Seeking Firm: Organizational Capacity Assessment of Regional CSOs and Regional Under Represented Groups

USAID End Wildlife Crime

Scope of Work: Organizational Capacity Assessment of Regional CSOs, and Mapping and Organizational Capacity Assessment of Regional Underrepresented Groups

ACTIVITY TITLE: Organizational Capacity Assessment of Regional Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Mapping/Organizational Capacity Assessment of Regional Underrepresented Groups


RTI International/USAID End Wildlife Crime (EWC) is soliciting the services of a consulting/research firm to:

  1. prepare a participatory organizational capacity assessment tool for regional civil society organizations (CSOs) and, using the tool, conduct organizational capacity assessments of five regional CSOs in Southeast Asia – Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam – and China who have expressed interest and commitment to engage with the USAID End Wildlife Crime (EWC) Activity;
  2. conduct a mapping exercise of regional Underrepresented Groups (youth, women, indigenous peoples, faith-based organizations) operating Southeast Asia – Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam – and China and working on issues relevant or similar to countering wildlife trafficking; and, conduct of an organizational capacity assessment of seven regional Underrepresented Groups who have expressed interest in engaging with USAID EWC.

The participatory CSO organizational capacity assessment tool will be an adapted tool based on existing CSO organizational capacity assessment tools developed by RTI, USAID and similar organizations. Results from the CSO organizational capacity assessments will be used to develop capacity building plans and modules to strengthen CSO knowledge and skills in planning, implementing, and evaluating social and behavior change communication (SBCC) activities to end wildlife crime.

The mapping exercise for Underrepresented Groups (UGs) will gather information on the names of these regional organizations, their location, membership, mission, current activities related to counter wildlife trafficking (CWT), among others. It will also determine the UGs’ interest to engage with the EWC project. The UGs that express interest and commitment will, then, be assessed using the participatory CSO organizational capacity assessment tool developed earlier. Results from the assessments will be the basis for developing capacity building plans and modules to strengthen knowledge and skills of the selected UGs in planning, implementing, and evaluating SBCC activities to end wildlife crime and skills in accessing funding from various donors.


End Wildlife Crime (EWC) Activity

The purpose of USAID EWC is to employ a comprehensive approach to measurably reduce wildlife crime by expanding CWT efforts of USAID Regional Development Mission for Asia (RDMA) through partnerships with regional organizations, governments, private sector, and civil society. The Activity focuses on achieving the objectives below.

  • Objective 1. Capacity of regional civil society actors to equitably and effectively counter wildlife trafficking and other wildlife crime is enhanced. The Activity supports regional CSOs and platforms that implement initiatives, activities, or social movements to counter wildlife trafficking and other wildlife crimes through advocacy, social mobilization, and behavior change campaigns using an SBCC approach emphasizing the inclusion of historically underrepresented groups (UGs), such as youth, women, indigenous peoples, and faith-based organizations (FBOs).
  • Objective 2. Law enforcement, adjudication, and policymaking systems across the region improved with shared vision and collaboration to combat wildlife crime. The Activity strengthens the rule of law by working with law enforcement, judicial, and policymaking professionals to further institutionalize the competencies necessary to decrease wildlife trafficking and other wildlife crime through support to the region’s criminal justice sector training institutes and their alumni associations to incentivize professional networks that can share best practices and increase conviction rates in wildlife prosecutions.
  • Objective 3. Collective efforts and actions at the regional level among civil society, government, private sector, and development partners to counter wildlife trafficking and other wildlife crimes are improved. The Activity cultivates the growth of constituencies for collective action to support conservation and counter wildlife trafficking efforts spanning civil society, government agencies, the private sector, and their development partners to build multi-stakeholder regional coalitions that can assume leadership for regional knowledge sharing, consensus building, planning for common action, and implementation of coordinated efforts to reduce wildlife crime.

The Activity is implemented by RTI International as prime contractor in partnership with the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC), TRAFFIC and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) as members of the consortium.

