a proposal using only the methodologies and criteria defined in this RFP. No other criteria or methodology shall be permitted.
IOM shall conduct the evaluation solely on the basis of the submitted technical and financial proposals.
Evaluation of proposals shall be undertaken in the following steps:
a) Preliminary examination
b) Evaluation of minimum eligibility and qualification (if pre-qualification is not done)
c) Evaluation of technical proposals
d) Evaluation of financial proposals.
34. Preliminary examination
IOM shall examine the proposals to determine whether they are complete with respect to minimum documentary requirements, whether the documents have been properly signed, and whether the proposals are generally in order, among other indicators that may be used at this stage. IOM reserves the right to reject any proposal at this stage.
35. Evaluation of eligibility and qualification
The eligibility and qualification of the proposer will be evaluated against the minimum eligibility and qualification requirements specified in Section 4: Evaluation Criteria and in Article 4 (Eligible proposers).
36. Evaluation of technical and financial proposals
The evaluation team shall review and evaluate the technical proposals on the basis of their responsiveness to the Terms of Reference and other RFP documents, applying the evaluation criteria, sub-criteria, and point system specified in Section 4: Evaluation Criteria. A proposal shall be rendered non-responsive at the technical evaluation stage if it fails to achieve the minimum technical score indicated in Section 3: Data Sheet. When necessary, and if stated in the Data Sheet, IOM may invite technically responsive proposers for a presentation related to
their technical proposals. The conditions for the presentation shall be provided in the proposal document where required.
In the second stage, only the financial proposals of those proposers who achieve the minimum technical score will be opened for evaluation.
The evaluation method that applies for this RFP shall be as indicated in Section 3: Data Sheet, which may be either of two (2) possible methods, as follows: (a) the lowest priced method which selects the lowest evaluated financial proposal of the technically responsive Proposers; or (b) the combined scoring method which will be based on a combination of the technical and financial score.
When the Data Sheet specifies a combined scoring method, the formula for the rating of the proposals will be as follows:
Rating the Technical Proposal (TP):
TP Rating = (Total Score Obtained by the Offer / Max. Obtainable Score for TP) x 100
Rating the Financial Proposal (FP):
FP Rating = (Lowest Priced Offer / Price of the Offer Being Reviewed) x 100
Total Combined Score:
Combined Score = (TP Rating) x (70%) + (FP Rating) x (30%)
37. Post-qualification
IOM reserves the right to undertake a post-qualification assessment, aimed at determining, to its satisfaction, the validity of the information provided by the proposer. Such exercise shall be fully documented and may include, but need not be limited to, all or any combination of the following:
a) Verification of accuracy, correctness and authenticity of information provided by the proposer;
b) Validation of extent of compliance to the RFP requirements and evaluation criteria based on what has so far been found by the evaluation team;
c) Inquiry and reference checking with Government entities with jurisdiction on the proposer, or with previous clients, or any other entity that may have done business with the proposer;
d) Inquiry and reference checking with previous clients on the performance on on-going or completed contracts, including physical inspections of previous works, as deemed necessary;
e) Physical inspection of the proposer’s offices, branches or other places where business transpires, with or without notice to the proposer;
f) Other means that IOM may deem appropriate, at any stage within the selection process, prior to awarding the contract.
38. Clarification of proposals
IOM may request clarification or further information in writing from the proposers at any time during the evaluation process. The proposers’ responses shall not contain any changes regarding the substance or price of the proposal, except to confirm the correction of arithmetic errors discovered by IOM in the evaluation of the proposals, in accordance with Instructions to Proposers Article 23 (Errors or omissions).
IOM may use such information in interpreting and evaluating the relevant proposal but is under no obligation to take it into account.
Any unsolicited clarification submitted by a proposer in respect to its proposal which is not a response to a request by IOM, shall not be considered during the review and evaluation of the proposals.
39. Responsiveness of proposal
IOM’s determination of a proposal’s responsiveness is to be based on the contents of the proposal itself. A substantially responsive proposal is one that conforms to all the terms, conditions, TOR and other requirements of the RFP without material deviation, reservation, or omission. A material deviation, reservation, or omission is one that:
a) affects in any substantial way the scope, quality, or performance of the services specified in the contract; or
