Media Agency for Mine Action-related Mass Media Informational Campaigns

  1. Who is the Danish Refugee Council?

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is a leading international humanitarian displacement organisation, supporting refugees and internally displaced persons during displacement, in exile, upon return, or when settling and integrating into a new place. DRC provides protection and life-saving humanitarian assistance, supports displaced persons in becoming self-reliant and included in hosting societies – and works with communities, civil society, and responsible authorities to promote the protection of rights and peaceful coexistence. The Humanitarian Disarmament and Peacebuilding (HDP) is a special sector within DRC which aims to reduce weapons-related risks and armed violence through working with communities. The work of HDP seeks to address the causes of insecurity through both a weapons-related and people-related approach. HDP works with conflict management, security governance, weapons and ammunition management, and Mine Action (MA). DRC currently has 9,000 staff and 7,500 volunteers with programs in more than 40 countries worldwide.

2. Background

The armed conflict that restarted in 2022 in Ukraine led to a sharp increase in the presence of Explosive Ordnance (EO), affecting 15 Oblasts. 176 different types of EO, including Anti-Personnel Mines and cluster submunitions, have already been identified. Since 24 February 2022, conflict-related violence in Ukraine has killed at least 10,582 civilians and injured 19,875 (30,457 total civilian casualties). This number includes 587 killed and 1,298 injured children (1,885 child casualties). According to the NMAA Secretariat database, 637 accidents involving explosive ordnance have been officially recorded, 287 people have died, and 651 people have been injured. At this stage, there is a lack of clarity on the exact scope, scale, and location of explosive contamination; HNO 2023 reports 25% of all Ukraine being exposed to the armed conflict. According to the 2022 DRC EORE assessment, on average 49% of the respondents in affected Oblasts have personally seen an EO. The Mine Action Sub-Cluster (MASC) evaluated that the ubiquity of EO currently puts 14.6 million people in peril.

DRC implements several projects which tackle the dangers and consequences of EO with activities such as Humanitarian Demining, Advocacy, Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE), and Victim Assistance (VA). The provision of EORE is a quintessential response for the prevention of EO accidents – both for people’s safety, humanitarian assistance, and resumption of development. VA, on the other hand, is crucial in supporting civilians after suffering from EO accidents and creating inclusive environments for People with Disabilities (PwD), generally, and EO victims, specifically. DRC’s EORE and VA activities in Ukraine are supported by international donors, such as the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Netherlands (MFAN), Ukraine Humanitarian Fund (UHF), European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) and others.

With EORE and VA, DRC pursues two strategic objectives of the HDP Emergency Strategy in Ukraine:

  • EORE Emergency Objective 1: safe behaviour around and awareness of the dangers of EO among the most at-risk civilians in the most conflict-affected areas of Ukraine is promoted;
  • VA Emergency Objective 2: the awareness on the rights and needs of PwD, including EO victims, in Ukraine increases. As well as creation of a protective and inclusive environment for PwD and EO victims.

3. Objective of the framework agreement tender:

  1. Objective of the framework agreement tender:

The purpose of this tender is to identify a contractor to assist in the implementation of media campaigns as requested by the DRC. We recognize that each campaign will be unique, with content tailored to meet the specific needs of each project. The selected contractor will be expected to demonstrate flexibility and creativity in developing and executing these campaigns to achieve the desired outcomes.

Mass media campaigns are divided in two packages: basic and standard. Each package includes comprehensive descriptions of our expectations from the contractor. For instance, one campaign may be a social media initiative without video production, targeting a KPI of 600,000 unique users, while another may involve a radio campaign aiming to reach 500,000 unique users. These examples illustrate the variety and scope of campaigns that may be required.

The contractor will be responsible for developing campaign strategies, creating content, and executing the campaigns in alignment with the specific goals and metrics outlined by the DRC. The specific content and scope of each campaign will be directed by the donor’s requirements for each project, ensuring that all initiatives are tailored to meet the unique objectives and target audiences specified by the DRC.

