JPO Associate Programme Officer


UNEP – United Nations Environment Programme

Junior Professional Officer Programme (JPO) Chiffre Nr. 2024-1-19

1. General Information

Title: JPO Associate Programme Officer – 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production (10YFP)/One Planet Network on SCP

Organization: UNEP – United Nations Environment Programme

Office/Division: Division of Technology, Industry and Economics (DTIE)

Units: 10YFP Consumer Information Programme Coordination Desk –10YFP/ OPN Secretariat and Consumption and Production Unit, Resources and Markets Branch

Country and Duty Station:    Paris, France

Duration of assignment: 2 years with possibility of extension for another year. The extension of appointment is subject to yearly review concerning priorities, availability of funds and satisfactory performance.

Please note that for participants of the JPO-Programme two years work experience are mandatory! Relevant work experience can be counted. In order to assess the eligibility of the candidates, we review the relevant experience acquired after obtaining the first university degree (usually bachelor’s degree).

2. Background Informationon UNEP and the requesting Unit

Background information on UNEP and the requesting Unit

UNEP is the United Nations system’s designated entity for addressing environmental issues at the global and regional level. Its mandate is to coordinate the development of environmental policy consensus by keeping the global environment under review and bringing emerging issues to the attention of governments and the international community for action. 

UNEP was mandated by the UN General Assembly, at the Rio+20 Conference in 2012, to serve as the Secretariat of the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production (10YFP), a universal agreement and platform of action to accelerate the shift towards sustainable consumption and production in both developed and developing countries. As reflected in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the 10YFP plays a central role in achieving the shift to SCP: its implementation is the first target of Sustainable Development Goal 12 on “Ensuring sustainable consumption and production”; the 10YFP is also recognized as the Framework of reference for decoupling economic growth from environmental degradation in SDG 8. The 10YFP generates impact through multi-stakeholder programmes and partnerships, which develop, replicate, and scale up SCP policies and practices at all levels and which form together the One Planet Network (

In the context of the new 10YFP Global Strategy for Sustainable Consumption and Production (2023-2030), adopted by the 10YFP Board in October 2022 and acknowledged by the UN General Assembly at its 77th session, the objectives of UNEP, together with the One Planet Network, are to:

  • Pillar 1: Further position sustainable consumption and production as an essential requirement and means to achieve global commitments for sustainable development, climate, biodiversity and pollution.
  • Pillar 2: Enable changes through circularity, transformative multistakeholder and public-private partnerships, tools and solutions across high-impact systems and sectors.
  • Pillar 3: Empower countries, in particular developing countries, and stakeholders for mainstreaming and implementing sustainable consumption and production patterns, leveraging the UN Development System.
  • Pillar 4: Fostering a global movement and commitments for action.

To date, six enabling and sectoral programmes, gathering nearly 2000 partners worldwide, have been established and implementation of activities is underway on: consumer information, public procurement, lifestyles and education, food systems, buildings and construction, and tourism. They key role in accelerating and up-scaling the uptake of SCP policies and solutions is strongly recognized in the Global Strategy for SCP, in particular under pillar 2.

More specifically, the One Planet Consumer Information Programme for Sustainable Consumption and Production serves as a global platform to support the provision of quality information on goods and services, and the identification and implementation of the most effective strategies to engage consumers in sustainable consumption. The Programme is co-led by Germany through the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety; Consumers International and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. A Multi-stakeholder Advisory Committee oversees the programme’s coordination and implementation, and a Coordination Desk is tasked with: (a) coordinating the overall planning and activities of the programmes and supporting its various working groups; (b) establishing synergies with and among relevant actors, initiatives and other One Planet Network Programmes; and (c) communicating through the Consumer Information Programme newsletter, One Planet network website, social media, webinars and events. One of the Coordination Desk positions is located in  he 10YFP/OPN Secretariat with functional links with the Consumption and Production Unit (CPU), Resources and Markets Branch of the Industry and Economy Division. The position is funded by the Government of Germany as one of the co-lead of the Programme.

The work of the One Planet Consumer Information Programme focuses on:

1. Improving availability, accessibility and quality of consumer information to create a basis for the provision of credible information, contributing to Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals, in special Goal 12, target 12.8.

