Request for Information (RFI) USAID/TAP- RFI -003- External Consultancy Firm – Management Information System (MIS) for MoY

Request for Information (RFI)

To: Offerors

From: Creative Associates International, Inc.

Subject: Request for Information (RFI) USAID/TAP- RFI -003

Subproject #: External Consultancy Firm – Management Information System (MIS) for MoY

RFI Issue Date: October 20, 2024

RFI Closing Date: November 7, 2024

RFI Closing Time: 4:00 PM – Local Time, Amman Time

This is a request for Information. This is not a Request for Proposal (RFP) or Request for Application (RFA) and is not to be construed as a commitment by the USAID Technical Assistance Program (TAP) to issue any solicitation or Notice of Funding Opportunity, or ultimately award a contract or assistance agreement on the basis of this RFI, or to pay for any information voluntarily submitted as a result of this request.

Background and Purpose


USAID/ Technical Assistance Program (TAP), funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), is a five-year education and youth project that seeks to transform the organizational culture and improve the abilities within the Ministry of Education (MoE) and the Ministry of Youth (MoY) to ensure officials can implement desired reforms. Creative and its partners will provide technical assistance in the development, roll-out, and tracking of policies and procedures to incorporate international best practices for public education and youth programming. Among the many activities in the USAID/ Technical Assistance Program, it will support curriculum development, promote inclusive learning techniques, improve the skills of teachers and school managers, and other tangible activities that ultimately support changing the organizational culture within the two ministries and relevant agencies. The program will further support Jordan’s outreach and behavioral change communications initiatives that are aimed at creating a culture of reading, the inclusion of vulnerable children, and increased youth engagement.


The purpose of this Terms of Reference (TOR) document is to invite proposals from qualified vendors for the development of a unified comprehensive Data Management Information System (MIS) tailored to the specific needs of the Ministry of Youth (MoY) and in alignment with the relevant strategies of the Government of Jordan (GOJ). The primary goal of this integrated platform is to support and streamline the daily operations both within the MoY and among its affiliated entities, including directorates, centers, youth cities, sports complexes, youth hostels, and camps.

The modules of the MIS platform must be seamlessly integrated, allowing for efficient data exchange and transaction processing with primary governmental systems. Additionally, the platform should offer smooth integration with MoY’s systems and notification channels, and provide robust support for mobile applications, and connectivity with the youth interactive portal (, Furthermore, MIS platform should integrate with the Government of Jordan’s main systems and APIs as required by business needs. The scope of work covers the below:

  • Enhanced data visualization to provide a clearer understanding of processes, applications and projects status.
  • Optimization of the user experience to make the system intuitive and efficient.
  • Ensuring regulatory compliance to protect sensitive data.
  • Improving reporting and data export capabilities for informed decision-making.
  • Enhancing system performance and scalability.
  • Promoting data integration and coordination with external systems.
  • Implement multiple channels for end users, including web, mobile, and APIs.


The Ministry of Youth (MoY) has several distributed supportive systems scattered across different technologies for departments. The main components include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Financial Affairs: The ANALYSIS System, an old legacy application using Oracle Forms technology covers some field financial transactions like expenses, advances, assignments, daily wages, extra work and rents
  • Human Resources: Utilizing Excel sheets to manage employee records alongside a basic Payroll system for salaries which is not integrated with any other systems
  • M&E: The SCREENS web application, eservices to manage the below in a simple way:
    • Youth Centers Annual plan management
    • Basic data management for ministry buildings
    • Managing operations for Hussein’s camps
    • Managing partner activities within NYS
    • Managing documents related to King Abdullah II Award for Excellence in Government Performance and Transparency
  • Administration Affairs: a correspondence system managing and archiving inbound and outbound messages using the ImageLinks platform, provided as a subscription service by MODEE (DIWAN)
  • IT and Digital Transformation: Ministry Portal hosted by MODEE

Based on the above information, the concept emerged to consolidate all supportive systems across multiple Ministry of Youth (MoY) departments into a unified platform for centralized data management, known as the Management Information System (MIS).


The specifications section provides comprehensive guidelines and essential prerequisites applicable to all deliverables. Adherence to these specifications is mandatory for the seamless and effective implementation of the MIS project. Serving as foundational benchmarks, these specifications collectively define the framework within which the offeror must operate to ensure the project’s success.

