Request for Information (RFI) USAID/TAP- RFI -002 External Consultancy Firm – Archiving System

Request for Information (RFI)

To: Offerors

From: Creative Associates International, Inc.

Subject: Request for Information (RFI) USAID/TAP- RFI -002

Subproject #: External Consultancy Firm – Archiving System

RFI Issue Date: August 18, 2024

RFI Closing Date: September 2, 2024

RFI Closing Time: 4:00 PM – Local Time, Amman Time

This is a request for Information. This is not a Request for Proposal (RFP) or Request for Application (RFA) and is not to be construed as a commitment by the USAID Technical Assistance Program (TAP) to issue any solicitation or Notice of Funding Opportunity, or ultimately award a contract or assistance agreement on the basis of this RFI, or to pay for any information voluntarily submitted as a result of this request.

Background and Purpose


USAID/ Technical Assistance Program (TAP), funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), is a five-year education and youth project that seeks to transform the organizational culture and improve the abilities within the Ministry of Education (MoE) and the Ministry of Youth (MoY) to ensure officials can implement desired reforms. Creative and its partners will provide technical assistance in the development, roll-out, and tracking of policies and procedures to incorporate international best practices for public education and youth programming. Among the many activities in the USAID/ Technical Assistance Program, it will support curriculum development, promote inclusive learning techniques, improve the skills of teachers and school managers, and other tangible activities that ultimately support changing the organizational culture within the two ministries and relevant agencies. The program will further support Jordan’s outreach and behavioral change communications initiatives that are aimed at creating a culture of reading, the inclusion of vulnerable children, and increased youth engagement.


The purpose of this Terms of Reference (TOR) document is to invite proposals from qualified vendors to develop a robust archiving software tailored to meet the specific needs of the Ministry of Youth (MoY) while being aligned with the Government of Jordan’s (GOJ) relevant strategies. The primary aim of this archiving software is to streamline document management processes and ensure efficient access to archived documents for a diverse range of stakeholders. Through the centralization of archiving activities, MoY seeks to improve transparency, accountability, and operational efficiency. Ultimately, the objective is to facilitate informed decision-making, ensure compliance with regulations, and effectively manage MoY’s archival materials.

Additionally, the second phase of this project involves the archival of documents from the past five years across designated departments within MoY. These documents hardcopies will be securely stored in a managed repository, allowing for seamless retrieval by business users and enhancing overall accessibility and efficiency.

In the future, this tool will be incorporated into MoY’s management information system to oversee archived files for different applications and processes across all departments. This will streamline the functionality of MoY’s supportive systems, ensuring a unified method for archival management and enhancing both accessibility and efficiency.

Scope Of Work

This Scope of Work is divided into two main parts:

  1. Part 1: Archiving Software system

    1.1. Background

The Ministry of Youth (MoY) rely on decentralized and manual document management practices across its various departments. Physical documents are stored on shelves, making retrieval cumbersome and time-consuming. Additionally, there is a lack of standardized processes for document organization and categorization, leading to inefficiencies and inconsistencies in document handling. As a result, MoY faces challenges in accessing, tracking, and managing its extensive volume of documents, hindering operational efficiency and productivity.

It’s crucial to note that MoY utilizes the dependable GOJ cloud-based archiving system (ImageLinks) to manage correspondences within the Administration Department. This system must remain operational and functional during the activation of the new archiving software.