b) limits in any substantial way, inconsistent with the solicitation documents, IOM’s rights or the proposer’s obligations under the contract; or
c) if rectified would unfairly affect the competitive position of other proposers presenting substantially responsive proposals.
If a proposal is not substantially responsive, it shall be rejected by IOM. and may not subsequently be made responsive by the proposer by correction of the material deviation, reservation, or omission.
40. Nonconformities, reparable errors and omission
Provided that a proposal is substantially responsive, IOM may waive any non-conformities or omissions in the proposal that, in the opinion of IOM., do not constitute a material deviation. These are a matter of form and not of substance and can be corrected or waived without being prejudicial to other proposers.
Provided that a proposal is substantially responsive IOM may request the proposer to submit the necessary information or documentation, within a reasonable period, to rectify nonmaterial nonconformities or omissions in the proposal related to documentation requirements. Such omission shall not be related to any aspect of the price of the proposal. Failure of the proposer to comply with the request may result in the rejection of its proposal.
For financial proposals that have been opened, IOM shall check and correct arithmetical errors as follows:
a) if there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the line item total that is obtained by multiplying the unit price by the quantity, the unit price shall prevail and the line item total shall be corrected, unless in the opinion of IOM there is an obvious misplacement of the decimal point in the unit price; in which case, the line item total as quoted shall govern and the unit price shall be corrected;
b) if there is an error in a total corresponding to the addition or subtraction of subtotals, the subtotals shall prevail, and the total shall be corrected; and
c) if there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words shall prevail, unless the amount expressed in words is related to an arithmetic error, in which case the amount in figures shall prevail.
If the proposer does not accept the correction of errors, its proposal shall be rejected and its proposal security may be forfeited.
41. Right to accept any proposal and to reject any or all proposals
IOM reserves the right to accept or reject any proposals, and to annul the proposal process and reject all proposals at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected proposer or proposers or any obligation to inform the affected proposer or proposers of the grounds for IOM.’s action. IOM shall not be obliged to award the contract to the lowest-priced offer.
42. Award criteria
Prior to expiration of the proposal validity, IOM shall award the Contract to the qualified proposer based on the award criteria indicated in Section 3: Data Sheet.
43. Right to vary requirement at time of award
At the time the contract is awarded, IOM reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity of services originally specified in Section 5: Terms of Reference, provided this does not exceed the percentages specified in Section 3 Data Sheet, and without any change in the unit prices or other terms and conditions of the proposal and the solicitation document.
44. Notification of award
Prior to the expiration of the period of proposal validity, IOM will notify the successful proposer in writing by email, fax or post, that its proposal has been accepted. Please note that the proposer, if not already registered at the appropriate level in UNGM, will be required to complete the vendor registration process on the UNGM prior to the signature and finalization of the contract.
45. Debriefing
In the event that a proposer is unsuccessful, the proposer may request a debriefing from IOM. The purpose of the debriefing is to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the proposer’s submission, in order to assist the proposer in improving its future proposals for IOM procurement opportunities. The content of other proposals and how they compare to the proposer’s submission shall not be discussed.
46. Performance security
The successful Proposer, if so specified in Section 3: Data Sheet shall furnish a Performance Security in the amount and form specified therein, within the specified number of days after receipt of the Contract from IOM. Banks issuing performance securities must be acceptable to the IOM comptroller, i.e. banks certified by the central bank of the country to operate as a commercial bank. IOM shall promptly discharge the proposal securities of the unsuccessful proposers pursuant to Article 17 (Proposal security).
Failure of the successful proposer to submit the above-mentioned Performance Security or sign the Contract shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award and forfeiture of the proposed security. In that event IOM may award the contract to the next lowest ranked proposer.
47. Bank guarantee for advance payment
