National Consultant: Data Collection Team Leader for the Together for Equality Endline Survey - Tenders Global

National Consultant: Data Collection Team Leader for the Together for Equality Endline Survey

UNWOMEN - United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women


UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security.

UN Women’s goal in Timor-Leste is to promote women’s human rights and gender equality as the country works towards sustaining and furthering achievements in stability and development. In this regard, its programming in the country is connected to two corporate priority areas: enhancing women’s economic empowerment (WEE), and engaging women in all aspects of peace and security processes (WPS), supported by integrated efforts to ensure gender sensitive.

plans and budgets and women’s right to live free of violence. UN Women also coordinates and promotes the UN system’s joint work in advancing gender equality.

To address the global challenges of VAWG, the UN Family (through UN Women, UNDP, UNFPA and IOM) has collaborated with KOICA and the Government of Timor-Leste to support efforts to end violence against women and girls. Through the Joint UN Project Together for Equality: Preventing and Responding to Gender-Based Violence in Timor-Leste (2020-2024), the United Nations has a goal for women and girls in Timor-Leste to be empowered to enjoy their right to live free of sexual harassment and other forms of violence in public and private spaces and to access quality essential services, in line with the SDGs. As part


of its efforts to prevent violence before it begins, interventions addressing WEE and EVAWG will be an important part of the programme.

The T4E Programme aims to translate international and national commitments into action through its three objectives:

  1. Transforming attitudes, behaviours and social norms promoted at individual and inter-personal levels to prevent GBV.
  2. Improving access to essential public services (health, justice, and social services) for women and girls, among other survivors of violence, informed by evidence-based responses to GBV.
  3. Enhancing the legislation and policy environment for eliminating violence against women and girls and other forms of gender discrimination.

To achieve these objectives, the T4E Programme adopts a multi-sectoral, whole-of-society approach that integrates various strategies and interventions across different societal areas. Seven complementary strategies, jointly delivered by the Participating United Nations Organizations (PUNOs), create a holistic approach to preventing and responding to GBV. These strategies work synergistically to:

  1. Increase knowledge on gender-equitable norms, transforming community attitudes and behaviours.
  2. Support women in the informal sector to become financially independent, enabling them to take control and push back against GBV.
  3. Enhance the quality of essential services to ensure that survivors receive the support they need.
  4. Build government staff capacity for more effective implementation of gender equality initiatives.
  5. Improve coordination between ministries to foster a cohesive governmental response.
  6. Promote gender inclusivity in public infrastructure to make public spaces safer for all.
  7. Strengthen the capacity of CSOs and media to enhance advocacy and accurate reporting on GBV issues, creating a comprehensive framework to address and prevent GBV at multiple levels.

Programme Beneficiaries.

The direct beneficiaries are adolescent girls and boys, young women, and men, both in and out of schools (targeting 10 years and older), Persons with disability and members of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, queer, Intersex community (LGBTI), survivors of gender- based violence. The programme especially targeted those living in disaster-prone communities.

The indirect beneficiaries are the entire population of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste by addressing the widespread gender-based violence that has high cost to individuals, families, communities, and State health, justice, security, and social services systems that respond to the abuse. The target group will include girls, boys (10 years and older), women and men, across ages with particularly focusing on the groups that face multiple forms of discrimination, more vulnerable to sexual harassment and violence in public, as well as other forms of GBV and experiencing barriers in accessing services due to their marginalization.

As the Together for Equality Programme approaches its conclusion in November 2024, conducting an endline survey is essential to evaluate its effectiveness and overall impact. This assessment will provide critical insights into the project’s achievements and challenges, informing future planning and improvement efforts.

The endline survey is expected to:

  1. Assess Project Impact: Measure outcomes and determine the project’s impact on the target population by comparing baseline and endline data.
  2. Identify Successes and Challenges: Highlight key achievements and recognize challenges to understand what worked well and what did not.
  3. Inform Future Programming: Gather lessons learned and provide evidence-based recommendations to improve future projects and scale successful interventions.

Duties and Responsibilities

Scope of Work

Geographical coverage: The endline survey will be conducted nationally, specifically targeting the four programme municipalities of Dili, Baucau, Covalima, and Oecusse in Timor-Leste.

Stakeholder coverage:  The qualitative methods will include interviews with key institutions and beneficiaries engaged during the programme’s design and implementation stages. This includes relevant government institutions at national, municipal, and community levels, implementing partners, line ministries, public institutions, civil society organizations, and local cultural and political leaders.

Substantive scope: The selected consultant will review, collect, and analyze the project’s impact in terms of progress achieved against the programme’s overall outcome and its outputs.

Programme Outcomes and Outputs




Output 1.1: Increased knowledge and skills in students, youth, teachers and parents to promote respectful relationships, based on gender equitable norms

Output 1.2: Enhanced economic empowerment opportunities for women who face multiple forms of discrimination.