Additionally, the contractor should provide regular progress reports, including performance metrics and insights, to ensure transparency and allow for any necessary adjustments. The successful execution of these campaigns will be crucial in helping the DRC achieve its communication and outreach goals, thus the contractor’s ability to deliver high-quality.

Note: DRC subject matter specialists will provide technical training, guidance, and approval on all material developed to ensure technical validity, relevance, and quality.

2. Indicative timeframe of framework agreement: 1 year (with possible extension for 1 more year)

3. Main goals of the mass media campaigns: To design, develop, and deliver innovative, impactful mass media campaigns that promote EORE information and VA advocacy messages to distinct target audiences via the channels appropriate for the target audiences.

4. Target audience

For EORE mass media informational campaigns:

  • Primary demographic in Ukraine for all EORE campaigns: civilian males of the following distinct age categories: 18-49 years of age; and 50 years and older;
  • Secondary demographic for all EORE campaigns: civilians males of the following distinct age categories: 6-12 and 13-17 years of age; civilian females of the following distinct age categories: 18-49 8 of age; and 50 years and older
  • Targeted geographical areas: Odesa Oblast, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Chernihiv Oblast, Kharkiv Oblast, Zhytomyr Oblast, Poltava Oblast, Kherson Oblast, Kyiv Oblast, Zaporizhzhia Oblast, Luhansk Oblast, Donetsk Oblast, Vinnytsia Oblast, Mykolaiv Oblast, Kirovohrad Oblast, Sumy Oblast, Lviv Oblast, Cherkasy Oblast, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Volyn Oblast, Rivne Oblast, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, Ternopil Oblast, Zakarpattia Oblast, Chernivtsi Oblast.

For VA mass media advocacy campaign:

  • Primary demographic in Ukraine: entire population of Ukraine, of all age and genders;
  • Targeted geographical areas: Odesa Oblast, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Chernihiv Oblast, Kharkiv Oblast, Zhytomyr Oblast, Poltava Oblast, Kherson Oblast, Kyiv Oblast, Zaporizhzhia Oblast, Luhansk Oblast, Donetsk Oblast, Vinnytsia Oblast, Mykolaiv Oblast, Kirovohrad Oblast, Sumy Oblast, Lviv Oblast, Cherkasy Oblast, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Volyn Oblast, Rivne Oblast, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, Ternopil Oblast, Zakarpattia Oblast, Chernivtsi Oblast.

4. Deliverables

The contractor is expected to provide comprehensive services for media campaigns, tailored to the needs of the DRC. Each campaign will involve various stages of design, development, and execution to ensure effective communication and visibility for the project. The key deliverables are outlined below, with the understanding that the DRC will select specific services from either the basic or standard package as needed. We may choose a few services or all at once, depending on the project requirements.

Basic Campaign

For the basic campaign, the process begins with initial consultations and research to understand the campaign requirements and target audience. This may involve organizing and moderating a roundtable discussion to gather insights and feedback. Following this, a strategic session is prepared and conducted, complete with detailed reporting.

In the creative development phase, the contractor is expected to develop three options for a creative concept for the campaign. Key visuals will be created and adapted for different media formats, ensuring broad applicability. To validate the creative concept, a focus group may be organized to test the main ideas.

When it comes to video production, the contractor will develop three options for video ideas and present these concepts. Videos will be produced for various formats, ensuring a minimum length of 20 seconds, suitable for both horizontal and vertical displays. Post-production will include editing and the addition of subtitles. Additionally, the creation of basic animated videos will be undertaken to enhance the campaign’s visual appeal.

Traditional media placement is another critical component of the campaign. Videos will be placed in selected cinema chains and on top TV channels during time slots with average ratings. They will also be posted on selected top streaming platforms. The selection of cinemas, TV channels and streaming platforms will be made based on the contractor`s selection with the approval of DRC. For radio media campaigns, a communication strategy will be developed. This includes creating three concepts for an audio clip, writing the script, and recording the clip at a studio with all technical requirements met. The audio clip will feature at least two voice options (male and female), and standard free music tracks will be used for the background. The final product will undergo mastering before being placed and rotated on radio stations during off-peak hours.

