Project Analyst

Viet Nam is among the countries most vulnerable to climate change. Since the early 2010s, the Government of Viet Nam has developed and is implementing a series of national strategies and action plans on climate change, green growth, and low-carbon sustainable development. The Government adopted the National Green Growth Strategy (NGGS) 2021-2030, vision to 2050 (Decision 1658/QD-TTg dated October 1, 2021) and the National Climate Change Strategy (NCCS) in July 2022. The National Power Development Plan for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision to 2045 (PDP8), was promulgated in May 2023 with the objective to ensure national energy security, diversification, and sustainable development in the electricity sector.  

In addition, Viet Nam has also shown strong commitment to climate policy on the international stage. At the 26th Conference of Parties (COP26) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Glasgow, the Government pledged the country commitment to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. In November 2022, Viet Nam submitted its updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the UNFCCC. This revised commitment outlines Viet Nam’s measures and targets to reducing its national GHG emissions by 15.8 percent compared to the business-as-usual (BAU) scenario by 2030 or up to 43.5 percent, conditional upon international support. Viet Nam has also joined significant global pledges affiliated with ending new coal plant construction and phasing out existing ones, slashing methane emissions by 30 percent by 2030, and halting deforestation by 2030. 

Viet Nam’s 2050 net-zero targets and other climate commitments to realize Viet Nam’s NDC have bold implications in terms of economic opportunities, improved environmental health, and enhanced energy security. However, overcoming economic disruption, social and political challenges, and high initial costs requires an all-of-government approach to emissions mitigation from fossil fuel consumption in all end-use sectors, particularly industry, transportation, buildings, as well as agriculture and fisheries. 

UNDP in Viet Nam

  • Over the course of its 45-year presence in Viet Nam, UNDP has been assisting Viet Nam with its successful transition from war to reconstruction; from a centrally-planned economy to a market economy; from poor to low middle-income status; and towards achieving first the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 2000-2015 and then the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2015-2030. UNDP Viet Nam works closely with the Government of Viet Nam, line ministries and local governments, the Party and National Assembly, and related commissions. We also work with the private sector, national think tanks, and civil society organizations at various levels, as partners to contribute towards 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • Our services to the country include capacity strengthening support, technical assistance, and policy advice on (i) governance and participation; (ii) inclusive growth; and (iii) climate change, the environment, and enabling a just energy transition. This assistance is primarily done through programme cycles which are reflected in Country Programme Documents (CPD) for Viet Nam, the latest of which may be found here covering the period of 2022-2026.
  • Organizationally, the UNDP CO is divided into two main business tracks (programme and operations) and managed by a Senior Management team consisting of the Resident Representative, the Deputy Resident Representative, and the heads of the three main programme units, which are: (i) the Climate Change, Energy and Environment (CCEEU); (ii) the Governance and Participation; and (iii) the Inclusive and Equitable Growth Team.

The six portfolios under the umbrella of the CCEEU are:

  • Climate and disaster resilience;
  • Green and Low-carbon development;
  • Circular Economy and Waste/Plastic;
  • Natural Resources and Biodiversity;
  • Climate – Health;
  • GEF’s Small Grants Programme.

Context of climate change mitigation and sustainable transport project

The Government of Viet Nam has made significant efforts in responding to climate change adaptation and mitigation, shifting toward a green energy transition and circular economy. The Government has promulgated strategic policies and plans, including Green Growth Strategy 2021-2030, Climate Change Strategy, National Energy Master Plan for the period 2021 – 2030, National Power Development Planning for the period of 2021 – 2030 and the updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC, 2020 and 2022).