Except when the interests of IOM so require, it is IOM’s standard practice not to make advance payment(s) (i.e., payments without having received any outputs). If an advance payment is allowed as per Section 3: Data Sheet, and if specified there, the proposer shall submit a Bank Guarantee in the full amount of the advance payment. Banks issuing bank guarantees must be acceptable to the IOM comptroller, i.e., banks certified by the central bank of the country to operate as a commercial bank.
48. Liquidated Damages
If specified in Section 3: Data Sheet, Click or tap here to enter text. shall apply Liquidated Damages for the damages and/or risks caused to Click or tap here to enter text. resulting from the Contractor’s delays or breach of its obligations as per the Contract. The payment or deduction of such liquidated damages shall not relieve the Contractor from any of its other obligations or liabilities pursuant to any current contract or purchase order.
49. Proposal protest
Any proposer that believes to have been unjustly treated in connection with this proposal process or any contract that may be awarded as a result of such proposal process may submit a complaint to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The following specific data shall complement, supplement or amend the provisions in Section 2: Instructions to Proposers. In case there is a conflict, the provisions herein shall prevail over those in Section 2: Instructions to Proposers.
Ref. Article in Section 2
Specific Instructions / Requirements
The reference number of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is 22523.
The services include the supply of Click or tap here to enter text. in Click or tap here to enter text. as further described in Section 5 of this RFP.
Eligible proposers
Bidders from all countries are elegible to bid.
Clarification of solicitation documents
Contact details for clarification of solicitation documents:
Focal Person: Drood ARI
Address: Erbil
E-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Deadline for submitting requests for clarifications / questions:
27-Oct-24. No later than 11:00 am., Click or tap here to enter text.
Manner of disseminating supplemental information to the RFP and responses / clarifications to queries:
Direct communication to prospective proposers by email.
All proposals, information, documents and correspondence exchanged between IOM and the proposers in relation to this solicitation process shall be in English
Partial proposals
Submitting proposals for parts or sub-parts of the TOR is:
Not allowed
Prices shall be quoted in USD
Duties and taxes
All prices shall:
Be inclusive of VAT and other applicable indirect taxes.
Proposal validity period
90 days
Proposal security
Not Required
Alternative proposals
Shall not be considered..
Pre-proposal conference
Will not be conducted
Site inspection
A site inspection will not be held.
Instructions for proposal submission
Allowable manner of submitting proposals:
☐ e-tendering
☐ Courier / hand delivery
The Technical Proposal shall be sent in a separate email with the mandatory subject line: RFP 22523 Technical Proposal.
The Financial Proposal shall be sent in a separate email with the mandatory subject line: RFP 22523 Financial Proposal.
Distinct, separate emails for the technical and financial proposals are requested in order to be able to evaluate them separately. Non-compliance with this instruction shall result in rejection of the proposal received.
Proposal submission address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. PLEASE DO NOT SEND THE EMAILS WITH YOUR PROPOSAL TO ANY OTHER EMAIL ADDRESS (NOT EVEN AS CC. or BCC).
▪ File Format: pdf, word file, power point and excel sheet
▪ File names must be maximum 60 characters long and must not contain any letter or special character other than from Latin alphabet/keyboard.
▪ All files must be free of viruses and not corrupted.
▪ Max. File Size per transmission: 10 Mbs
▪ Mandatory subject of email: RFP 22516 Technical Proposal & RFP 22516 Financial Proposal
▪ If the Proposal consists of large files, it is recommended that these files be sent in separate emails prior to the submission deadline.
▪ Multiple emails must be clearly identified by indicating in the subject line “email no. X of Y”, and the final “email no. Y of Y.
▪ Documents which are required in original (e.g. Proposal Security) should be sent to the below address with a PDF copy submitted as part of the electronic submission: Click or tap here to enter text.
▪ It is recommended that the entire Proposal be consolidated into as few attachments as possible.
▪ The proposer should receive an email acknowledging email receipt.
27. Deadline for proposal submission
Date: 04-Nov-24
Time: 11:00 am Baghdad Time GMT +03.00
Time zone: Click or tap here to enter text.
Proposal Opening
☐ Public proposal opening will not be held
Evaluation of technical and financial proposals
Evaluation will be based on:
☐ Lowest price method (selects the lowest evaluated financial proposal of the technically responsive Proposers)
☐ Combined scoring method using a distribution of 70%-30%. Technical proposal – financial proposal
☐ Other Click or tap here to enter text.
The maximum number of technical points is detailed in Section 4: Evaluation Criteria