EWC Objective 1: Enhancing Civil Society Capacity

USAID’s Civil Society Assessment Tool (CSAT) broadly defines CSOs as “organizations, whether formal or informal, that are not part of the apparatus of government, that do not distribute profits to their directors or operators, that are self-governing, and in which participation is a matter of free choice. Both member-serving and public-serving organizations are included. Embraced within this definition, therefore, are private, not-for-profit health providers, schools, advocacy groups, social service agencies, anti-poverty groups, development agencies, professional associations, community-based organizations, unions, religious bodies, recreation organizations, cultural institutions, and many more.”

EWC Objective 1 aims to enhance the capacity of regional CSOs including Underrepresented Groups like youth, women, indigenous peoples, FBOs, to counter wildlife trafficking equitably and effectively. Previous CWT efforts have mainly involved government and law enforcement actors. Civil society has largely been left out of any meaningful engagement in designing and implementing CWT initiatives despite their potential to be a force multiplier across the region to more effectively combat wildlife crime. Underrepresented Groups such as youth, women, indigenous peoples, FBOs, have particularly been marginalized and underrepresented in CWT regional alliances and networks. Additionally, there is lack of knowledge and understanding about these UGs, their location and role in CWT in the Southeast Asian region.

EWC activities will involve CSOs that operate regionally within the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) region or transnationally (two or more countries within ASEAN). Underrepresented Groups are CSOs. Since EWC is highlighting inclusion of underrepresented groups, they are specifically targeted as a subgroup of CSOs.

EWC will use a structured, locally led, and demand-driven process to build organizational, technical, and operational capacities and empower regional CSOs to advance CWT objectives. Capacity building will center on strengthening knowledge, attitudes, skills of regional CSOs including UGs to effectively use SBCC for advocacy, social mobilization and demand reduction campaigns, and to access resources and funding from other donors. To be relevant and effective, capacity building interventions need to be based on an organizational assessment of each CSO conducted in a participatory manner. This assessment will determine CSOs’ interest and commitment, felt needs, challenges, capacities, competencies, access to resources and other factors that will help shape capacity building plans and modules.

Under EWC, Underrepresented Groups will be supported so that they are more capable of deploying their unique perspectives and skills to reduce demand for wildlife products and counter wildlife crime. Activities to strengthen UG capacity are: 1) Identify, assess capacity/readiness of underrepresented groups; 2) Co-create work plans; 3) Support advocacy, social mobilization or behavior change communication campaigns via mentoring and Grants; 4) Facilitate networking with other regional CSOs, and with Regional Partner Coordination Platforms; and, 5) Strengthen capacity to access other funding sources.

SCOPE OF WORK (est. 140 person-days from August 2024 to April 2025)

The following describes the work scope and tasks to be undertaken by the Consulting/Research Firm.

1. Prepare a participatory civil society assessment (CSO) assessment tool and, using the tool, conduct organizational assessments of five regional CSOs in Southeast Asia

1.1. Develop a Participatory CSO Organizational Capacity Assessment Tool (est. 10 person-days in August 2024)

The Firm will develop and finalize a participatory assessment tool for the CSO organizational capacity assessments. The tool will be adapted from existing CSO assessment tools such as the RTI Participatory Local Organizational Capacity Assessment (PLOCA), USAID CSAT, and relevant CSO capacity assessment tools from EWC consortium partners and from other agencies like the Asian Development Bank, United Nations Development Program, Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund, ACTED. The Firm will also gather other relevant guideline/tools and select items that may be useful to adapt for the tool to be developed.

Specific tasks under work scope 1.1. are:

  • Prepare a CSO assessment concept note with descriptive outline of the areas of organizational capacity that are needed to be assessed.
  • Gather existing tools as cited above.
  • Review the tools and assess items that are relevant to adapt based on the concept note and descriptive outline.
  • Prepare the adapted draft assessment tool.
  • Finalize the tool incorporating comments from RTI and consortium partners (IFAW, RECOFTC, TRAFFIC, WWF).
  1. Conduct Assessment of five Regional CSOs which have expressed interest in engaging with EWC and Prepare CSO Assessment Reports (est. 50 person-days from September 2024 – March 2025)
    • Prepare a workplan with timeline for the conduct of each CSO capacity assessment.

The Consultant, working together with the respective SBCC Specialist from IFAW, RECOFTC, TRAFFIC and WWF (dependent on the CSO to be assessed), will conduct an assessment of five CSOs using the adapted tool. Two CSOs will be assessed first, and corresponding final CSO assessment reports will be submitted to RTI by December 21, 2024. Three CSOs will then be assessed, and corresponding final reports will be submitted to RTI by March 30, 2025.