2. Driving change in business and government to ensure that the framework conditions are provided to support best practices in relation to consumer information.

3. Enhancing communication to drive behavioural change and ensure the transition from being informed to taking action.

Why is the Junior Professional Officer requested/needed?

UNEP is serving as the Secretariat of the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production (10YFP) at the request of the international community. UNEP is fulfilling its mandate under its Programme of Work on Financial and Economic Transformations, through its approved project “Implementing the Global Strategy for Sustainable Consumption and Production through the One Planet Network (10YFP Secretariat phase 3)” and Circularity in Sectors.

In addition, UNEP provides support and is engaged in all thematic and sectoral programmes of the 10YFP with different roles and responsibilities. In the specific case of the Consumer Information Programme, UNEP both hosts a support position of the Coordination Desk, as well as, through its consumer information and eco-labelling team, contributes substantively to the activities of the Programme as a member of the Multistakeholder Advisory Committee and key partner of the Programme’s working groups. In addition, UNEP implements, as part of the Programme’s working group on Type-1 ecolabels and together with GIZ, the project “Greening supply and demand: Advancing Eco-Labels and Sustainable Public Procurement for climate and biodiversity protection – Eco-Advance” funded by the International Climate Initiative. As such, close collaboration between UNEP Consumption and Production Unit and the Consumer Information Programme is crucial for successful delivery of UNEP’s Programme of work.

This JPO position will  support the coordination of the One Planet Consumer Information programme contribute to the implementation of the Eco-Advance project and to UNEP’s overall efforts to embed consumer information in high impact sectors. The JPO will engage stakeholders and foster synergies to enhance the impact and visibility of Consumer information tools to achieve Sustainable consumption and Production. The incumbent will contribute to the development and implementation of the Programme’s 5-year strategy and annual work plans, as well as to the substantive work of its thematic groups and initiatives.

The requested duration is minimum 2 years.

3. Supervison

Content and methodology of the supervision

The Head of the 10YFP Secretariat and the Head of the Consumption and Production Unit will conduct an induction which includes a formal brief of the organization, the staff in the Division and the functions of the Unit. During the first three months, under the guidance of the supervisor, the JPO will: (1) be given reading materials to acquaint him/herself of UNEP’s activities specific to his/her tasks; (2) collect information on sustainable consumption and production as well as on the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on SCP and One Planet Network, its organizational structure, its actors and reporting lines, including the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development; (3) collect information on consumer information as well as on the Programme, its organizational structure, its actors and reporting lines, the role of Coordination Desk, the operation of Multistakeholder Advisory Committee and its members, the main publications of the Programme and the work of key partners under its four established working groups; and (4) learn about consumer information tools and in particular ecolabels in the context of sustainable public procurement, as well as the role of consumer information tools in driving circularity in sectors (5) obtain an understanding of the links between his/her work and UNEP’s Programme of Work on Financial and Economic Transformations and Circularity in Sectors.

The JPO will take on increasing responsibility as s/he becomes more familiar with the concepts related to sustainable consumption and production, consumer information and with the 10YFP/OPN. The JPO will be guided in the coordination and engagement functions of the Coordination Desk of the One Planet Network Consumer Information Programme, as well as in supporting the substantive and engagement activities of its established working groups, in close cooperation with the Programme’s partners. The incumbent will also receive guidance on how to increase Consumer Information tools visibility on the global agenda through strategic partnership and organization and participation in events etc. The JPO will consult on methodological, policy and other related issues when the need arises.

To further guide the JPO, a performance appraisal system will be developed with concrete goals and actions. Regular feedback on the progress of the activities will be obtained by the supervisor through the review of work in progress. Potential arising issues will be anticipated through regular discussions with the incumbent.

