Nutritional Diagnosis in the Yanomami Territory Consultant, Boa Vista, Brazil.

We are looking for a consultant to carry out a diagnosis on the nutritional surveillance and assistance flows, from the identification of malnutrition in the community to its integration into the post-recovery community.

The Yanomami territory is located in remote areas in the Northern region of Brazil, with exclusive access by air or river. Health care for the Yanomami people is under the responsibility of the Yanomami Special Indigenous Health District (DSEI-Y), linked to the Secretariat of Indigenous Health of the Ministry of Health (SESAI-MS).

On January 20, 2023, a Public Health Emergency of National Importance (Espin) was declared in the Yanomami Territory, in light of investigations on deaths of indigenous children. UNICEF has been part of the efforts coordinated by SESAI-MS to combat the serious humanitarian and public health crisis affecting Yanomami indigenous people, supporting the installation of a Nutritional Recovery Center in Boa Vista together with providing human resources and inputs necessary for the treatment of malnourished children.

UNICEF intends, through this term of reference, to hire a consultancy to carry out a diagnosis on the nutritional surveillance and assistance flows, from the identification of malnutrition in the community to its integration into the post-recovery community. This work aims to identify bottlenecks in nutritional surveillance for rapid identification of malnutrition, as well as bottlenecks for starting treatment as well as during and after treatment. It is also intended to verify how the child/adolescent/pregnant woman is reintegrated into the community after recovery and what are the main factors that contribute to the recurrence of malnutrition.


The consultant will be responsible for the delivery of the following products: 

  1. Elaboration of the methodology for conducting the diagnosis in Yanomami territory to be agreed upon with UNICEF in conjunction with Sesai, DSEI, and indigenous leaders.
  2. Develop a work plan to carry out the diagnosis on the organization of surveillance and nutritional assistance flows for children, adolescents and pregnant women in the Base Pole and CASAI in the Yanomami territory, including the reintegration of the child/adolescent/pregnant woman into the community after recovery and main factors that contribute to the recurrence of malnutrition.
  3. Conducting field information collection and interviews with professionals who provide health care, Indigenous Health Agent (AIS), and indigenous leaders and families of children/adolescents/pregnant women living in Yanomami territory, about the challenges and opportunities for anthropometric assessment, food consumption and continuous monitoring of the nutritional status of children, adolescents and pregnant women in the Yanomami territory, early diagnosis of malnutrition, treatment and maintenance of nutritional status. The results of this product must be accompanied by recommendations to support the discussion and development of strategic actions.

Note: It is intended to enter at least four specific territories, with a minimum duration of 1 week in each location, in agreement with the DSEI Yanomami

  1. Delivery of the consolidated report containing the results obtained during the diagnosis of the assessment carried out in the Yanomami indigenous territory, as well as a matrix proposal with guidelines and flows of nutritional care with models of community and individual activities. This report should be presented to UNICEF, allowing DSEI and SESAI Brasília team for discussion and make suggestions.


1.1. PRODUCT 1 – Preparation of the methodology and chronogram for conducting and collecting diagnosis in Yanomami IT approved by UNICEF with input from Sesai, indigenous leaders and DSEI Y.  

1.2. DELIVERABLES: Written and agreed methodology.

1.3. DEADLINE: 15 working days.

1.4. BUDGET: 30% of the total budget.


2.1. PRODUCT 2 – Conducting field information collection and interviews collecting field information and interviews with professionals who provide health care, Indigenous Health Agent (AIS), indigenous leaders and families of children/adolescents/pregnant women with professionals who provide health care health and indigenous leaders. It is intended to enter at least four specific territories, with a minimum duration of 1 week in each location, and a minimum of 5 working days between each entry, in addition to visits to CASAI.

2.2. DELIVERABLES: Preliminary report after the visits, with researched data collection instruments duly completed.

2.3. DEADLINE: 60 working days after the delivery of product 1.

2.4. BUDGET: 50% of the total budget


3.1. PRODUCT 3 – Final report containing the results obtained during the Yanomami IT diagnosis and recommendations for improvements and overcoming challenges after presentation and discussion with UNICEF and invited organizations.