  • At the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, Viet Nam Prime Minister made ambitious and highly commendable commitments that include setting the national target of net zero emissions by 2050, joining the global pledge to cut emissions of the powerful greenhouse gas methane by 30 per cent by 2030, and pledging to halt and reverse forest loss and land degradation by 2030.  To realise the commitment, the Government approved an Action Plan for green energy transition and reduction of carbon dioxide and methane emissions of transport sector and a National Action Plan on Methane.
  • On December 14 2022, Viet Nam together with the International Partners Group (IPG), consisting of the European Union, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America, Japan, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of France, the Italian Republic, Canada, the Kingdom of Denmark and the Kingdom of Norway and EU , agreed to a new Just Energy Transition Partnership (JET-P) that will mobilize $15.5 billion of public and private finance between the next 3 to 5 years to support Viet Nam to achieve its ambitious Net Zero 2050 goal.  The “Just Energy Transition Partnership” is a long-term, ambitious partnership to support Viet Nam’s low-emission and climate resilient development, as well as to support Viet Nam to accelerate the just transition and decarbonization of the electricity system and develop new economic opportunities to support Viet Nam’s transition towards net zero future.”
  • The JETP-RMP was announced on November 2023, consider a very importance step to mobilize resources to achieve just transition of JETP and accelerating a 2050 net-zero transition in Viet Nam. Specifically, the JETP-RMP identifies a pipeline of defined investment and technical assistance projects, as well as priority policy actions over at least the next 5 years which are consistent with the Government of Viet Nam’s position to enable a just transition. The JETP-RMP covers 8 prioritized areas includes:  1) the transition of coal power generation; 2) improving the regulatory framework for the energy transition; 3) developing the renewable energy industry; 4) power transmission and energy storage, 5) energy efficiency, 6) energy transition in the transport sector; 7) innovation, development, and technology transfer and 8) ensuring a just transition (access to affordable energy for all; training, upskilling, and job creation). UNDP is working closely with MONRE and support the coordination and operations of the four Working Groups. UNDP’s support to the JETP Secretariat shall evolve as a long-term, dynamic mechanism to adapt as needed, align with the changing needs of the JETP Secretariat and achieve the expected outcomes of the JETP.
  • Besides, realizing the demand of considerable resources toward a green energy transition, Viet Nam government is preparing readiness for establishment of carbon market, the target was outlined in Prime Minister Decision No. 888/QD-TTg dated July 25, 2022. This strategic move aims to create a marketplace for the trading of emission allowances, credits, and related financial instruments, ultimately placing a tangible price on the negative externality of CO2 and incentivizing emissions reduction. Government Decree 06/2022/ND-CP set a plan to pilot the operation of the national Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) for greenhouse gas emissions credit trading, with a target commencement in 2025 and full official operation in 2028. The operation of carbon market is expected to provide an additional financial mechanism and emotion for private sectors to more forward energy transition and GHG reduction from their businesses. However, appropriate operation of Domestic ETS and Carbon markets requires a national robust Monitoring Reporting and Verification (MRV) system to support for GHG emission inventory to facilitate for allocating GHG emission allowances to large emission entities and tracking the GHG emission these facilities.
  • UNDP is implementing the Global Environment Facility (GEF) financed project entitled Strengthen Viet Nam’s capacities to manage data flows and report information adequately to fulfil the enhanced transparency framework of the Paris Agreement requirements (CBIT project). The objective of the project is to strengthen the national MRV system in order to enable Viet Nam to meet the international ETF requirements as defined in Article 13 of the PA: building capacities and tools at national level will be provided to monitor, report and track GHG emissions, mitigation actions and funding.
  • In line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework for Viet Nam for the period 2022-2026 and the One Strategic Plans of the UN in Viet Nam for the period 2022 – 2025, the UNDP Country Program Document (CPD) for the period 2022-2026 underlines UNDP’s work to promote Climate Change Response, Disaster Resilience and Environmental Sustainability in Viet Nam. UNDP’s support targets advocacy, policy research and formation, capacity and partnership building and coordination, technology testing and transfer, piloting models and promoting participation of businesses and local communities, aiming to support the Government in formulating and implementing the above policies, especially play the lead role in providing technical assistance in the implementation of the JETP,  Climate, Environment and Energy (CEE) Unit have been developing and implementing six portfolios of many projects and activities: 1) Climate and disaster resilience; 2) Green and low-carbon development and Energy transition; 3) Circular Economy, waste, and plastics; 4) Natural resources and biodiversity; 5) Climate and Health; and 6) Small Grants Programme. As the Portfolio No. 2 of Green and low-carbon development and Energy transition has been expanding, UNDP is seeking to recruit a Climate change mitigation and sustainable transport Project Analyst.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • The Project Analyst will work under direct supervision of the Programme Specialist, who coordinates Green and low-carbon development and Energy transition, and with overall guidance of the Head of the Climate Change, Energy and Environment (CCEEU). The Project Analyst will work closely with Technical Advisors, Technical Specialists, supporting staff, PMU and CPMUs (if any) in Viet Nam, and relevant Regional Technical Advisor in Bangkok Regional Hub (BRH).
  • The Project Analyst has the following four functions and responsibilities.