1.2. Specific Tasks

  • Develop and customize an archiving software system that will be integrated with the Management Information System (MIS) at MoY to support all MoY supportive systems and packages
  • The tool must have the below specifications:
    • Web Archiving Tool with Bilingual Capabilities
    • Centralized Storage Solution, such as SAN storage (Hosted by MoDEE)
    • Advanced Search Functionality with various filter options
    • Ability to encrypt files for data is a must
    • Indexing and Keyword Search Functionality
    • Multiple levels of clearances and classifications of documents
    • The software must be fully dynamic creating multi cabinets and directories to classify and managing archived files with no limits or restrictions
    • Efficient Workflow Management and Approval System
    • Alerts and Notifications support via SMS or/and email
    • Ability to store files physically or as Database record
    • Flexibility for Cloud and On-premises Deployment, Hosting will be at MoDEE cloud environment
    • Compatibility with existing and future systems and regulatory compliance
    • Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for Arabic and English
    • Scalability to Accommodate Unlimited Users with Concurrent Access Support
    • User friendly tool incorporating intuitive navigation, search functionality, and document viewing features
    • Incorporating the concept and tools of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for analytical processes, searching, and reporting is a plus, using a free open-source AI libraries
    • Robust user access control and permission management features to ensure data security and confidentiality
    • Seamless Integration Capabilities with built-in REST APIs so that the tool will be integrated for both internal and external applications
    • Owned by the Ministry of Youth (MoY) or the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan – depending on the guidelines
    • Data Security:
      • Implement advanced security measures to safeguard user data and sensitive information shared on the archiving tool
      • The system must have robust security features to prevent data breaches, unauthorized access, and fraud, including encryption and authentication
      • Implement user management features, including role assignment, permission settings, and generation of user activity reports (Audit Trail)
      • Ensure secure backup of the system and all integrated tools/plugins
      • Must fulfil and meet the existing regulations set by the Government of Jordan and the National Cyber Security Center regarding digital resources and tools
  • The solution will be hosted on Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship – MODEE servers, Contractor must provide:
    • Comprehensive logical infrastructure architecture
    • Computing resources required to host the solution
    • The proposed solutions must be effective, scalable, and well-balanced
    • The Contractor is required to perform all deployment tasks that cover all regulatory prerequisites, demonstrating strict adherence to MoDEE’s requirements. It encompasses the following key components:
      • Verify Server Availability and Configuration
      • Ensure Environment Accessibility
      • Implement Secure Authentication
      • Provide Training and Awareness
      • Release Deployment
    • Implementing Standards, Regulations, Policies, and Requirements of the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship (MODEE)
      • Performance Test Checklists
      • Web Performance Test Prerequisites
      • Customer Journey Template
      • Minimum Baseline Security Standards SDLC V1.0
  • Conduct comprehensive training for MoY personnel on how to use and manage the tool/ system.
  • Conduct/develop test processes to ensure tool/ system readiness and operation
  • Source Code:
    • The Contractor must handover all-source code used in implementing all components of the system
    • Assigned staff from MoY IT and Digital Transformation Department must also receive intensive training on Source Code, so that they can better understand the systems architecture and carry out the required updates and modifications
  • Training and Knowledge Transfer
    • Training Venues: The contractor will ensure that the training venues are adequately equipped with necessary facilities, including seating, audio-visual equipment, and internet access
    • Refreshments: The contractor will arrange for refreshments, including water, tea, coffee, and light snacks, during breaks. If the training session spans a full day, lunch will also be provided
    • Training Materials: The contractor will supply all necessary training materials, including printed handouts, workbooks, and digital resources. These materials will be provided to participants at the start of the training session
    • Technical Training Documentation: Develop detailed technical training documentation encompassing comprehensive technical specifications, system architecture diagrams, and API documentation. Additionally, provide clear and concise guides for system administrators, covering crucial technical aspects such as server configurations, database management, and security protocols.
    • In-Depth Knowledge Transfer Sessions: Conduct knowledge transfer sessions with a dedicated focus on technical items. These sessions should equip administrators from the ministry with a profound understanding of tool source code, architecture, configurations, and maintenance procedures
    • Functional Knowledge Transfer Sessions: Make the needed end users functional training on how to use the tool

2. Archiving Operations for MoY Departments

2.1. Overview

The Ministry of Youth (MoY) is strategizing to oversee and administer the archiving process for documents spanning the past five years. The primary focus will be on documents from the Financial Affairs, Engineering and Infrastructure, Procurement and Purchasing, Human Resources, and Administration departments.

It is worth noting that only documents with a final status of either approval or disapproval will be included in the Archiving Operation project scope of work

2.2 Departmental Archiving Requirements

Below breakdown for the expected number of hardcopies for each department involved in this project scope:

  • Financial Department: Expected number of hardcopies – 1,500,000
  • Engineering Department: Expected number of hardcopies – 500,000
  • Procurement and Purchasing Department: Expected number of hardcopies – 2,000,000
  • Human Resources Department: Expected number of hardcopies – 800,000
  • Administration Department: Expected number of hardcopies – 200,000

Total Expected Number of Hardcopies: 5,000,000

In addition to the above-mentioned documents, it is required to archive the new documents developed during the current year of the project performance.