  1. Coordination

The Contractor must proactively engage with the Institutional Development and Automation Lead in regular consultations, sharing progress updates, addressing concerns, and collectively strategizing to overcome any challenges that may arise during the development process. The success of the project hinges on the synergy between The Contractor and the Institutional Development and Automation Lead as they navigate government regulations, technological requirements, and the specific needs of the Ministry, Collaborative commitment includes:

  1. Regular Consultations and Progress Updates: The Contractor will actively participate in regular consultations with the Institutional Development and Automation Lead, delivering comprehensive progress updates.
  2. Document Accessibility: In support of effective coordination, The Contractor will ensure that all pertinent project documents are readily accessible to the Institutional Development and Automation Lead.
  3. Proactive Problem-Solving: The Contractor is encouraged to proactively identify and address potential challenges. Collaborative problem-solving sessions will be conducted with the Institutional Development and Automation Lead to explore innovative solutions and maintain project momentum.
  4. Open Communication Channels: To facilitate a smooth exchange of information, The Contractor will maintain open and transparent communication channels with the Institutional Development and Automation Lead.

2. Acceptance Criteria

The acceptance criteria for the project are the predefined conditions and requirements that must be met for the project to be considered successfully completed. These criteria will be used to evaluate and validate the project’s outcomes and deliverables. The acceptance criteria for the MIS project include:

  1. User Acceptance Testing (UAT): The MIS different modules will undergo rigorous UAT to ensure that it meets the defined functional and technical requirements. User acceptance is a critical criterion for success.
  2. Data Integration and Compatibility: The successful integration of the MIS with external systems will be a key acceptance criterion. Data integration must function seamlessly.
  3. Data Privacy and Security Compliance: Compliance with data privacy and security regulations will be closely monitored.
  4. System Performance and Scalability: The MIS must exhibit improved performance and scalability. Performance improvements will be assessed based on the system’s behavior, transaction numbers, document sizing, database storage, and user numbers.
  5. Enhanced Data Visualization: The data visualization enhancements will be considered successful if they enable users to discern trends, anomalies, and patterns within data effectively. This is a critical aspect of the project’s success.
  6. Optimized User Experience: User experience enhancements will be measured based on feedback from stakeholders, including end-users, to ensure that the system is more intuitive, user-friendly, and efficient.
  7. Effective Reporting and Export Capabilities: Success will be determined by the system’s ability to generate reports and provide data in various formats, including Excel, PDF, TXT, and Word, while also improving the search mechanism for data retrieval, such as reports, KPIs and dashboard
  8. Smooth Transition and Knowledge Transfer: The successful transition of responsibilities, documentation, and source code to the ministry’s technical staff, as outlined in the transition plan, is a critical acceptance criterion.

3. Training and Knowledge Transfer


  1. Training Responsibilities: This section outlines the contractor responsibilities related to the training sessions, including venues, refreshments, materials, and other logistical considerations
  2. Training Venues: The contractor will ensure that the training venues are adequately equipped with necessary facilities, including seating, audio-visual equipment, and internet access
  3. Refreshments: The contractor will arrange for refreshments, including water, tea, coffee, and light snacks, during breaks. If the training session spans a full day, lunch will also be provided
  4. Training Materials: The contractor will supply all necessary training materials, including printed handouts, workbooks, and digital resources. These materials will be provided to participants at the start of the training session
  5. Participant Registration and Attendance Tracking: The contractor will manage participant registration and track attendance. A register will be maintained and submitted to the client at the end of the training session
  6. Technical Support: The contractor will ensure that technical support is available during the training sessions to address any issues with equipment or materials
  7. Evaluation and Feedback: The contractor will distribute and collect feedback forms from participants at the end of each session. A summary of the feedback

Knowledge Transfer:

  1. Technical Training Documentation: Develop detailed technical training documentation encompassing comprehensive technical specifications, system architecture diagrams, and API documentation. Additionally, provide clear and concise guides for system administrators, covering crucial technical aspects such as server configurations, database management, and security protocols.
  2. In-Depth Knowledge Transfer Sessions: Conduct knowledge transfer sessions with a dedicated focus on technical items. These sessions should equip administrators from the ministry with a profound understanding of platform architecture, configurations, and maintenance procedures.
  3. Functional Knowledge Transfer Sessions: Make the needed end users functional training on how to use platform modules.
  4. Provide necessary training materials, videos, and session feedback.
  5. Training is expected to happen on a Training of Trainers (TOT) method.
  6. All the system administrators and technical staff must receive intensive training on source code for the full solution.

4. System Documentation

The contractor must prepare the following documents:

  • System Technical Documentations
  • System manuals which should cover software and hardware installation and configuration, maintenance, back up, recovery, optimization, etc.
  • End user and Administration Manuals.