Provide effective management and implementation of project and activities relating to climate change, energy transition (JETP-RMP, CBIT projects):

  • Effectively apply result-based management (RBM) tools in management; establishment of M&E and reporting framework, including management targets and monitoring the achievement of results, performance indicators/ success criteria, and regular update of baselines, targets and milestones in the Project’s results resources frameworks;
  • Enhance partnership and work closely and effectively with the project counterparts and development partners, donors for effective management and implementation of the Portfolio;
  • Provide proper guidance to the project counterparts for effective planning, management and implementation of projects to ensure timely implementation of activities and achievement of quality results, including timely preparation and approval of the projects and work-packages’ annual and quarterly quality work-plans;
  • Develop the project’s annual workplan, procurement plan, budget plan;
  • Develop Terms of Reference (ToRs) for consultants, service providers, workshops; take lead in evaluating and hiring consultants and firms for related projects;
  • Performance of the functions of project manager in Quantum as defined and participation in recruitment processes for projects. Participate in the recruitment and procurement processes and coordination of the mandatory and budget re-phasing exercise, mid-year and mid-term reviews, and closure of the Project. Exercise risk management, including timely implementation of mitigation measures, and updating risk log and integrated work plan (IWP) in the Quantum;
  • Take lead in development of quarterly, annually reports and regular briefings as required by government of Viet Nam, UNDP, and donors;
  • Coordinate the mandatory and budget re-phasing exercise, mid-term review and closure of the projects;
  • Conduct regular monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of the project progress and proper guidance to project stakeholders on M&E activities in order to ensure timely correction actions (if needed) and delivery of expected outputs with high quality;
  • Ensure effective risk management, including timely implementation of mitigation measures, and update risk log and integrated work plan (IWP) in the Quantum system;
  • Analyze and identify any operational and financial problems and suggest solutions; ensure the full compliance with Harmonized Approach to Cash Transfer (HACT) guidelines, including the facilitation and participation in project audits, spot-checks, and follow-up of the recommendations;
  • Provide technical inputs for communication materials for advocacy at high-level dialogues, and public events;
  • Conduct regular briefings and timely report to the supervisor, Regional Technical Advisors or UNDP leaders on any managerial exceptions for timely actions and support/advice on the management, planning, and control of the project.

Provide quality assurance to the projects’ objectives, results and products and synergies across implementation partners and among projects in the portfolio:

  • Establish procedures for monitoring, evaluating, and reporting on quality throughout the project lifecycle;
  • Review and endorsement of all technical TORs, outputs and deliverables produced under the project, ensuring technical soundness and cost effectiveness of project activities and ensuring technical quality assurance;
  • Perform regular assessments on indicators, quality standards that the project deliverables must meet, role of stakeholders, to provide findings, recommendation corrective or amended actions and track implementation’s progress;
  • Identify and collaborate with key partners/stakeholders to ensure synergies with other projects/initiatives by development partners or by the government of Viet Nam, and to avoid the duplication of activities among actors. This includes appropriate engagement of relevant organizations and/or individuals in project activities;
  • Collaborate with the project team and project’s partners to identify quality risks and develop risk management response.