2.3 Specific Tasks

  • Deliver Project Charter contains objectives, scope, stakeholders, and initial resource allocations
  • Planning for Archiving Operation
  • Develop a comprehensive plan specifically tailored for the archiving operation, detailing the following:
    • Project objectives and scope, including the volume of hardcopies to be archived for each department
    • Timeline for the entire archiving process, including milestones for document collection, digitization, organization, and storage
    • Resource allocation, including personnel, equipment, and budgetary requirements
    • Risk assessment and mitigation strategies to address potential challenges such as data loss, equipment failure, or delays
    • Communication and coordination plan including:
      • Clarify stakeholders (MoY staff, IT vendor), Project Sponsor, Project manager, Team leads and Team members
      • Roles and Responsibilities for each side as Decision authority, reporting lines and hierarchy specifying who reports to whom
      • Communication methods like meetings, emails, digital tools and the schedule to conduct them
      • The points of contact (Managers and Coordinators) and approval process for communication
      • Escalation Procedures defining level, criteria, individuals to contact at each escalation level, and process
    • Quality assurance measures to ensure the accuracy, completeness, and integrity of archived documents
    • Review and finalize the archiving plan in collaboration with relevant stakeholders to ensure alignment with organizational goals and objectives
  • Document Collection
    • Specify the process for collecting documents from each department through the physical retrieval
    • Identify designated collection points or personnel responsible for gathering documents from each department
  • Document Verification
    • Outline procedures for verifying the accuracy and completeness of collected documents
  • Document Sorting, Categorization and Archiving
    • Provide details on procedures for storing and organizing archived documents within the digital repository
    • Describe methods for creating folders, subfolders, and metadata tags to facilitate easy retrieval and navigation
    • Propose and implement a method for linking hardcopies with their corresponding softcopies using QR codes
    • Simulate the inventory structure for MoY and outline how softcopies will be mapped to their respective hardcopy storage locations
  • Quality Assurance
    • Explain the quality assurance measures in place to ensure the integrity of archived documents
    • Include procedures for reviewing documents for legibility, completeness, and adherence to naming conventions or metadata standards
  • Storing and Placing Hardcopies
    • Detail preferred warehouse setup to identify how data will be stored and restored depends on archiving best practice
    • Specify the process for physically storing and placing hardcopies after digitization
    • Detail the organization of hardcopies on shelves, including any QR code or labeling systems used for identification
  • Documentation and Reporting
    • Document each step of the collection and organization process, noting any discrepancies or issues encountered
    • Specify the frequency and format of reports to stakeholders on the progress and status of document archiving activities

Maintenance and Support

The subcontractor will provide:

  • One year free of bugs system guarantee
  • Two years maintenance to enhance and support the system
  • Perform software fixes, preventative maintenance, and critical upgrades to ensure the stability and functionality of the archiving system during operation period.

Expertise and Staffing

Minimum 5 of years of experience and proven track of record providing the services outlined in TOR with focus on the following:

  • Progressive work experience in online databases and applications development
  • Relevant practical experience, with focus on archiving software
  • Staff assigned to these tasks must have a minimum of 5 years of experience, and expected resources are: Project Manager, Business Analyst, Team Leader, Developers, Quality Assurance Specialist and Support,

Place of Performance

To be advice from the offerors It’s crucial that the complete archiving process, covering both system implementation and archiving operation, is conducted within the Ministry’s premises to ensure a successful implementation and provide thorough follow-up and high-level support


As deliverables, the contracted party is expected to provide:

Archiving tools implementation

Deliverable 1: kickoff and planning

Deliverable details:

  • Kickoff Presentation
  • Project Charter
  • Detailed Project Schedule (Plan)

Deliverable 2: Situation analysis report for the Archiving tool Implementation

Deliverable details:

  • Situational Analysis report (in Arabic): The report includes:
    • As-ls analysis of the current archiving process that includes a detailed description with diagrams
    • To-be solution for the archiving process that includes the structured, Simplified archiving process, documented as Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs) including diagrams/flowcharts.