5. Security Measures

Concerning platform security measures, The Contractor is required to comply with the following MODEE standards:

  • Security Protocols: Enforce stringent security protocols, including encryption standards, secure coding practices, and robust authentication mechanisms. Implement secure communication channels and ensure the platform’s resistance to common web vulnerabilities.
  • Vulnerability Assessment: Conduct regular automated and manual vulnerability assessments, employing advanced tools to identify and remediate potential security vulnerabilities. Execute controlled penetration testing, simulating real-world attack scenarios to fortify the platform against external threats.
  • Roles & Responsibilities Matrix: Create a matrix delineating the roles, responsibilities, and authorities, which define the obligations and duties for users at all levels.

6. Source Code

  • The Contractor must handover all-source code used in implementing all components of the system.
  • Assigned staff from MoY IT Digital Transformation Department must also receive intensive training on Source Code, so that they can better understand the systems architecture and carry out the required updates and modifications, while taking into consideration the following:
    • Store the original and updated source code and backup plan.
    • The MoY is the rightful owner of the source code, access codes for safekeeping, as well as all intellectual property rights associated with the system, and it will have full rights with regard to ways these resources are used.
    • Clear and good documentation of the source code and ensure following the approved standards in naming forms, reports, database, interfaces, writing code, etc. accurately to ensure ease of reading, reference, and modification
    • Collaborative Technical Sessions:
      • Ensuring that the ministry’s technical staff have a clear understanding of the system’s architecture and design.
      • Explaining the functionality and operation of the software, including any specific configurations and customizations.
      • Guiding the ministry’s team through the source code repositories, version control systems, and best practices for software development.
      • Addressing any questions or concerns that the ministry’s team may have about the systems, source code, or documentation.

7. Hosting

The Hosting and Deployment task involves the deployment, hosting, and ongoing system administration of MIS. The Contractor is required to perform all deployment tasks that cover all regulatory prerequisites, demonstrating strict adherence to MoDEE’s requirements. It encompasses the following key components:

  • Maintain Regulatory Compliance: Continuously monitor and ensure compliance with all relevant regulations and standards governing hosting and security throughout the project.
  • Verify Server Availability and Configuration: Regularly verify the availability, accessibility, and proper configuration of the necessary servers and infrastructure required for hosting MIS.
  • Ensure Environment Accessibility: Take measures to ensure the hosting environment remains accessible for maintenance, updates, and administration to facilitate timely system improvements.
  • Implement Secure Authentication: Implement and maintain secure authentication mechanisms to protect MIS, preventing unauthorized access and data breaches.
  • Provide Training and Awareness: Develop and execute training programs to ensure that personnel responsible for hosting, security, and deployment are adequately trained and informed about their roles and responsibilities.
  • Security Monitoring and Updates: Continuously monitoring the security of MIS and applying regular security updates to protect against evolving threats.
  • Establish Backup and Disaster Recovery Procedures: Create and maintain robust backup and disaster recovery procedures to minimize data loss and ensure system availability in the event of unforeseen events if needed.
  • Monitor Firewalls and Security Updates: Continuously monitor and regularly update security measures, including firewalls, to protect MIS from evolving security threats if applicable.
  • Release Deployment: Deployment of MIS release on the provided environments (staging and production) includes Deployment and Rollback Plans.
  • Appropriate training must be provided to system users to enable them to deal with backup and recovery issues after the end of the warranty period. The company will be responsible for hosting the system on MODEE cloud environment during the first year of the project and then will transfer it in agreement with the MoY.

8. IT Infrastructure

  • The Contractor must install and configure all environments: development, testing/training, and production (i.e., operating systems, relational database management systems, reporting engines, Integration APIs, other categories of the platform needed software).
  • The Contractor must deploy the software solutions and components on the hosting infrastructure provided by MoY.
  • The Contractor must adhere to the information security standards in developing and deploying the MIS and the platform. The Contractor must implement a secure configuration of the hosting environment by using the latest version software, applying security patches, and following good practices and standards for the configuration of the software, including the OS, web servers, DBMS, and any other software.
  • Provided solutions that comply with MoDEE resources as outlined in Appendix 1.5


This section outlines the specific tasks to be addressed within the defined scope of work

  1. MIS Project Plans

The Contractor is tasked with developing comprehensive plans to ensure efficient and transparent management and monitoring throughout the project’s lifecycle, the needed plans are:

  1. Communication Plan: Communication Objectives, Stakeholder Identification and Communication Channels.
  2. Implementation Plan: Timeline and Schedule, Risks and Challenges, Roadmap for Implementation, Roles and Responsibilities.
  3. Deployment Plan: Deployment Strategy, Data Migration, Rollback Procedures, Hosting Infrastructure Assessment, Post-Deployment Support, Testing and Validation, Documentation.
  4. Training Plan: Detailed Training Plan for Technical, Functional and Administration Sessions.
  5. Transition Plan: Transfer of Documentation and Source Code, Collaborative Technical Sessions.
  6. Create a supporting team to manage the MIS system at MOY.