4. Duties, responsibilities and output expectations

Terms of reference

Under the general supervision of the Head of the Consumption and Production Unit, and the day-to-day supervision of the 10YFP Programme Coordinator  and the Ecolabelling and Consumer Information Programme Management Officer, the incumbent will contribute to the coordination and engagement functions of the Coordination Desk of the 10YFP One Planet Network Consumer Information Programme, and will support the substantive and engagement activities of its established working groups, in close cooperation with the Programme’s partners. The JPO will also contribute to the implementation of the Eco-Advance project. The JPO will perform the following duties:

Strategic planning and coordination activities as Coordination Desk of 10YFP Consumer Information Programme (40%)

  • Coordinate overall planning and delivery as part of Coordination Desk, including developing the Programme’s strategy and annual work plans aligned with the 10YFP Global Strategy for SCP (2023-2030) and bi-annual results framework, managing the working groups of the Programme, monitoring progress and implementation, and coordinating reporting activities, such as for the high-level political forum on sustainable development.
  • Convene, organize and/or support key meetings of the Programme, including regular coordination desk meetings, MAC meetings or conferences, as well as support the Programme’s contributions to other strategic 10YFP/OPN meetings, such as 10YFP Board meetings and One Planet Network Forums.
  • Ensure active involvement and accountability for delegated tasks of MAC members and partners in the implementation of the Programme’s work plan, and support further stakeholder engagement across regions, including from the private sector.
  • Establish cooperation with other 10YFP/OPN programmes and flagship initiatives, with the objective of building synergies with other enabling programmes and initiatives – sustainable public procurement, digitalization for circular economy, sustainable lifestyles – and facilitating the uptake of consumer information approaches and tools in high-impact sectors (buildings and construction, food and tourism).
  • Coordinate the Programme’s contributions and inputs to key intergovernmental processes on climate, biodiversity and pollution, as relevant, and support the organization of outreach/high-level events to promote the key messages and outputs of the Programme.
  • Work in close collaboration with the other Programmes’ coordinators of the 10YFP/OPN Secretariat and other team members to enhance coordination between various workstreams, in particular with regards to the implementation of consumer information approaches and tools at the regional and national levels.
  • Communicate on the Consumer Information activities, outputs and results through the CI-SCP newsletter, Consumer Information Programme’s dedicated website on the One Planet Network online platform and social media.
  • Support resource mobilization for the Programme, including through the development of project proposals in the context of the MPTF for SDG12.

Substantive support and stakeholder engagement to accelerate and scale up the uptake of strategic approaches and tools developed by the One Planet Network Consumer Information programme, in particular (40%):

  • Engage new partners and work with stakeholders, providing technical and administrative support to the development, implementation, scaling-up, promoting and monitoring of key products and activities of the programme.
  • Provide specific support to the implementation of the following working groups and projects:
  • Product Sustainability Information, including through strengthened leadership and stakeholder engagement, development of a strategy and flagship initiative as per the 10YFP/OPN results framework with the objective of securing commitments for implementation in key sectors and stronger engagement of the private sector.
  • Type-1 ecolabels and UNEP’s project on “Greening supply and demand: Advancing Eco-Labels and Sustainable Public Procurement for climate and biodiversity protection – Eco-Advance”.
  • Product lifetime extension and Circular Economy, including through coordinating adaptation/uptake of existing materials in strategic sectors, outreach and capacity-building.
  • Communicating biodiversity, including through supporting the development of new projects.
  • Organize outreach activities and events to communicate and build capacities around the the programme’s findings and ongoing activities as well as the Eco-Advance project, including through webinars and trainings organized with the Programme’s partners and working groups.
  • Disseminate guidance documents, training modules and tools for practitioners in Spanish, Portuguese and English, targeting specialized networks
  • Support the establishment of any new working group that may be established by the leads and MAC members of the Programme.
  • Support across UNEP initiatives focusing in high impact sectors (food systems, building and construction, mobility, electronics, textiles, infrastructure and mining) to improve consumer information communication on the impact of consumption.

Routine Management and Administration (20%):

  • Support administrative processes.
  • Contribute to UNEP and donor reporting on project progress and results.
  • Take minutes and draft reports of meetings as requested.
  • Support Unit’s contribution to UNEP’s strategic initiatives, activities, and processes. Perform other tasks as requested


In carrying out the above tasks, the JPO will be required to travel to support project implementation, attend regional/global workshops and meetings etc. Project related travels will be covered by specific project budgets. Project related travels will amount to approximately US$ 8,000 in the first year and US$ 12,000 in the second year. On top of this the JPO will, in his/her second year be expected to travel to workshops and global conferences to present 10YFP Consumer Information Programme outputs related to the work area.