Deliverable 3: Tool Development and a Functionalities Checklist

Deliverable details:

Develop the archiving tools as described in the approved analysis documents and based on the clarified specifications and retreatments in the TOR

Deliverable 4: Procedural Manual and Staff Training on the Application

Deliverable details:

  • An updated user manual and training materials that comprehensively outlines all system functionalities in both Arabic and English
  • In-person training sessions for a maximum of 30 Ministry of Youth (MoY) employees tasked with utilizing the archiving system

Deliverable 5: Validations and Testing of the Application

Deliverable details:

  • Perform testing and validation procedures in cooperation with the workgroup to ensure the application’s performance, stability and sustainability
  • Data verification and review (Archived document, roles and permissions)
  • Testing phase for the application and its features that might include: smoke testing, integration testing, browser compatibility testing, security testing, performance and load testing, User Acceptance Testing (UAT), and System acceptance testing
  • Clear test scenarios and test cases must be provided in Arabic

Deliverable 6: Maintenance and Support

Deliverable details:

  • Provide a support and maintenance agreement for 24 months after the delivery and acceptance of the application.
  • The maintenance Agreement (in Arabic)
  • On-site/remote support and technical assistance including online assistance.
  • Documentation: submission of status reports.
  • Develop a Service Level Agreement (SLA) for maintenance, refitting, and repairing

Deliverable 7: Source codes

Deliverable details:

Source codes for both application and database

Archiving Operation

Deliverable 1: Action plan for the archiving process

Deliverable details:

Includes the concerned organizational units which is documents to be archived, number, time frame, responsibilities, milestones, etc

Deliverable 2: First batch of MOY Archived Documents

Deliverable details:

1million pages of hard copies digitized and organized within MoY warehouse

Deliverable 3: Second batch of MOY Archived Documents

Deliverable details:

1million pages of hard copies digitized and organized within MoY warehouse

Deliverable 4: Third batch of MOY Archived Documents

Deliverable details:

1million pages of hard copies digitized and organized within MoY warehouse

Deliverable 5: Fourth batch of MOY Archived Documents

Deliverable details:

1million pages of hard copies digitized and organized within MoY warehouse

Deliverable 6: Fifth batch of MOY Archived Documents

Deliverable details:

1million pages of hard copies digitized and organized within MoY warehouse

Deliverable 7: Current year of MOY Archived Document

Deliverable details:

pages of hard copies digitized and organized within MoY warehouse

How to apply


The purpose of this RFI is to offer the opportunity for interested organizations to provide information, range of cost in addition to provide us with lead delivery time strategies and recommendations that present a logical, comprehensive, concrete and measurable set of interventions to achieve the stated purpose, objectives, and illustrative results as stated below.

Responses to this RFI should include information that will be useful to CREATIVE in subsequently drafting a more detailed Request for Proposals related to the Vendor-Risk-Assessment. With this RFI we request information regarding your company and your services. The same information will be gathered from different companies and will be used to evaluate what Offeror we will follow up the solicitation process with an RFP or RFQ.

Any questions should be submitted in writing and emailed to no later than August 21, 2024. No questions will be entertained if they are received by means other than the specified email address, and any communications to alternate e-mail addresses will result in the disqualification of the bidder. The RFI number (listed above) should be stated in the subject line. Answers will be compiled and distributed within three days from the closing date of questions**.**

Creative Operations

Application Submission: Application, including any attachments should be sent electronically in PDF format to: . Be sure to include in the subject line: Request for Information (RFI) External Consultancy Firm – Archiving System

Requested Information from companies.

Please submit two options for the estimated price and a realistic period of performance as per the following

• Option 1, estimated price and an estimated duration of each phase separately

• Option 2, estimated lump sum price and time duration for such work, considering that the two phases will be implemented in parallel

This should be an estimated range and not the actual price to build the budget

General processes

The performance duration is divided into two main phases to be implement in parallel

  1. Software Implementation Phase
  • This phase includes activities such as software implementation, testing, commissioning, and handover
  • Support for 24 months

2. Operations Phase

  • This phase involves the ongoing archiving operation for the 5 million papers
  • Activities include document archiving, retrieval, system monitoring, technical support and documents organizing and storing

RFI Format

Interested parties should provide a short Expression of Interest document addressing the request for information in the above section and considerations discussed. Responses are limited to one-page technical considerations addressing your understanding of the scope of work and additional information can be incorporated in an Annex that includes the following information:

Firm Information which includes the following:

  • Firm profile and Commercial registration Certificate.
  • Examples of previous work related to the scope.

General term

This RFI is issued solely for information and planning purposes only and does not constitute a solicitation. The issuance of this RFI and your preparation and submission of information do not commit CREATIVE to any contractual relationship, directly or indirectly. CREATIVE will not reimburse or make payment for any costs incurred in the preparation and submittal of your response.

[End of Request for Information]

To help us track our recruitment effort, please indicate in your email/cover letter where ( you saw this job posting.


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