2. Analysis and Design (Business Blueprints)

Business Requirements Document (BRD)

  • Capture high-level business goals and requirements for the MIS.
  • Define the scope and objectives of the MIS project.
  • Identify key stakeholders and their roles.
  • Specify the project timeline and budget constraints.

Software Requirements Specification (SRS)

  • Elaborate on the functional and non-functional requirements of the MIS.
  • Define the data model and database schema, UML.
  • Specify the system’s interfaces and integration points.

Integration Design Document

  • Outline how different components or modules of the MIS will be integrated to work together seamlessly.
  • Specify detailed integration points with specific data exchange and parties involved, APIs, Web, and Database.

Prototype Document

  • Create a visual representation of the MIS to help stakeholders visualize the final product.
  • Include mockups and wireframes of the user interface.
  • Provide a walkthrough of the system’s main functionalities.

3. MIS Modules Specific Scope of Work

The contractor will develop a unified platform with interconnected modules supporting daily operations of departments and stakeholders. This platform will interface with primary governmental systems for efficient data exchange and transaction processing. It must integrate smoothly with archiving and notification channels, while offering strong support for mobile applications.

The functional requirements for each department are outlined below:

  1. Financial Affairs
  • Field Expenses: To manage activities and recurrent expenses.
  • Financial advances of all kinds for different facilities as per the internal financial instructions of MOY and in accordance with financial by-law.
  • Developing budgetary new formats for MoY Departments and facilities (center and field), to be consolidated at the center while drafting the annual budget.
  • Include all implemented services within the ANALYSIS system to be apart from this module including data migration for the old records.
  • Ability to follow up all financial related transactions incurred by different departments such as: Fuel and Vehicles Maintenance, Building rentals and maintenance, Utilities invoices.
  • Integration capability with the employee’s attendance system to retrieve approved records which supports expenses operations.

2. Administration Affairs

  • Vehicles Management: Visits Schedule with Notifications mechanism.
  • Ability to follow up all procurements related transactions such as: Contracts management for security and cleaning services.
  • Keep working on ImageLinks for correspondences (DIWAN).

3. Monitoring and Evaluation

  • MoY Strategy Management: Planning, goals, follow-up, source of verifications, and Approvals.
  • National Youth Strategy (NYS) management: planning, goals, follow-up and approvals. Committees Management:Goal, Members, follow-up, and Recommendation.
  • Visits Management: Schedule, results, notification, follow-up, and Recommendation.
  • King Abdullah II Award for Excellence in Government Performance and Transparency Management: Planning, goals, follow-up, and Recommendations.
  • Dashboard and Reporting: Progress Reports and KPIs for all MoY Departments.

4. Activity Bank

  • Developing a dynamic module to manage and follow-up activities for various entities in the youth sector, tailored to different types of activities, as detailed below:
    1. National Youth Strategy
      • National Youth Strategy Partners
      • MoY: Internal and external activities
    2. Foreign Funding Programs and the Jordan Response Information System for the Syrian Crises (JORISS)
    3. Society institutions and the private sector: Entities wishing to benefit from the activity bank such (CBOs, NGOs, non-profit companies) and the private sector.
  • Classify and dynamically connect youth centers with relevant activities based on their performance and classification criteria, while also accommodating exceptional cases as needed.
  • Integration with different MIS modules such as and not limited to: M&E (Planning and Strategy), Financial Module (Budget). And Performance Standards and Classification Criteria for Youth Centers.
  • Dashboard and Reporting: Generate comprehensive reports and KPIs for data and statistics on youth activities across various governorates of the Kingdom, including efficacy and evaluation metrics.

5. Performance Standards and Classification Criteria for Youth Centers

  • Developing and managing dynamic standards and performance module covering:
    • Infrastructure.
    • Human and Financial Resources.
    • Programs and Activities.
    • General Authority, Administrative Body and Committees.
    • Communication and Communication with the Local Community.
    • Other Standards.
  • Capability to classify, manage, monitor, evaluate, and follow up on youth centers based on relevant standards and activities.
  • Provide automated notifications and alerts for key performance indicators (KPIs), non-compliance with standards, performance deviations, and upcoming evaluation deadlines.
  • Dashboard and Reporting: Comprehensive Reports and KPIs for Youth Centers.
  • Improvement plans of youth centers.
  • Integration with different MIS modules such as and not limited to: Activity Bank, Financial Module, and Vehicles Management.

6. Engineering Affairs and Infrastructure

  • Construction Management Follow-up System: To manage transactions throughout. Construction projects, catering to stakeholders such as Contractors, Consultants, and Designers.
  • Dashboard and Reporting: Providing progress reports, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and Project Cards.