3.2. DELIVERABLES: Final report and presentation

3.3. DEADLINE: 15 working days after the delivery of product 2

3.4. BUDGET: 20% of the total budget

This schedule may be changed according to technical and programmatic needs presented during the work process and at the request of UNICEF.


  • University degree or Masters in Nutrition is required. Postgraduate degree in indigenous health, public health or field epidemiology will be an advantage.
  • At least 3 years of professional experience working with nutritional/health assessment of populations and/or nutritional/health epidemiology in an indigenous context is required..
  • Previous experience working with indigenous Yanomami populations will be an advantage.
  • Previous experience with preparing and conducting research will be an advantage.
  • Fluency in portuguese is required.
  • Teamwork skills and the ability to work to tight deadlines are required, as well as the ability to work independently.
  • Availability to travel to areas in the Amazon Rainforest is required.
  • Experience in UN System Agencies or similar organizations will be an advantage.


Portuguese – fluent.

Travel Plan

During the consultancy, it is proposed to enter at least four specific territories, with a minimum duration of 1 week in each location, in agreement with the DSEI Yanomami, and a minimum of 5 working days between each entry, in addition to visits to CASAI. The travelling from Boa Vista to the Yanomami territory will be financed and planned by UNICEF and SESAI/MoH according to availability of transport and alignment with indigenous leaders.

In case the consultant is not residing in Boa Vista, a travel plan should include the specific times when the consultant will be available in Boa Vista, to enter the territory. With that information, UNICEF and SESAI can understand the proposed duration of the consultancy, and align the entrance in the territory accordingly.

In case the consultant is residing in Boa Vista, a travel plan should indicate when the consultant will be available to enter the territory. 

Note that expenses with travelling, accommodation and others should be considered in the submitted proposal, and additional costs that are not specific related to the entrance in the territory will not be considered.  

UNICEF’s Core Values

Care, Respect, Integrity, Trust, Accountability and Sustainability (CRITAS)

To view our competency framework, please visit: UNICEF Values

UNICEF is here to serve the world’s most disadvantaged children and our global workforce must reflect the diversity of those children. The UNICEF family is committed to include everyone, irrespective of their race/ethnicity, age, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, socio-economic background, or any other personal characteristic.

UNICEF offers reasonable accommodation for consultants/individual contractors with disabilities. This may include, for example, accessible software, travel assistance for missions or personal attendants. We encourage you to disclose your disability during your application in case you need reasonable accommodation during the selection process and afterwards in your assignment.

UNICEF has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and UNICEF, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination. UNICEF also adheres to strict child safeguarding principles. All selected candidates will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles and will therefore undergo rigorous reference and background checks. Background checks will include the verification of academic credential(s) and employment history. Selected candidates may be required to provide additional information to conduct a background check.

General Conditions: Procedures and Logistics

  • The consultant will work from home using their own equipment and stationery. UNICEF will provide office space for consultative meetings when necessary.
  • Travel-related expenses must be included in the financial proposal, considering possible price increases, changes in itinerary, baggage and daily allowances.
  • No contract can commence unless signed by UNICEF and the consultant.
  • Consultants will have no oversight responsibilities or authority over the UNICEF budget.

Financial proposal

  • The costs indicated are estimates. The final rate must follow the principle of “best value for money”, that is, achieving the desired result with the lowest possible rate.
  • A financial proposal including the fee for the assignment based on deliverables and number of days must be submitted. Consultants are asked to set all-inclusive rates, including fixed travel and subsistence costs, as applicable.
  • Payment will be based on the presentation of agreed products. UNICEF reserves the right to withhold payment if the products delivered are not up to the required standard or in the event of delays in the presentation of the products by the consultant.

Health insurance

  • The consultant is fully responsible for arranging, at his own expense, life, health and other insurance covering the term of the contract, as considered appropriate.
  • The consultant is not eligible to participate in life or health insurance schemes available to UNICEF and United Nations employees.


  • Consultants and individual contractors cannot receive training at UNICEF’s expense. Nonetheless, individual consultants and contracts must complete applicable mandatory trainings.
  • n the case of government employees, the contract cannot be issued without prior written authorization from the Government, or unless there is leave without pay.


Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advance to the next stage of the selection process. 