5. Training and Learning Elements


Within the budget of the post the JPO will draw up an appropriate professional development programme in consultation with the supervisors at the beginning of the assignment. In line with the JPO’s experience and mutually identified development and training goals, training elements will include: UN Mandatory Online Courses (Integrity Awareness, Prevention of Workplace Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Abuse of Authority, Basic Security in the Field and Advanced Security in the Field), relevant learning courses (non-compulsory) accessible through the UNSkillPort online platform (UN core and managerial competencies, staff well-being etc), and UN language courses available through UNESCO. The JPO is expected to attend at least one training per year related to project management, and/or sustainable consumption and production. This programme will be revised on regular basis as need arises to supplement knowledge and skills for the effective performance of the duties and responsibilities within the budget of the post. The JPO will report on the training and the implementation of the acquired skills to the Supervisor and Appraising officers and the Donor government.

Learning elements

After one year the JPO should have obtained a good understanding of the concepts and approaches related to sustainable consumption and production, consumer information, the 10YFP and Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. The JPO should have the ability to compile and analyze data on sustainable consumption and production implementation and consumer information, draft briefing and reporting documents, provide guidance and conduct consultations among 10YFP and Consumer Information Programme stakeholders, and support regional meetings or workshops, including follow up on their outputs. S/he will be able to undertake project administration tasks. S/he will have good competences in working in a multi-cultural working environment.

After two years the JPO is able to independently deliver project outputs and undertake project management tasks.  S/he should have a good understanding the programme planning cycle, project formulation and reporting. S/he will be fully familiar with the UN system, including its rules and regulations, making him/her ready for any similar assignment in the UN system.

6. Qualifications and experience


Master’s Degree in sustainable development, environmental science or policy, economics, development studies or related field.


  • Good knowledge and understanding of sustainable consumption and production and resource efficiency at all levels, as well as of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and SDG processes;
  • Good knowledge of consumer information approaches, eco-labeling and voluntary sustainability standards and their application in industries; Knowledge and understanding of theories, concepts and approaches relevant to socio-economic and environmental indicators, as well as to policy assessments;
  • Excellent coordination skills, and proven capacity to establish and maintain good working relationships with a broad range of stakeholders, partners and networks;
  • Excellent spoken and written communication skills, including the ability to draft/edit a variety of written reports, studies and other communications and to articulate ideas in a clear, concise style;
  • Ability to apply good judgment in the context of assignments given;
  • Willingness to keep abreast of new developments in the field;
  • Good interpersonal skills and ability to establish and maintain effective partnerships and working relations in a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity;
  • Ability to identify and address relevant gender perspectives in substantive work;

Working experience

At least 4 years at the national level, or 2 years at the international level, in sustainable development and implementation of environmental related programmes, monitoring and reporting is required. Experience in consumer information related fields and/or the adoption of eco-labelling or voluntary sustainability standards at policy or company level is desirable.

Prior experience at the international level is advantageous.


Fluency in English is essential. Fluency in Spanish is desirable. Working knowledge of other UN languages is an asset.


Planning and Organization: Develops clear goals that are consistent with agreed strategies; identifies priority activities and assignments and adjusts priorities as required; allocates appropriate amount of time and resources for completing work; foresees risks and allows for contingencies when planning; monitors and adjusts plans and actions as necessary; uses time efficiently.

Communication: Speaks and writes clearly and effectively. Listens to others, correctly interprets messages from others and responds appropriately. Asks questions to clarify, and exhibits interest in having two-way communication. Tailors language, tone, style, and format to match the audience. Demonstrates openness in sharing information and keeping people informed.

Teamwork: Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals; solicits input by genuinely valuing others; places team agenda before personal agenda; builds consensus for task purpose and direction with team members; supports and acts in accordance with final group decisions, even when such decisions may not entirely reflect own position; shares credit for team accomplishments and accepts joint responsibility for team shortcomings.

Professionalism: Shows pride in work and in achievements; demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter; is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results; motivated by professional rather than personal concerns; shows persistence when faced with difficult problems or challenges; remains calm in stressful situations.

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