7. Organizations and International Cooperation

  • Construction Management Follow-up System: To manage transactions throughout construction projects, catering to stakeholders such as Contractors, Consultants, and Designers.
  • Dashboard and Reporting: Providing Progress, Funds, KPIs, Risks reports, and Opportunities.
  • User Management: Administering various user roles and permissions to access grants data with its related projects.

8. Media and communication

  • Fields Activities/News /Events Coverage Approvals Flow.
  • Media Reports Management.
  • Dashboard and Reporting: Providing detailed reports for events, statistics charts, and news details summary.
  • Manage files and huge media contents videos and audios within the Content Management System (CMS).

9. Youth Centers

  • Centers Services such Registration for programs and activities.
  • Activities Management with its relation and integration with M&E (M&E report and progress to be integrated with the PFET.
  • Hussein’s Camps Management: Registration and Volunteering.

10. Initiatives and Volunteering

  • Localization of initiatives: Application management including requests, approvals and committees.

11. Internal Control

  • Inspections Management: Overseeing site visits, administering templates, and tracking follow-up actions.
  • Mobile Application for Scheduled Field Visits: Implementing a mobile application to facilitate the management of scheduled field visits and inspection checklists
  • Dashboard and Reporting: Generating comprehensive reports on inspection visits, including results and subsequent actions.

12. Human Resources

  • Training Module to be integrated with HRMIS, performance review, job description which will show the training needs of each employee based on the performance review result and job description.
  • MIS Dashboard Module to be integrated with HRMIS (Including Health Insurance, Payroll)

13. Procurement & Purchasing

  • MIS Dashboard Module to be integrated with GIMCS & JONEPS either using file-based integration or direct web services

14. Reports and Dashboards

  • The system must have the capability to dynamically generate customizable reports based on user-defined parameters, ensuring flexibility in data analysis and presentation.
  • Design user-friendly interfaces that enable stakeholders to easily access and interact with data with features like filtering, grouping and ordering, exporting reports into Microsoft Excel, Word or PDF file
  • A customizable and dynamic dashboard engine should be included, offering features such as data export, drill-down capabilities, and comparison tools, along with the ability to connect to APIs and other data sources to display information like inventory or HR records.
  • Create a comprehensive control dashboard to display key data metrics across multiple levels, such as departments, facilities, and individuals.

4. Data Migration

Existing records from MoY up and running systems mentioned in the overview above need to be migrated to their respective modules within the new MIS platform.

It’s important to keep detailed records of data loading processes, including data sources, formats, and integration points, as well as documentation should highlight any challenges encountered and the corresponding resolutions.

5. Integration Points

Effective integration with MoY internal systems and any required external platforms is essential for a cohesive and efficient operation, below are key considerations for integration:

  • GOJ Systems: it’s needed to fully utilize the below systems usage if applicable and available for usage
    • CSPD & MOI: Implement integration with the Civil Status and Passports Department (CSPD) and the Ministry of Interior (MOI) to verify end users’ IDs and residency status.
    • GFMIS: Managing financial transactions bidirectional between the financial module and the Government Financial Management Information System.
    • JONEPS: To manage all tender requests for procurements through Jordanian Online e-Procurement System.
    • Health Insurance: Automate the transfer of finalized monthly salary calculations between the HR system and the Jordanian Health Insurance portal for seamless management of employee health insurance record.
    • HRMIS: Retrieving finalized values and statistics for employees from the Human Resources Management Information System. this includes performance review platform and job description platforms
    • GIMCS: Integrating with the Government Inventory Management & Control System to retrieve updated records for items and stock located at MoY HQ and/or its facilities.
  • Archiving Tool: Connect with the MoY internal supportive archiving tool to archive all MIS internal work efficiently.
  • GIS Integration: open-source geographical maps to provide visual displays of MoY facilities and partnerships, this can be using Google Maps.
  • Notifications (Email, SMS): Implementing notification mechanisms via email and SMS for timely updates and alerts using MoY official accounts for SMS and Emails.
  • Attendance Integration: Integrate with available active attendance application to synchronize attendance data with the HR system.
  • Social Media Integration: Integrate with MoY official channels on social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, and WhatsApp for enhanced communication and engagement
  • ImageLinks: Integrating with ImageLinks repository (DIWAN) as needed for accessing inbound or outbound correspondences
  • Interactive Youth Portal (

Additionally, the following methods and technologies must be utilized to ensure smooth and efficient data exchange between MIS and other systems. This must include a clear explanation regarding:

  • Integration Protocols: Detailing the protocols and standards employed for integrating platform modules with external systems, such as RESTful APIs that is used for integration, SOAP, or messaging queues.
  • Data Formats: Describing the data formats utilized for exchanging information between integration points, such as JSON, XML, or CSV.
  • Middleware Solutions: Describing the middleware solutions employed for communication, like Enterprise Service Buses (ESB), overseen by MODEE, known as the Government Service Bus (GSB).