Individuals engaged under a consultancy or individual contract will not be considered “staff members” under the Staff Regulations and Rules of the United Nations and UNICEF’s policies and procedures, and will not be entitled to benefits provided therein (such as leave entitlements and medical insurance coverage). Their conditions of service will be governed by their contract and the General Conditions of Contracts for the Services of Consultants and Individual Contractors. Consultants and individual contractors are responsible for determining their tax liabilities and for the payment of any taxes and/or duties, in accordance with local or other applicable laws. 

The selected candidate is solely responsible to ensure that the visa (applicable) and health insurance required to perform the duties of the contract are valid for the entire period of the contract. Selected candidates are subject to confirmation of fully-vaccinated status against SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) with a World Health Organization (WHO)-endorsed vaccine, which must be met prior to taking up the assignment. It does not apply to consultants who will work remotely and are not expected to work on or visit UNICEF premises, programme delivery locations or directly interact with communities UNICEF works with, nor to travel to perform functions for UNICEF for the duration of their consultancy contracts. 

Tradução Português

Consultor(a) para condução de diagnóstico nutricional de crianças, adolescentes e gestantes no território Yanomami.

local: Boa Vista – Roraima

Propósito da consultoria:

O território Yanomami está localizado em áreas remotas na região Norte do Brasil, de acesso exclusivamente aéreo ou fluvial. A assistência à saúde dos Yanomami está sob responsabilidade do Distrito Sanitário Especial Indígena Yanomami (DSEI-Y), vinculado à Secretaria de Saúde Indígena do Ministério da Saúde (SESAI-MS).

 Em 20 de janeiro de 2023, foi declarada a Emergência em Saúde Pública de Importância Nacional (Espin) no Território Yanomami, diante das investigações sobre óbitos de crianças indígenas por doenças que tem tratamento. O UNICEF tem feito parte dos esforços para combater a grave crise humanitária e de saúde pública que acomete a população indígena Yanomami, apoiando a instalação de um Centro de Recuperação Nutricional (CRN) em Boa Vista juntamente com os recursos humanos e insumos necessários para o tratamento das crianças desnutridas.

UNICEF pretende por meio deste termo de referência contratar um/a consultor/a para realizar um diagnóstico em relação aos fluxos de vigilância e assistência nutricional desde a identificação da desnutrição na comunidade até sua integração na comunidade pós recuperação. Esse trabalho tem como objetivo identificar os gargalos na vigilância nutricional para rápida identificação da má nutrição, assim como os gargalos para início de tratamento e durante o tratamento. Também pretende-se verificar como é realizada a reinserção da criança/adolescente/gestante na comunidade após a recuperação e quais os principais fatores que contribuem para a reincidência da desnutrição.

 Escopo do trabalho:

O/A consultor/a será responsável pela entrega dos seguintes produtos: 

  1. Elaboração da metodologia de condução do diagnóstico em território Yanomami a ser pactuado juntamente com a Sesai, DSEI e lideranças indígenas.
  2. Elaborar um plano de trabalho para realização do diagnóstico sobre a organização dos fluxos da vigilância e assistência nutricional de crianças, adolescentes e gestantes nos Polos Base e na CASAI do território Yanomami, incluindo a reinserção da criança/adolescente/gestante na comunidade após recuperação e principais fatores que contribuem para a reincidência da desnutrição.


  1. Condução da coleta de informações de campo e entrevistas com profissionais que realizam a assistência à saúde, Agente Indígena de Saúde (AIS), lideranças indígenas e famílias de crianças/adolescentes/gestantes que vivem em território Yanomami, sobre os desafios e oportunidades para a avaliação antropométrica, consumo alimentar e monitoramento contínuo do estado nutricional de crianças, adolescentes e gestantes no território Yanomami, diagnóstico precoce de desnutrição, tratamento e manutenção do estado nutricional. Os resultados desse produto deverão vir acompanhados de recomendações que possam apoiar na discussão e elaboração de ações estratégicas,

 Obs.:Pretende-se realizar entrada em pelo menos quatro territórios específicos, com duração mínima de 1 semana em cada local, em acordo com o DSEI Yanomami.