Output 1.3: Increased access to support for survivors of GBV, persons with disabilities, members of the LGBTI community, among other marginalized groups.

Outcome 2: Improved access to essential public services (health, justice, and social services) for women and girls, among other survivors of violence, informed by evidence-based responses to GBV

Output 2.1: Strengthened capacity of health workers/providers to provide coordinated responses to gender-based violence.

Output 2.2: Enhanced capacity of the justice and law enforcement institutions to provide survivor centered access to justice for women, including survivors of gender- based violence

Outcome 3: Enhanced legislation and policy environment for eliminating violence against women and girls and other forms of gender discrimination is in place and translated into action.


Output 3.1: Mobilized community members, local authorities, and media in support of gender equality and safety in public spaces

Output 3.2: Public institutions have strengthened capacities for planning, implementation, and reporting on VAWG in public and private spaces.

Output 3.3: Strengthened civil society capacity to analyse and advocate for government funding for addressing sexual violence in public spaces and GBV related polices.


Programme Indicator:


Means of Verification

Status on progress data

Outcome Indicator 1: % of project participants who think it is never justifiable for a man to beat his wife, by sex

DHS (2016), Baseline and Endline Survey reports

No progress data available

Output Indicator 1.1: % of young people, parents, and teachers, by sex who demonstrate a change in gender attitudes after receiving training / Being part of CSE or Connect with Respect.

Annual reports (Pre & Post-tests), Activity reports

Pre/Post data available

Output Indicator 1.2: a) (Quantitative) Number of participants of entrepreneurship training, by sex, gender and disability.

b) (Qualitative) % of self-reliance and confidence of participants to continue the initiative in economic activities

Baseline and Endline Survey reports, UN Women and IOM Annual partner monitoring reports.

  • Data on 1.1: a) available
  • No progress data on 1.1: b)

Output Indicator 1.3: Number of service providers in project administrative post providing information on services and counselling for victims (Timor-Leste NAP GBV indicator 2.3.1)

Baseline and Endline Survey reports, Quarterly and Annual Progress Reports, NAP GBV monitoring report

Some data available

Outcome Indicator 2. Number of survivors satisfied with assistance of multi-sectoral services (this comes from Timor-Leste’s NAP GBV Outcome indicator 2.6)

Baseline and Endline Survey reports, NAP GBV monitoring report

No progress data available

Output Indicator 2.1: Number of health facilities that implemented the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) integrated services to survivors of GBV and referral

Baseline and Endline Survey reports, Quarterly and Annual Progress Reports, Timor-Leste HMIS and MCH Report.

Progress data available

Output Indicator 2.2: % increase in clients receiving GBV support by legal aid providers supported by the project  


PDO, PNTL, and OPG have a guideline and training manuals on relevant laws on GBV case handling (Yes by the end of the Project)

Baseline and Endline Survey reports, Quarterly and Annual Progress Reports, Indicator Tracking sheets.

Progress data available

Outcome Indicator 3: Percent (%) of NAP GBV activities implemented

Baseline and Endline Survey reports and Analysis of annual NAP GBV reports coordinated by SEI

No progress data available

Output Indicator 3.1: % of villages in Baucau, Covalima and Oecusse who have at least one public champion against VAWG 

Baseline and Endline Survey reports

Progress data available

Output Indicator 3.2: (Quantitative) Number of institutions/ organizations that monitor their implementation of the NAP GBV annually using a standardized framework

Baseline and Endline Survey reports, Annual monitoring report (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024) of the NAP GBV, IOM monitoring support and training of Government stakeholders.

Progress data available

Output Indicator 3.3: % of CSOs working on GBV with knowledge on government policies and budgets related to NAP GBV

Baseline and Endline Survey reports, Annual Reports.

Progress data available


  1. Overall objective of the assignment

UN Women contracted the International Endline Survey Team Leader to conduct a survey that aim to gather quantitative and qualitative survey data on attitudes and behaviors of programme participants and their communities regarding gender equality and violence against women and girls in Timor-Leste. The data will be used to establish endline survey values against the baseline values for each of the outcome and output indicators to show change and review the sustainability of interventions, including their potential to persist beyond the project period.