Technical Approach

Offerors must clarify their approach to executing the MIS platform project, including strategies for project management, software development, and system integration, ensuring alignment with project objectives and stakeholder needs. This approach should leverage proven methodologies, tools, and techniques to deliver a robust, secure, and user-friendly platform. The following points must be included in the offer to demonstrate understanding and coverage:

  • Approach to Project Execution and Software Development.
  • Comprehension of Project Scope, Objectives, and Stakeholders.
  • Methodologies, Tools, and Techniques for Effective Project Execution.
  • Technical Expertise in Software Development and Web Platforms.
  • Seamless Communication between Platform Modules and External Systems.
  • Strategy for UI/UX Improvement.
  • User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and Technical Support.
    • Present a schedule that includes specific dates for deliverables, testing phases, and user acceptance testing (UAT).
    • Test Environment Setup: Ensure the UAT environment is properly configured and mirrors the production environment.
    • Test Data Preparation: Provide relevant test data that covers all possible scenarios.
    • Support Documentation: Share test cases and test scenarios, user guides, and technical documentation to guide users through the UAT process.
    • Feedback Incorporation: Implement feedback or changes based on the results of the UAT sessions including resolving any issues or defects identified during testing.
    • Performance Monitoring: Track system performance and functionality to ensure it meets agreed requirements.
  • Testing Processes for System Integration, Performance, Security, and Compliance.
  • Verification of Training, Knowledge Transfer, and Support Procedures for System Administrators.
  • Verification of Deployment Testing, Performance Monitoring, and Data Migration Validation
  • Cybersecurity Compliance Measures and Data Privacy Alignment.
  • The solution will be hosted on Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship – MODEE servers, Contractor must provide:
    • Comprehensive logical infrastructure architecture.
    • Computing resources required to host the solution.
    • The proposed solutions must be effective, scalable, and well-balanced.
  • Implementing Standards, Regulations, Policies, and Requirements of the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship (MODEE)
  • The Contractor is required to perform all deployment tasks that cover all regulatory prerequisites, demonstrating strict adherence to MoDEE’s requirements. It encompasses the following key components:
    • Verify Server Availability and Configuration
    • Ensure Environment Accessibility
    • Implement Secure Authentication
    • Provide Training and Awareness
    • Release Deployment
  • Multi Factor Authentication via email or/and SMS must be implementation including the ability to inactive it by administrator

Warranty, Maintenance and Support

The contracted party is to provide:

  • One year free of bug’s platform, where this period may be renewed based on the MoY’s needs with preferential price from the contractor.
  • Two years of support and maintenance must be provided, starting from the platform’s acceptance and go-live date, with a service level agreement (SLA) in place to ensure performance and availability standards.
  • Perform software fixes, preventative maintenance, and critical upgrades to ensure the stability and functionality of MIS system.
  • Implement a helpdesk module to support MIS and address the needs of all related stakeholders.
  • The service provider must also carry out the following during the warranty period:
    • Prepare a backup copy of the database on a daily and/ or weekly basis
    • Prepare a full backup copy of the relational database and source code files monthly whenever changes occur.
    • Store a full back up in a secure place
  • The maintenance agreement should clearly indicate the Service-level Agreements (SLAs), response times, solution, support hours, contact for support, and a description of their support system to provide ongoing support for MIS, catering to business users’ needs, whether remotely or on-site.
  • Progress Report
    • The contractor must provide a biweekly progress report for all scope mentioned above that includes but is not limited to performed activities, challenges and other tasks updated.

The following personnel are provided solely to give offerors a general idea; no additional details are required at this stage.

Expertise and Staffing

a) Contractor

  • The contractor provider must be A Jordanian registered company with full presence in Jordan
  • The contractor must have sufficient experience and knowledge in working with similar automation projects in the public sector and/or private sector. Implementing similar project in the Youth sector whether inside or outside Jordan is a plus.
  • The contractor must follow “Agile” methodology and have sufficient experience in optimal use. Presenting its approved certificates to be accredited in the implementation of the project is highly recommended.
  • The contractor must have no less than ten years of experience in software development.

b) Staff

1. Project Manager

  • Qualifications
    • A minimum of a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field such as computer science, information technology, or project management.
    • Project Management Professional (PMP) certification is preferred.
  • Experience
    • A minimum of 10 years of experience in managing large-scale software projects.
    • Proven experience in project planning, execution, and successful delivery.
    • Strong leadership and team management skills.
    • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills to coordinate with various stakeholders.