Support for formulation and development of projects to enhance UNDP Viet Nam’s pipeline on green transport, green energy transition and mobilize resources:

  • Provide technical inputs and review and suggestion for interventions to UNDP on new project formulation;
  • Support the development of new concept notes, project proposals in on areas relating to energy efficiency, renewable energy technologies, investment in green production, green growth and green products, climate change mitigation and related issues etc. Support will be through the preparation of TOR for the project development team, working closely with the project development team in concept note/project proposal preparation and provide technical inputs and review to the draft concept notes/project proposals;
  • Engage effectively with project counterparts, consultants, and stakeholders for resources mobilization, explore collaboration for new developed projects.

Knowledge management, advocacy and promotion of the partnership with relevant stakeholders including Government partners, development partners, NGOs, and civil society organizations, aiming at creation of synergies, leveraging support, and ensuring the sustainability of project interventions and results: 

  • Enhance and develop strong partnerships and effective cooperation with government counterparts, co-implementing partners, participating agencies and relevant stakeholders. This includes the identification of opportunities for policy dialogues and advocacy on climate change, natural resources, environment and related agenda, and facilitation of UNDP’s participation and interventions in such events;
  • Contribute to the development of Government’s policies/regulations that will address the country’s problems/ development needs;
  • Promote the engagement of the private sector and women/ women-led organizations in project activities;
  • Build partnerships and networking, identify opportunities for resource mobilization and contribute to formulating new projects and new programmes and necessary documents to mobilize resources from bilateral and multilateral partners, the government financing and the private sector;
  • Participate and contribute to the UN/UNDP’s regular reports on outputs and outcomes as well as outcome evaluations, under the framework of the UN One Strategic Plan and to UNDP’s other tentative interventions (for example, studies, research or new project ideas, etc.). This includes the provision of inputs to the preparation of UNDP’s presentations, briefings and related speeches if required;
  • Document the project’s lessons learnt and best practices; quality publication of technical reports, policy briefs, and results;
  • In consultation with UNDP Communication Analysts, publish technical reports, policy briefs, and results on suitable knowledge-sharing platforms, tools and mechanisms;
  • Effective facilitation and contribution to the development of Viet Nam’s relevant. policies.

Required Skills and Experience 


  • Advanced university degree (master’s degree or equivalent) in Energy, Climate Change, Environmental Science, Development Studies or related field is required; or
  • A first-level university degree (bachelor’s degree) in the areas mentioned above in combination with an additional two years of qualifying experience will be given due consideration in lieu of the advanced university degree.


  • Minimum 2 years (with master’s degree) or 4 years (with bachelor’s degree) of relevant experience at the national/ regional/ international level in providing policy advisory/ advocacy/ research services.
  • Experience in design, appraisal, management, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of development projects, especially project cycle management of vertical fund (GEF, GCF, Adaptation Fund, etc) projects is required.
  • Experience with UNDP project implementation and Programme Operations Policies and Procedures is an advantage is required.
  • Experience in partnership building in energy/ climate change/ low-carbon development/ transportation or innovation is required.
  • Experience in providing technical advice and services to development and implementation of national policies, legal and institutional frameworks in energy, climate change, low-carbon development, green transport and related sectors and knowledge of international best practices.
  • Experience in conducting policy analysis and research to provide evidence for advocacy and advice to the government agencies to enhance national and sectoral policies in relevant topics in Viet Nam.
  • Experience working with private sector and innovation is desired.
  • Demonstrate analytical, conceptualization and communication skills; ability to work as team member in a multicultural environment.
  • Experience in gender equality and civil society participation are advantageous.
  • Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages, experience in handling of web-based management systems.

Required Languages:

  • Fluency in Vietnamese and English is required.


UNDP in Viet Nam

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