To support the International Endline Survey Team Leader, UN Women is seeking a Data Collection Team Leader to coordinate data collection in four municipalities. The Data Collection Team Leader will:

  1. Support the International Team Leader: Assist in the overall coordination of the survey process, ensuring alignment with international standards and guidelines.
  2. Participate in designing Data Collection tools: Contribute to the process of developing data collection tools including questionnaire, semi-structured interview guides, and consent forms(both in English and Tetun), which will be led by the End Line Survey Team Leader to ensure they are aligned with the survey goals, enhancing clarity and effectiveness in data collection methods.
  3. Supervise enumerators: Ensure effective recruitment, training (in collaboration with International Leader), and management of local enumerators.
  4. Lead data collection: Oversee the data collection process in the target communities, ensuring high-quality and accurate data collection.
  5. Data Input and Clearing: Responsible for firsthand data entry and cleansing, ensuring accuracy before compilation. Must share firsthand dataset with the Team Leader and clean datasets upon the request of the Team Leader. Write sections of the report: Contribute to the analysis and drafting of sections of the endline survey report in collaboration with International Team Leader).
  6. Translate and adapt tools: Draft, review and translate data collection tools from English to Tetun and back, ensuring cultural relevance and accuracy.


  1. Scope of work/Duties and Responsibilities

Under supervision of the UN Women Programme Specialist EVAWG and WEE (T4E) and the management of the UN Women MEAL Consultant and technical guidance of the International Endline Survey Team Leader, the will perform the following tasks:

  1. Support Reports Preparation: Contribute to drafting sections of the inception report, draft final report and final report as agreed with the International Team Leader.
  2. Contribute to Data Collection Tools:  Support data collection tools design and adaptation to enhance clarity and effectiveness.
  3. Recruit and Train Enumerators: Recruit, train, and manage local enumerators for the data collection process.
  4. Logistics Preparation: Prepare logistics for data collection, including accommodation and transport arrangements.
  5. Coordinate Data Collection: Lead and supervise the data collection process in target communities, ensuring data quality.
  6. Data Quality Assurance: Ensure quality and accuracy of collected data and share with the  EndlineTeam Leader for analysis.
  7. Support Data Analysis and Report Writing: Assist in data analysis and write sections of the endline survey report.
  8. Support Data Translation: Translate qualitative data and tools from Tetun to English / Tetun – English when necessary.
  1. Duration of the assignment

The duration of the assignment is 40 working days during the period of 1 August – 30 October 2024.

  1. Key Deliverables:

The following deliverables are expected from the successful candidate.



Indicative Delivery Date

  1. Draft sections in Inception report to define scope, work plan and data collection methodology as well as Data collection in the target communities of four municipalities.

Sections in Inception Report detailing work plan, scope for data collection (The inception report must be endorsed by the International Consultant)

10 August

  1. Recruit, train, and supervise enumerators in collaboration with the Endline Survey Team Leader

Summary report of recruitment and training participation with details on topics covered and tools to be used for each data collection method

15 August 2024

  1. Support the translation of data collection/ tools from English to Tetun) when applicable (ongoing support for the whole period of assignment)

Record of documents reviewed and translated

15-25 August

  1. Logistics preparation and collection of materials required for data collection

Submission of travel and logistics plan for four municipalities, including data collection materials, accommodation, security clearances, and list of contact persons for each municipality

 20 August 2024

  1. Data collection  

Submission of data collection gathered in the target community of four municipalities using data collection tools

25 August 2024 – 5 Sep 2024

  1. Quality assurance of collected data and sharing the data with an international consultant for analysis and interpretation

Submission of qualitative data to an international consultant for analysis and interpretation

20 Sept 2024

  1. Draft sections in the draft final report

Submission of sections in the draft Final Report (The report must be endorsed by the Endline Survey Team Leader)

30 Sept 2024

  1. Address comments and draft sections in the Final report

Submission of sections in the Final Report addressing comments from the T4E team (The Final report must be endorsed by the Endline Survey Team Leader)

15 October 2024

*Payment will be made upon submission of deliverables with All acceptance and Certified by the UN Women Head of Office.

All the documents, including reports, questionnaires, presentations and reports should be submitted in English language, or if in Tetum, include an English summary.


Upon receipt of the deliverables and prior to the payment of the instalment all submitted reports and documents will be reviewed and approved by UN Women.


  • All events should include a pre and post assessment, training materials and a report.



  • UN Women will provide the consultant reference materials as needed
  • UN Women will provide list of key stakeholders and provide office space if needed.
  • UN Women will provide logistic and transportation support when traveling out of Dili and municipality travel if required in support of the assignment.
  • UN Women will provide Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) to cover expenses outside of the Duty Station when applicable, and upon approval of a Travel Authorization.
  • All arrangements will need to be adapted to current conditions, guidelines and requirements related to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Core Competencies:

Ethics and Values: Demonstrate and safeguard ethics and integrity.

Organizational Awareness: Demonstrate corporate knowledge and sound judgment.

Work in teams: Demonstrate ability to work in a multicultural, multi-ethnic environment and to maintain effective working relations with people of different national and cultural backgrounds.

Communicating and Information Sharing: Facilitate and encourage open communication and strive for effective communication.