Prior to the conduct of the assessment, a pre-assessment exercise will be undertaken to determine the CSOs’ interest in engaging with EWC. During this pre-assessment, RTI with consortium partners, will reach out to a number of regional CSOs to determine their interest in participating in the assessment and the EWC project, their leadership and membership structure, and identify key informants or participants for the assessment.As of this writing, the following regional CSOs have been identified for the pre-assessment exercise – Asia for Animals Coalition (AfA) through IFAW, Dawna Tenasserim Tiger Alliance through RECOFTC, Southeast Asia One Health University Network (SEAOHUN) through WWF, and a business association through TRAFFIC. A fifth CSO will be identified in due course. Only CSOs who have expressed interest will participate in the assessment.

Specific tasks under work scope 1.2. are:

  • With the SBCC Lead and respective SBCC Specialist from the consortium partner, orient the CSO on the organizational capacity assessment and the tool to be used.
  • With the SBCC staff responsible from RTI/consortium partner, conduct/facilitate and document the assessment using the tool.
  • Prepare the draft organizational capacity assessment report for each CSO.
  • Finalize the draft report based on comments from RTI and consortium partners.
  1. Conduct a mapping exercise and organizational capacity assessment of seven regional Underrepresented Groups

The Firm will conduct a mapping of regional organizations of UGs – youth, women, indigenous peoples, FBOs – operating in Southeast Asia or in two or more of the following countries – Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, and China.

  1. Conduct mapping/scoping of Regional Underrepresented Groups (est. 10 person-days from August – December 2024)

Specific tasks under work scope 2.1. include:

  • Develop a concept note for mapping which includes a mapping tool and methodologies. The tool will gather information on the name of the organization, countries where the organization operates, members, organization mission and objectives, activity areas, current activities, location of secretariat or lead/head organization, funding source(s) and other relevant data.
  • Conduct a scoping exercise to identify the universe of regional Underrepresented Groups via internet searches (organization websites, donor websites, other agency websites, other internet sources), other search methodologies, key informants from knowledgeable institutions or individuals, etc.
  • Categorize and prepare an inventory of organizations – youth, women, indigenous peoples, FBOs – including basic information obtained through the scoping exercise.
  • Determine organizations that are may be interested in working on CWT e.g., those involved in environment, biodiversity, conservation, animal welfare and issues similar to or relevant to CWT.
  • With RTI staff responsible, reach out to these interested organizations to confirm their interest in participating in engaging in CWT.
  1. Conduct a participatory organizational capacity assessment of seven interested regional Underrepresented Groups and prepare Assessment Reports (est. 70 person-days from October 2024 – April 2025)

As of this writing, consortium partners have identified UGs that they plan to engage, even in the absence of results from the mapping exercise. These UGs are: International Network of Engaged Buddhists through RTI; People’s Forest Partnership, Asia Indigenous People’s Pact, and Tebtebba Foundation through RECOFTC; Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Global Youth Network through IFAW; Global Youth Biodiversity Network through WWF: and a women entrepreneur council through TRAFFIC. Prior to the conduct of the assessment, a pre-assessment exercise will be undertaken to determine the UGs interest in engaging with EWC similar to the process described in 1.2 above. Only interested UGs will be assessed.

Specific tasks under work scope 2.2. include:

  • Prepare a workplan with timeline for the conduct of each UG assessment.
  • If necessary, adapt/modify the CSO Assessment Tool developed under 1.1. above so that they are more relevant for use with the UGs.
  • With the SBCC Lead and relevant SBCC Specialist from the consortium partner, orient the UG on the assessment and the tool to be used.
  • With the SBCC staff responsible from RTI/consortium partner, conduct/facilitate and document the assessment using the tool.
  • Prepare the draft assessment report for each UG.
  • Finalize the draft report based on comments from RTI and consortium partners.