  1. Entrega do relatório consolidado contendo os resultados obtidos durante o diagnóstico da avaliação realizada em território indígena Yanomami, bem como, proposta de matriciamento com orientações e fluxos da atenção nutricional com modelos de atividades comunitárias e individuais. Este relatório deverá ser apresentado para equipe do Unicef,  DSEI e Sesai Brasília para discussão e sugestões.


PRODUTO 1 – Elaboração da metodologia para condução e coleta do diagnóstico em TI Yanomami aprovada pelo UNICEF e pactuada com a Sesai, lideranças indígenas e DSEI Y.  

1.2. ENTREGÁVEIS: Metodologia escrita e pactuada.

1.3. DATA LIMITE: 15 dias úteis.

1.4. ORÇAMENTO: 20% do valor do contrato

PRODUTO 2  – Condução da coleta de informações de campo e entrevistas coleta de informações de campo e entrevistas com profissionais que realizam a assistência à saúde, Agente Indígena de Saúde (AIS), lideranças indígenas e famílias de crianças/adolescentes/gestantes.

 Pretende-se realizar entrada em pelo menos quatro territórios específicos, com duração  mínima de 1 semana em cada local, e um mínimo de 5 dias úteis entre cada entrada, além das visitas à CASAI.

2.2. ENTREGÁVEIS: Relatório preliminar após as visitas, com instrumentos da coleta de dados devidamente preenchidos.

2.3. DATA LIMITE: 60 dias úteis após entrega do produto 1.

2.4. ORÇAMENTO: 40% do valor do contrato

PRODUTO 3  – Relatório final contendo os resultados obtidos durante o diagnóstico em TI Yanomami e recomendações para melhorias e superação dos desafios após apresentação e discussão com UNICEF e organizações convidadas.

3.2. ENTREGÁVEIS: Apresentação e Relatório Final

3.3. DATA LIMITE: 15 dias úteis após entrega do Produto 2.

3.4. ORÇAMENTO: 20% do valor do contrato

Essa programação poderá ser alterada conforme necessidade técnica e programática apresentadas durante o processo de trabalho e por solicitação do UNICEF, DSEI e Sesai/Brasília.


  • Necessário diploma universitário ou pós graduação na área de Nutrição. Pós graduação relacionada a saúde indígena, saúde coletiva ou epidemiologia de campo  será uma vantagem.
  • São exigidos pelo menos 3 anos de experiência profissional trabalhando com avaliação nutricional/saúde de populações e/ou epidemiologia nutricional/saúde em contexto indígena.
  • Experiência anterior de trabalho com populações indígenas Yanomami será uma vantagem.
  • Experiência anterior com elaboração e condução de pesquisas será uma vantagem.
  • Necessário ter fluência em português.
  • São necessárias habilidades de trabalho em equipe e capacidade de trabalhar com prazos curtos, assim como capacidade de trabalhar de forma independente.
  • Disponibilidade para viagens para áreas na Floresta Amazônica.
  • Experiência em Agências do Sistema ONU ou organizações similares será uma vantagem.


Português – fluente.

Plano de Viagem

Durante a consultoria, propõe-se a entrada em pelo menos quatro territórios específicos, com duração mínima de 1 semana em cada localidade, em acordo com o DSEI Yanomami, e mínimo de 5 dias úteis entre cada entrada, além de visitas à CASAI. A viagem de Boa Vista ao território Yanomami será financiada e planejada pelo UNICEF e SESAI/MS de acordo com a disponibilidade de transporte e alinhamento com as lideranças indígenas.

Caso o/a consultor/a não resida em Boa Vista, um plano de viagem deverá incluir os dias específicos em que o/a consultor/a estará disponível em Boa Vista, para ingressar no território. Com essas informações, o UNICEF e a SESAI podem entender a duração proposta da consultoria e alinhar a entrada no território de acordo.

Caso o consultor resida em Boa Vista, um plano de viagem deverá indicar quando o consultor estará disponível para ingressar no território.

Note-se que na proposta financeira apresentada deverão ser consideradas despesas com deslocamento, alojamento e outras, não sendo considerados custos adicionais que não sejam específicos relacionados com a entrada no território.

To help us track our recruitment effort, please indicate in your cover/motivation letter where ( you saw this job posting.


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