Self-management and Emotional Intelligence: Stay composed and positive even in difficult moments, handle tense situations with diplomacy and tact, and have a consistent behaviour towards others.

Conflict Management: Surface conflicts and address them proactively acknowledging different feelings and views and directing energy towards a mutually acceptable solution.

Continuous Learning and Knowledge Sharing: Encourage learning and sharing of knowledge.

Functional Competencies:

  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
  • Ability to advocate and provide policy advice;
  • Demonstrates good oral and written communication skills;
  • Focuses on impact and result for the partners and responds positively to feedback.

Required Skills and Experience

Performance Evaluation

The consultant’s performance will be evaluated against such criteria as: timelines, responsibility, initiative, communication, accuracy, and quality of the products delivered.

Required skills and experience

Education and Experience


  • Master’s degree in social sciences, statistics, development studies, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), or other related fields or Bachelors with additional 2 years of relevant work experience.


  • At least 5 years’ experience in leading data collection efforts, particularly in conducting evaluations or surveys in the field of gender equality.
  • Strong experience in both quantitative and qualitative research methods and analysis.
  • Extensive experience in conducting surveys, data collection, and statistical analysis.
  • Proven experience in recruiting, training, and managing enumerators.
  • Proven experience in engaging and liaising with diverse stakeholders, including government and community representatives in Timor-Leste.
  • Proficiency in Tableau, Excel, or other statistical management applications.
  • Good understanding of local context and issues related to violence against women in Timor-Leste is highly advantageous.
  • Prior working experience with the United Nations or similar international organizations is an asset.
  • Excellent presentation skills and the ability to communicate findings effectively to a diverse audience.

Language and other skills:

  • Proficiency in oral and written English and Tetum are required.
  • Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages
  • Excellent organizational and logistical skills.
  • Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to work effectively with diverse teams.


Submission of application

Interested candidates are requested to submit electronic applications to UNDP Job site, not later than 24 July 2024 COB. Candidates with incomplete submission packages will not be considered.


Submission package

  1. Cover letter
  2. UN Women P-11 form, available from  
  3. A statement from a medical doctor of ‘good health and fit for travel
  4. At least two examples of the surveys, and /or reports that the candidate leads data collection and statistical analysis.
  5. Financial proposal which shall specify a daily rate for the work provided.


All applications must include (as an attachment) submission documents (A-E). Applications with missing required documents A,B,C,D and E will be treated as incomplete and will not be considered for further assessment.


Applications will be evaluated based on the Cumulative analysis.

  • Technical Qualification (100 points) weight; [70%]
  • Financial Proposal (100 points) weight; [30%]

A three-stage procedure is utilized in evaluating the proposals. Candidates who are fulfilling all the required skills and expertise will go to the technical evaluation process. The evaluation of the technical proposal is being completed prior to any price proposal being compared.  Only the price proposal of the candidates who passed the minimum technical score of 70% of the obtainable score of 100 points in the technical qualification evaluation will be evaluated.

Technical qualification evaluation criteria:

The total number of points allocated for the technical qualification component is 100. The technical qualification of the individual is evaluated based on following technical qualification evaluation criteria:


Technical Evaluation Criteria

Obtainable Score



Experience and skills

70 %

Language and other skills

20 %

Total Obtainable Score

100 %


Only the candidates who have attained a minimum of 70% of total points will be considered as technically qualified candidates.




Financial/Price Proposal:

  • Only the financial proposal of candidates who have all the required skills and expertise and have attained a minimum of 70% score in the technical evaluation will be considered and evaluated.
  • The total number of points allocated for the price component is 100.
  • The maximum number of points will be allotted to the lowest price proposal that is opened/ evaluated and compared among those technical qualified candidates who have attained a minimum of 70% score in the technical evaluation. All other price proposals will receive points in inverse proportion to the lowest price.




Annex I: Financial Proposal



Breakdown of Cost by Components:


Percentage of payment

Fixed price ($)

Due Date

Sections in Inception Report detailing work plan, scope for data collection (The inception report must be endorsed by the International Consultant)



25 August 2024

Summary report of recruitment and training participation with details on topics covered and tools to be used for each data collection method

Record of documents reviewed and translated

Submission of travel and logistics plan for four municipalities, including data collection materials, accommodation, security clearances, and list of contact persons for each municipality



20 September 2024

Submission of data collection gathered in the target community of four municipalities using data collection tools

Submission of qualitative data to an international consultant for analysis and interpretation

Submission of sections in the draft Final Report (The report must be endorsed by the Endline Survey Team Leader)

30 %


15 October 2024

Submission of sections in the Final Report addressing comments from the T4E team (The Final report must be endorsed by the Endline Survey Team Leader)






To help us track our recruitment effort, please indicate in your cover/motivation letter where ( you saw this job posting.

Job Location