To be substantially compliant, Proposers must obtain a minimum threshold of Click or tap here to enter text.% of maximum points.
Right to vary requirement at time of award
The maximum percentage by which quantities may be increased is 10%
The maximum percentage by which quantities may be decreased is 10%
Contract award to one or more proposer
IOM will award a contract to:
One Bidder Only
Type of contract to be awarded
PO for Service + Service Contract
See Section 6: for sample contract.
Expected date for commencement of contract
Conditions of contract to apply
Click or tap here to enter text.
See Section 6.
Performance Security
Not required
Advance payment
Not allowed
If allowed, Bank Guarantee Choose an item.
Liquidated damages
Choose an item.
Provide details below if “Will be Imposed” is selected, otherwise delete the below
Percentage of contract price per week of delay: 0.1% up to a maximum of 10% of the Contract value, after which Click or tap here to enter text. may terminate the contract.
Preliminary Examination Criteria
All criteria will be evaluated on a Pass/Fail basis and checked during Preliminary Examination.
Documents to establish compliance
Completeness of the Proposal
All documents requested in Section 2: Instruction to Proposers have been provided and are complete.
Proposer accepts Click or tap here to enter text. General Conditions of Contract as specified in Section 6.
Form C: Technical Proposal Submission
Proposal Validity
Form C
Registration Certificate / Business License
Click or tap here to enter text.
Tax Certificate
Click or tap here to enter text.
Minimum Eligibility and Qualification Criteria
Minimum eligibility and qualification criteria will be evaluated on a Pass/Fail basis.
If the Proposal is submitted as a Joint Venture, Consortium or Association, each member should meet the minimum criteria, unless otherwise specified.
Eligibility Criteria
Documents to establish compliance
Proposer is a legally registered entity
Form D: Proposer Information
Proposer belongs to a diverse supplier group, including micro, small or medium sized enterprise, women or youth owned business or other.
Form D: Proposer Information
Vendor is not suspended, nor otherwise identified as ineligible by any UN Organization, the World Bank Group or any other International Organisation in accordance with Section 2 Article 4.
Form C: Technical Proposal Submission
No conflicts of interest in accordance with Section 2 Article 4.
Form C: Technical Proposal Submission
The Proposer has not declared bankruptcy, in not involved in bankruptcy or receivership proceedings, and there is no judgment or pending legal action against the vendor that could impair its operations in the foreseeable future
Form C: Technical Proposal Submission
Qualification Criteria
Documents to establish compliance
History of non-performing contracts: Non-performance of a contract did not occur as a result of contractor default within the last 3 years.
Form F: Eligibility and Qualification
Litigation History: No consistent history of court/arbitral award decisions against the Proposer for the last 3 years.
Form F: Eligibility and Qualification
Previous Experience:
Minimum 5 years of relevant experience.
Form F: Eligibility and Qualification
Minimum 3. contracts of similar value, nature and complexity implemented over the last 3 years.
(For JV/Consortium/Association, all Parties cumulatively should meet requirement).
Form F: Eligibility and Qualification
Financial Standing:
Liquidity: the ratio Average current assets / Current liabilities over the last 3 years must be equal or greater than 1. Proposers must include in their Proposal audited balance sheets cover the last two years
Copy of audited financial statements for the last three years. / Form F: Eligibility and Qualification
Technical Evaluation Criteria
Summary of technical proposal evaluation sections
Points obtainable
Proposer’s qualification, capacity and experience
Proposed methodology, approach and implementation plan
Management structure and key personnel
Section 1. Proposer’s qualification, capacity and experience
Reputation of organisation and staff credibility / reliability / industry standing
General organisational capability which is likely to affect implementation: management structure, financial stability and project financing capacity, project management controls, extent to which any work would be subcontracted.
Relevance of specialised knowledge and experience on similar engagements done in the region / country
Quality assurance procedures and risk mitigation measures
Organisation Commitment to Sustainability
● Organisation is compliant with ISO 14001 or ISO 14064 or equivalent – 20 points
● Organisation is a member of the UN Global Compact – 5 points
● Organisation demonstrates significant commitment to sustainability through some other means (for example internal company policy documents on women empowerment, renewable energies or membership of trade institutions promoting such issues) – 5 points
Total Section 1
Section 2. Proposed methodology approach and implementation plan
Understanding of the requirement: Have the important aspects of the task been addressed in sufficient detail? Are the different components of the project adequately weighted relative to one another?