Outdoor and billboard advertising will involve developing designs and messages for billboards, specifying sizes and locations. The contractor will handle the logistics of placing billboards in key cities, ensuring high visibility.

Throughout the project, the contractor will provide continuous support and coordination to ensure all aspects of the campaign run smoothly and effectively. This comprehensive approach guarantees that the deliverables meet the highest standards of quality and effectiveness, achieving the campaign goals and donor requirements.

Standard Campaign

The standard campaign builds upon the basic package, offering more extensive and detailed services to meet the project’s higher demands and broader reach.

The initial consultation and research phase in the standard campaign includes organizing, moderating, selecting premises, and providing technical support for roundtable discussions. Additionally, strategic sessions will involve external experts and result in detailed analytical reports.

In creative development, the contractor will develop five options for a creative concept and create key visuals adapted for various media. Multiple focus groups will be organized to test all developed concepts, with detailed reporting on the findings.

Video production for the standard campaign includes developing five options for video ideas with concept presentations. Videos produced will have a minimum length of 30 seconds, suitable for both horizontal and vertical formats. Post-production will include special effects, advanced color correction, and subtitles. The development of complex animated videos with additional visual effects will also be part of the deliverables.

Traditional media placement will see videos placed in premium cinemas across the country, on top TV channels during prime time slots, and on several top streaming platforms. The selection of cinemas, TV channels and streaming platforms will be made based on the contractor`s selection with the approval of DRC. For radio media campaigns, a detailed communication strategy will be developed, identifying key messages and target audiences. This includes developing five audio concepts, writing scripts, recording in studios with technical requirements, providing at least four voice options, purchasing exclusive or licensed music tracks and sound effects, and mastering the audio clips. These will then be placed and rotated on key radio stations during peak hours.

Outdoor and billboard advertising for the standard campaign involves developing designs and messages for billboards, specifying sizes and locations, and handling logistics for placing billboards in key cities.

Throughout the standard campaign, the contractor will provide continuous project support and coordination, ensuring all aspects of the campaign run smoothly and effectively. This comprehensive approach guarantees that the deliverables meet the highest standards of quality and effectiveness, achieving the campaign goals and donor requirements.

Regardless of whether the package is BASIC or STANDARD the contractor is expected to execute comprehensive media campaigns, tailored to meet the specific requirements of each project and donor. Each campaign will aim to achieve predetermined Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), which can range from reaching 600,000 unique users to as many as 3,000,000 unique users. The exact KPIs and associated deliverables for each campaign will be detailed as follows:

  • Campaign: 500,000 unique beneficiaries with a minimal frequency of 3 times per unique beneficiary;
  • Campaign: 600,000 unique beneficiaries with a minimal frequency of 3 times per unique beneficiary;
  • Campaign: 700,000 unique beneficiaries with a minimal frequency of 3 times per unique beneficiary;
  • Campaign: 800,000 unique beneficiaries with a minimal frequency of 3 times per unique beneficiary;
  • Campaign: 900,000 unique beneficiaries with a minimal frequency of 3 times per unique beneficiary;
  • Campaign: 1,000,000 unique beneficiaries with a minimal frequency of 3 times per unique beneficiary;
  • Campaign: 1,500,000 unique beneficiaries with a minimal frequency of 3 times per unique beneficiary;
  • Campaign: 2,000,000 unique beneficiaries with a minimal frequency of 3 times per unique beneficiary;
  • Campaign: 2,500,000 unique beneficiaries with a minimal frequency of 3 times per unique beneficiary;
  • Campaign: 3,000,000 unique beneficiaries with a minimal frequency of 3 times per unique beneficiary.

Please note that the number of campaigns can vary either up or down.