2. Business Analyst

  • Qualifications
    • A minimum of a bachelor’s degree in business analysis, information technology, or a related field.
  • Experience
    • A minimum of 10 years of experience in gathering and analyzing business requirements.
    • Proven expertise in conducting business process analysis and documentation.
    • Strong problem-solving and analytical skills.
    • Experience in working with diverse teams and stakeholders to capture and define project requirements.

3. Software Developers/Programmers

  • Qualifications
    • A bachelor’s or master’s degree in computer science, software engineering, or a related field.
  • Experience:
    • A minimum of 5 years of experience in software development.
    • Proficiency in relevant programming languages such as C#, .NET, MS SQL, and web technologies.
    • Experience in developing and maintaining large-scale web applications.
    • Experience in building mobile applications using flutter or native development languages.
    • Strong problem-solving and debugging skills.
    • Familiarity with version control systems and best practices in software development.

4. Quality Assurance (QA) Specialists

  • Qualifications
    • A bachelor’s degree in computer science, quality assurance, or a related field.
    • Certified Software Tester (CSTE) or equivalent certification is preferred.
  • Experience
    • A minimum of 5 years of experience in software testing and quality assurance.
    • Proficiency in test planning, test case design, and test execution.
    • Experience in automated testing tools and methodologies.
    • Strong attention to detail and a commitment to ensuring software quality.

5. Systems Architect

  • Qualifications
    • A bachelor’s or master’s degree in computer science, software engineering, or a related field.
  • Experience
    • A minimum of 10 years of experience in system design and architecture.
    • Proven expertise in designing scalable and efficient software systems.
    • Familiarity with cloud platforms and architecture, such as AWS or Azure.
    • Working on MODEE environment is a plus.

6. Database Administrator (DBA)

  • Qualifications
    • A bachelor’s or master’s degree in database administration or a related field.
  • Experience
    • At least 10 years of database management experience.
    • Proficiency in database design, maintenance, and optimization.
    • Proven experience in data loading and migration.
    • Strong knowledge of database management systems like Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle DBMS.

7. Network Administrator

  • Qualifications
    • A bachelor’s or master’s degree in network administration or a related field.
    • Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) or equivalent certification is preferred.
  • Experience
    • A minimum of 5 years of experience in network administration.
    • Proficiency in network configuration, maintenance, and troubleshooting.
    • Experience in managing network security and access control.

8. User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) Designer

  • Qualifications
    • A bachelor’s or master’s degree in graphic design, user interface design, or a related field.
  • Experience
    • A minimum of 5 years of experience in UI/UX design.
    • Proficiency in design tools and software.
    • Proven expertise in creating user-friendly and visually appealing interfaces.
    • Creativity.

9. Helpdesk and Support

  • Qualifications:
    • A bachelor’s degree or relevant certifications in IT support, such as CompTIA A+.
  • Experience:
    • A minimum of 5 years of experience in IT support.
    • Proficiency in troubleshooting hardware and software issues.
    • Excellent communication and customer service skills.

10. Trainer

  • Qualifications
    • A bachelor’s or master’s degree in education, training, or a related field.
    • Professional training and development certifications are preferred.
  • Experience
    • A minimum of 7 years of experience in designing and delivering training programs.
    • Proven expertise in conducting training sessions for technical and non-technical staff.
    • Strong presentation and communication skills.
    • Experience in developing training materials and assessments.

General Requirements

The following are the general requirements that must be adhered to for the successful implementation of the project:

  • Platform must be bilingual (Arabic and English)
  • Mobile applications must be implemented for some departments which may focus on site visits and field work, and the other modules must work as responsive applications on mobile devices.
  • The platform will serve up to 600 concurrent users.
  • Adherence to standards set by the Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship (MODEE) is mandatory as MODEE conducts several security, quality and performance testing and the tool must pass them all. All recommendations and defects generated from the testing are considered within the scope of work.
  • Integration with the GOJ systems GFMIS, JONEPS, GIMCS, and HRMIS should be offered as an optional component in the financial proposal


As deliverables, the contracted party is expected to provide:

Deliverable #1: Project Initiation and Kickoff Meeting

Deliverable details

  • Kickoff Presentation
  • Project Charter and Initiation Document
  • Detailed Project Schedule (Plan)
  • Communication Plan

Deliverable # 2: Analysis and Design (Business Blueprints)

Deliverable details

  • Business Requirements Document (BRD)
  • System Requirements and Specifications Document (SRS)
  • Prototype Document
  • Integration Design Document

Deliverable # 3: Platform Development and Functionalities Checklist

Deliverable details:

  • Develop the MIS platform including dashboards, reports, mobile applications and integration points as described in the approved analysis documents and based on the clarified specifications and retreatments in the TOR
  • Source Code Version-1

Deliverable # 4: User Manual and Staff Training on the Platform

Deliverable details:

  • Training Plan
  • An updated user manual and training materials/videos that comprehensively outlines all system functionalities in both Arabic and English
  • In-person training sessions for up-to 300 Ministry of Youth (MoY) employees tasked with utilizing MIS
  • In-person ToT training for maximum 20 employees
  • In-person technical training for maximum 10 employees on whole platform administration part
  • Intensive training on source code and development, and configuration techniques

Deliverable # 5: Validations and Testing of the Application

Deliverable details:

  • Perform testing and validation procedures in cooperation with the workgroup to ensure the application’s performance, stability and sustainability
  • Data verification and reviews (roles and permissions)
  • Testing phase for the application and its features that might include smoke testing, integration testing, browser compatibility testing, security testing, performance and load testing, User Acceptance Testing (UAT), and System acceptance testing
  • Clear test scenarios and test cases must be provided in Arabic

Deliverable # 6: Data Migration and Conversion

Deliverable details:

  • Data migration and conversion (cleansed data) related to the master data files, opening balances, as well as the historical transactions (if needed) to be performed and loaded to the production environment as detailed in the TOR and in accordance with the plan proposed in the project charter.

Deliverable # 7: System Go-Live

Deliverable details:

  • Transition Plan
  • A workable, functional, and active software

Deliverable # 8: Maintenance and Support

Deliverable details:

  • Provide a support and maintenance agreement for 24 months after the delivery and acceptance of the application.
  • The maintenance Agreement (in Arabic)
  • On-site/remote support and technical assistance including online assistance.
  • Documentation: submission of status reports.
  • Develop a Service Level Agreement (SLA) for maintenance, refitting, and repairing

Deliverable # 9: Source codes

Deliverable details:

  • Source codes and scripts for platform and database

Place of Performance

Ministry of Youth Premises – Amman – Jordan.

How to apply


The purpose of this RFI is to offer the opportunity for interested organizations to provide information, range of cost in addition to provide us with lead delivery time strategies and recommendations that present a logical, comprehensive, concrete and measurable set of interventions to achieve the stated purpose, objectives, and illustrative results as stated below.

Responses to this RFI should include information that will be useful to CREATIVE in subsequently drafting a more detailed Request for Proposals related to the Vendor-Risk-Assessment. With this RFI we request information regarding your company and your services. The same information will be gathered from different companies and will be used to evaluate what Offeror we will follow up the solicitation process with an RFP or RFQ.

Any questions should be submitted in writing and emailed to no later than October 27, 2024. No questions will be entertained if they are received by means other than the specified email address, and any communications to alternate e-mail addresses will result in the disqualification of the bidder. The RFI number (listed above) should be stated in the subject line. Answers will be compiled and distributed within four days from the closing date of questions**.**

Creative Operations Department

Application Submission: Application, including any attachments should be sent electronically in PDF format to: . Be sure to include in the subject line: Request for Information (RFI) External Consultancy Firm – Management Information System (MIS) for MoY

Requested Information from companies.

Please submit two options for the estimated price and a realistic period of performance as per the following

  • Option 1, estimated lump sum price and time duration for such work,
  • Option 2, estimated price and an estimated duration of each phase separately, if SOW is divided into three phases as shown in below:


Financial Affairs, Activity Bank, Performance Standards and Classification Criteria for Youth Centers, Media and communication, M&E and HR


Engineering Affairs and Infrastructure, Internal Control, Administration Affairs, Organizations and International Cooperation


Youth Centers, Initiatives and Volunteering, Dashboards related to GOJ systems (GIMCS & JONEPS, HRMIS (Including Health Insurance, Payroll))

This should be an estimated range and not the actual price to build the budget

RFI Format

Interested parties should provide an estimated financial proposal along with duration as per above details

Firm Information which includes the following:

  • Firm profile and Commercial registration Certificate.
  • Examples of previous work related to the scope.

General term

This RFI is issued solely for information and planning purposes only and does not constitute a solicitation. The issuance of this RFI and your preparation and submission of information do not commit CREATIVE to any contractual relationship, directly or indirectly. CREATIVE will not reimburse or make payment for any costs incurred in the preparation and submittal of your response.

[End of Request for Information]

To receive the RFI documents and Appendixes, please refer to the links below:

Request for Information:

Appendix 1.1

Appendix 1.2

Appendix 1.3

Appendix 1.4

Appendix 1.5

OR you can request the full package by sending an email to Creative Operations Department

To help us track our recruitment effort, please indicate in your email/cover letter where ( you saw this job posting.


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