Description of the Proposer’s approach and methodology for meeting or exceeding the requirements of the Terms of Reference
Details on how the different service elements shall be organised, controlled and delivered
Description of available performance monitoring and evaluation mechanisms and tools; how they shall be adopted and used for a specific requirement
Assessment of the implementation plan proposed including whether the activities are properly sequenced and if these are logical and realistic
Demonstration of ability to plan, integrate and effectively implement sustainability measures in the execution of the contract
Total Section 2
Section 3. Management Structure and Key Personnel
Composition and structure of the team proposed. Are the proposed roles of the management and the team of key personnel suitable for the provision of the necessary services?
Qualifications of key personnel proposed
3.2 a
Team Leader
● General experience
● Specific experience relevant to the assignment
● Regional / international experience
● Language qualifications
3.2 b
Senior Expert
● General experience
● Specific experience relevant to the assignment
● Regional / international experience
● Language qualifications
3.2 c
Junior Expert
● General experience
● Specific experience relevant to the assignment
● Regional / international experience
● Language qualifications
Total Section 3
[Insert here the Terms of Reference (ToR) or the SOW. For Guidance on preparing ToR please refer to pages 76-78 of the UN Procurement Practitioner’s Handbook].
Survivors of CRSV from Yazidi and other minority communities in Iraq played a significant role in advocacy for adoption of the Yazidi Survivors Law (YSL), a key transitional justice framework in Iraq addressing legacy of Daesh genocide (2014). Their further advocacy and participation in the implementation of different components of the YSL transitional justice framework, including reparations (both material and symbolical), and strengthening survivors’ right to justice in Iraq, will be instrumental for effective implementation of the YSL. Survivors have been involved in advocacy efforts through both individual engagement and collaboration with NGOs, and through loose informal networks, including Survivors Voices Network (SVN)1.
Established in May 2021 with the support of IOM, Dak, Better World and Yazda, Survivors’ Voices is a network comprised of survivors of sexual violence crimes committed by ISIL. Their vision is that every survivor of sexual violence perpetrated by ISIL in Iraq benefits from the Yazidi Survivors Law, including medical and psychological care, education and socioeconomic support, criminal justice, material and symbolic reparations, in order to reintegrate into society and lead a dignified life. Their mission is to amplify survivors’ voices to ensure their meaningful participation in everything that concerns them.
As a precondition for safe, effective and dignified participation of CRSV survivors in advocacy and implementation of transitional justice mechanisms in Iraq, it is necessary to ensure that survivors who decide to be involved in these efforts have tailored and sustained support. IOM seeks an experienced service provider to provide following assistance to survivors of CRSV:
1. Strengthening their core skills for advocacy efforts (public speaking, self-care, critical thinking, etc)
2. Expanding their understanding of relevant issues and principles related to specific transitional justice mechanisms (i.e. accountability for CRSV/genocide, memorialization)
3. Strengthening their skills in designing and implementing grassroot initiatives for economic empowerment of survivors
4. Strengthening existing survivors’ advocacy platforms, i.e. network governance, project management, community engagement, visibility (including social media), etc.
6.1 Contract Form with General Conditions of Contract
[Insert the appropriate Contract here, using standard procurement contracts available at LEG CR – Operational Templates – Procurement Contracts – All Documents (
1 SVN is a first independent network of women CRSV survivors in Iraq, with mission to advocate for rights of survivors of genocide in Iraq. It involves primarily Yazidi women survivors, with ambition to include women from other minority communities Turkmen, Christian and Shabak. SVN was established with collaborative support of local NGOs, Dr. Dennis Mukwege Foundation and IOM Iraq.
Form A: Proposal Confirmation
Form B: Checklist
Form C: Technical Proposal Submission
Form D: Proposer Information
Form E: Joint Venture/Consortium/Association Information
Form F: Eligibility and Qualification
Form G: Format for Technical Proposal
Form H: Format for CV of proposed key personnel
Form I: Statement of Exclusivity and Availability
Form J: Financial Proposal Submission
Form K: Format for Financial Proposal
Please acknowledge receipt of this RFP by completing this form and returning it by email to the address, and by the date specified, in the Letter of Invitation.
Insert name of contact person
Email: Insert contact person’s email – do not enter secure proposal email address
Insert name of proposer
RFP reference Click or tap here to enter text.
Check the appropriate box