  • To promote DRC’s EORE webpage, EORE online courses, EORE Chatbot, and the registration for facilitated EORE online sessions (;
  • To test any newly developed materials through Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with targeted populations and relevant (expert) organizations as well as stakeholders;
  • Conduct follow-up Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) with beneficiaries to check how successful the campaigns were in raising awareness and influencing changes in behaviours;
  • To submit bi-weekly progress reports and one detailed final report (in English) for each campaign including the analyses on key metrics (such as reach, impressions, engagement, frequency, unique beneficiaries, geographical reach) for each channel of communication used with target audience disaggregated by location (at the minimum on the Oblast level), age (in the following age categories whenever possible: 6-17 years of age; 18-49 years of age; and 50 years and older), and gender;
  • To maintain the flexibility to adjust the focus of the mass media campaign during implementation, based on which channel is deemed to be most effective in terms of impact and efficiency. DRC and the Contractor will agree on such adjustments on an as-needed basis to reflect the priorities of the target audience.
  • A clearly-defined Media Plan for each campaign, detailing the communication channels to be used as well as the frequency of activity (e.g. number of social media posts per month) within each channel that can be used to keep track of implementation;
  • Implemented Mass Media Campaign Plan;
  • Bi-weekly analytical briefs and detailed final mass media campaign report in PowerPoint and Word formats (all in English), strictly following DRC Editorial Manual for editing.

5. Submission process

Proposals must be submitted in English, creative products in the language to be used while implementing the campaign, with all documents to be submitted printed out in 2 copies, and a soft copy on a flash-drive or a cloud storage solution.

Proposals must include:

  • The proposed concept (or concepts) of the mass media campaigns with examples of key messages and ways to engage the civilian population across Ukraine over social media – it is encouraged that in lieu of new production, the Bidder looks at for proposal development;
  • For proposed social media marketing, a draft social media plan with targeting must be submitted;
  • Detailed concept (or concepts) of other activities to be implemented;
  • Advocacy/information campaigns’ strategy that describes the sequence of proposed activities (the number of waves, communication channels, communication activities and instruments used in each wave, etc.) and the time frame of the campaign;
  • A portfolio that confirms the Contractor’s experience in conducting strategic communication/advocacy campaigns. Must include links to examples of creative materials produced by the Contractor. Experience in development/humanitarian work is advantageous;
  • The composition of the project team with CVs (and portfolios, when applicable) of each key team member. In addition, a statement of responsibility and confirmation that the applicant has sufficient financial, technical, and managerial resources to fulfil the terms of this contract, or has the ability to attract such resources, must be added;

The Bidder must clearly elaborate and justify within proposed strategy the following:

  • Tactical Social Media Planning and Optimisation Guidelines;
  • Justification of the proposal, definitions, and key media parameters:
  • Methodology to count unique beneficiaries with a minimal frequency of 3 views, disaggregated by age, gender, and geography;
  • Number and timeline of active weeks;
  • TRPImpressionsViews;
  • TRPImpressionsViews total per a website;
  • Effective frequency and coverage at effective frequency.

Bidder should confirm its readiness to provide certified terms of cooperation, third-party acts and access to all advertising rooms and monitoring systems at any time upon request from DRC.

Please refer to RFP-UKR-2024-037 invitation letter.

How to apply

REPRESENTATION OF DANISH REFUGEE COUNCIL IN UKRAINE (DRC), with funding from Donors, invites suppliers to the Request for Proposal (RFP) for Mine Action‐related Mass Media Informational Campaigns.

The entire solicitation documents can be requested by e-mail to:

Tender publication: May 24, 2024.

Date and time for closing the receipt of bids: 14.06.2024 01:00 PM UTC 04:00 PM Kyiv time

Proposals should be submitted by e-mail to the following dedicated, secure, controlled address:

or alternatively should be delivered to this address: 17/52 Bohdana Khmelnytskoho Street, 01054 Kyiv Ukraine

For queries on this RFP, please contact the bidding questions line via e‐mail: ukr‐

We are looking forward to receiving your proposals.

To help us track our recruitment effort, please indicate in your email/cover letter where ( you saw this job posting.


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