1. Participatory civil society assessment (CSO) assessment tool and organizational assessments of five regional CSOs in Southeast Asia

1.1. CSO Participatory Organizational Capacity Assessment Tool

  • Draft CSO Assessment Tool – August 30, 2024
  • Presentation of Draft Tool to RTI and consortium partners – September 7, 2024
  • Final CSO Participatory Organizational Capacity Assessment Tool incorporating comments from RTI and consortium partners – September 15, 2024

2.1. Two CSO Organizational Capacity Assessment Reports

  • Two Draft CSO Assessment Reports – November 21, 2024
  • Presentation of Assessment Reports to RTI and consortium partners with recommendations for revision/updating of the Assessment Tool – November 30, 2024
  • Two Final CSO Organizational Capacity Assessment Reports incorporating comments from RTI and relevant consortium partner – December 21, 2024
  1. Three CSO Organizational Capacity Assessment Reports
    • Three Draft CSO Assessment Reports – February 15, 2025
    • Presentation of CSO Assessment Reports to RTI and consortium partners– February 28, 2025
    • Three Final CSO Organizational Capacity Assessment Reports incorporating comments from RTI and relevant consortium partner – March 30, 2025

2. Mapping and Identification of Interest of Regional Underrepresented Groups

2.1. Mapping of and Identification of Interested Regional Underrepresented Groups

  • Draft Concept note for mapping including mapping tool and methodologies – August 16, 2024
  • Final Concept Note for mapping incorporating comments from RTI and consortium partner – August 30, 2024
  • Mapping Report of Underrepresented Groups categorized according to youth, women, indigenous peoples, FBOs and noting possible interest in CWT activities – November 29, 2024 [ NOTE: The mapping may be done by categories of UGs e.g., youth, women, indigenous peoples, FBOs, and if mapping for a category is completed, this may be submitted to RTI ahead of the deadline]
  • List of UGs with interest in participating in EWC – December 20, 2024

2.2. Participatory Organizational Capacity Assessment of Seven Underrepresented Groups which have expressed interest in EWC engagement

The assessment will cover seven UGs, earlier potentially identified. The assessment will use the CSO participatory assessment tool developed under 1.1.3 above with modifications to suit the UG situation, if necessary. Prior to the conduct of the assessment, a pre-assessment exercise similar to the one described in 1.2 above, will be undertaken to determine the UGs interest in engaging with EWC. Only interested UGs will be assessed.

  • Draft Assessment Reports of three UGs – February 15, 2025
  • 2.2.1. Final Organizational Capacity Assessment Report of Three UGs incorporating comments from RTI and consortium partners – February 28, 2025
    • Draft Assessment Reports of four UGs – April 15, 2025
    • Final Organizational Capacity Assessment Report of four UGs incorporating comments from RTI and consortium partners – April 30, 2025


  • Experience working with CSOs preferably, regional-level CSOs.
  • Experience developing capacity assessment guides or toolkits for NGOs or CSOs.
  • Experience in conducting organizational assessments.
  • Knowledge of countering wildlife trafficking, biodiversity and/or conservation programs in the Southeast Asian region an advantage.
  • Understanding of social and behavior change communication (SBCC) and similar social and behavior change methodologies.
  • Knowledge and experience conducting literature reviews and research particularly qualitative research (individual interviews, focus group discussions, etc.).
  • Have responsible staff with master’s degree or equivalent experience in organizational assessments, social research, sociology, development studies or related field.
  • Office based in ASEAN an advantage.


  • Company Profile including description of experience in the above tasks or similar work scope and evidence of results.
  • Cover letter explaining why the Firm is suitable for the assignment.
  • Proposal for achieving the scope of work and tasks including a detailed budget in excel. Expected in-country or international travel may be included in the budget if in-person meetings are required for the assessments. Travel plans need to be submitted to RTI for approval ten working days before they occur.
  • CVs of key staff to be assigned to this work scope, staff based in ASEAN an advantage.
  • Three client references.
  • Other relevant documentation which attests to the company’s competence and suitability for the tasks.

Note: Only short-listed companies will be requested to orally present proposals.

How to apply


  • Please submit required documents to
  • Please insert in the subject heading: Organizational Capacity Assessment_[Your Company Name]
  • Please submit completed required documentation by COB July 19, 2024
  • Questions can be submitted to Deadline to submit questions is COB July 5, 2024

To help us track our recruitment effort, please indicate in your email/cover letter where ( you saw this job posting.


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