Tender Title: Supply of Sewing machine | |
Tender No: RFQ-IQKIK-24-0061 | Location: Kirkuk |
Tender Package Available from: 2024-05-20 | |
Deadline for Offer Submission: 2024-05-26 at noon (Iraqi Time) |
RFQ Reference: RO-IQKIK-24-0085-IQKIK-0085
Offer Title: RFQ-IQKIK-24-0061
Supply of Sewing machine
Date: 20/05/2024
Dear Sirs,
Oxfam is a registered International Non-Governmental Organization. It is a member of OXFAM International, an international confederation of 17 organizations working together in 98 countries with partners and other allies around the world.
OXFAM focuses its activities on providing a comprehensive response to poverty, working cohesively in the four areas that constitute its identity: development cooperation, humanitarian action, fair trade, social mobilization, campaigns, and education for global citizenship.
Oxfam is conducting an offer process within Iraq/Kirkuk and invites your submission of an offer within their requirements for:
RFQ-IQKIK-24-0061 for Supply of Sewing machine
Kirkuk as per the conditions detailed in the attached RFQ and BoQ
Note:- offers must be returned in hard copy sealed envelopes filled up and signed with IQD to Oxfam Kirkuk office in Noor city 1 Villa #406, only offers returned in Hard copy to Kirkuk office will be taking in consideration.
The deadline for submitting the offers is 26 May of 2024 14:00 Iraqi Time
You are kindly requested to answer below points in the RFQ otherwise might be excluded:
- An authorized legal representative company document.
- Country of Origin? Capital Items if any.
- Warranty duration and evidence of the warranty for all request items? If any.
- Duration of the implementation/delivery of the project/Items?
- can you work/deliver in the mentioned area of the project?
- Payment method (Bank Transfer, cheque or cash)? Bank transfer is the preferred method of payment by Oxfam.
- Validity of offer?
- Fill, Sign and stamp RFQ, BoQ.
- The priced offer should be in IQD.
Offers must submitted in hard copy in a sealed envelope with the RFQ Number RFQ-IQKIK-24-0061
To Oxfam Office in Kirkuk Shoraw Noor city 1 Villa # 406
Suppliers to provide the catalogue of the sewing machine or a picture of the sewing machine instead.
Attached are RFQ, and BoQ must be filled, signed and stamped, in a sealed envelope.
OXFAM does not bind itself to award to the lowest offer and reserves the right to accept the whole or part of the tender.
We look forward to receiving an offer from you and thank you for your interest in our account.
Kirkuk office
Shoraw Noor city 1 Villa #406
Yours sincerely,
Kawa Ameer /Logistics assistant /OXFAM Procurement.
Tender’s Files