YES, we intend to submit a proposal.

NO. We are unable to submit a competitive proposal for the requested services at the moment
If you selected NO above, please state the reason(s) below:
Check applicable

The requested services are not within our range of supply

We are unable to submit a competitive proposal for the requested services at the moment

The requested services are not available at the moment

We cannot meet the requested terms of reference

The information provided for proposal purposes is insufficient

Your RFP is too complicated

Insufficient time is allowed to prepare a proposal

We cannot meet the delivery requirements

We cannot adhere to your terms and conditions e.g. payment terms, request for performance security, etc.. Please provide details below.

Sustainability criteria/requirements are too stringent (if applicable)

We do not export

We do not sell to the UN

Your requirement is too small

Our capacity is currently full

We are closed during the holiday season

We had to give priority to other clients’ requests

The person handling proposals is away from the office

Other (please provide reasons below):
Further information: Click or tap here to enter text.

We would like to receive future RFPs for this type of services

We don’t want to receive RFPs for this type of services
Questions to the Supplier concerning the reasons for no proposal should be addressed to Click or tap here to enter text. phone Click or tap here to enter number., email Click or tap here to enter text..
This form serves as a checklist for preparation of your Proposal. Please complete the returnable Proposal Forms in accordance with the instructions and return them as part of your Proposal submission: No alteration to the format of forms shall be permitted and no substitution shall be accepted.
Before submitting your Proposal, please ensure compliance with the instructions in Section 2: Instructions to Proposers and Section 3: Data Sheet.
Technical Proposal:
Have you duly completed all the Returnable Proposal Forms?
▪ Form C: Technical Proposal Submission

▪ Form D: Proposer information

▪ Form E: Joint Venture/Consortium/Association Information

▪ Form F: Eligibility and Qualification

▪ Form G: Technical Proposal

▪ Form H: CVs of proposed key personnel
▪ Form I: Statements of exclusivity and availability for key personnel
Have you provided the required documents to establish compliance with the evaluation criteria in Section 4?

Have you provided the required documents in support of Form D: Proposer Information?

Financial Proposal:
▪ Form J: Financial Proposal Submission

▪ Form K: Financial Proposal
Name of Proposer:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Click or tap to enter a date.
RFP reference:
Click or tap here to enter text.
We, the undersigned, offer to supply the services required for Click or tap here to enter text. in accordance with your Request for Proposals No. Click or tap here to enter text.. We hereby submit our Proposal, which includes this Technical Proposal and our Financial Proposal sealed under a separate envelope.

On behalf of the Supplier, I hereby represent and warrant that neither the Supplier, nor any person having powers of representation, decision-making or control over it or any member of its administrative, management or supervisory body, has been the subject of a final judgement or final administrative decision for one of the following reasons: bankruptcy, insolvency or winding-up procedures; breach of obligations relating to the payment of taxes or social security contributions;
2 This form is mandatory to fill in and sign by every vendor who submits quotation
grave professional misconduct, including misrepresentation, fraud; corruption; conduct related to a criminal organisation; money laundering or terrorist financing; terrorist offences or offences linked to terrorist activities; child labour and other trafficking in human beings, any discriminatory or exploitative practice, or any practice that is inconsistent with the rights set forth in the Convention on the Rights of the Child or other prohibited practices; irregularity; creating or being a shell company.

On behalf of the Supplier, I further represent and warrant that the Supplier is financially sound and duly licensed.

On behalf of the Supplier, I further represent and warrant that the Supplier has adequate human resources, equipment, competence, expertise and skills necessary to complete the contract fully and satisfactorily, within the stipulated completion period and in accordance with the relevant terms and conditions.

On behalf of the Supplier, I further represent and warrant that the Supplier complies with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations.

On behalf of the Supplier, I further represent and warrant that the Supplier will in all circumstances act in the best interests of IOM.

On behalf of the Supplier, I further represent and warrant that no official of IOM or any third party has received from, will be offered by, or will receive from the Supplier any direct or indirect benefit arising from the contract.

On behalf of the Supplier, I further represent and warrant that the Supplier has not misrepresented or concealed any material facts during the contracting process.

On behalf of the Supplier, I further represent and warrant that the Supplier will respect the legal status, privileges and immunities of IOM as an intergovernmental organization.

On behalf of the Supplier, I further represent and warrant that neither the Supplier nor any persons having powers of representation, decision-making or control over the Supplier or any member of its administrative, management or supervisory body are included in the most recent Consolidated United Nations Security Council Sanctions List (the “UN Sanctions List”) or are the subject of any sanctions or other temporary suspension. The Supplier will immediately disclose to IOM if it or they become subject to any sanctio

Tender’s Files


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