Terms of reference for gender, age and disability analysis consultancy ‘development through livelihoods, empowerment and resilience support (delivers) - Tenders Global

Terms of reference for gender, age and disability analysis consultancy ‘development through livelihoods, empowerment and resilience support (delivers)

  • Contract
  • Kenya
  • Posted 5 months ago

Islamic Relief


Project: Development through Livelihoods, Empowerment & Resilience Support (DELIVERS) Project

Activity: External Gender, Age & Disability Analysis for ‘Development through Livelihoods, Empowerment and Resilience Support (DELIVERS) Project’ in Kilifi and Mandera Counties.

Location: Kilifi South Sub County, Kilifi County and Rhamu (Mandera North Sub County), Mandera County

Duration: 15 days


IRK started operations in Kenya in 1993 through a local CBO in Mandera District, Northern Kenya. It opened its fully-fledged office in March in 2006 at the height of drought in the Horn of Africa. Since then, it has been providing humanitarian and development assistance to vulnerable communities. Over these years IRK has remarkably changed the lives of the vulnerable and disadvantaged communities. In January 2010 and October 2011, IRK extended its operation to Wajir county and Garissa County; to serve both the local community and Refugee at Dadaab Camp. and most recently in 2017 and 2018 to Kilifi and Marsabit counties respectively.

Islamic Relief Kenya is currently implementing programmes in the following sectors: Health and Nutrition; WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene), Sustainable Livelihoods and Disaster Risk reduction (DRR), Child Welfare/Protection & Education and Emergency Response. Moreover, Islamic Relief’s programmes are aligned to respond to & comply with government developmental policies (such as Vision 2030), community focus, regional vision as well as global sustainable development goals.

For Islamic Relief Kenya (IRK), there is no greater priority than ensuring our work has the greatest positive impact on the people we serve. Inspired by our Islamic faith and guided by our values, we envisage a caring world where communities are empowered, social obligations are fulfilled, and people respond as one to the suffering of others. Children are the heart of every community and have been at the core of Islamic Relief’s work over the past 30 years. In working with vulnerable children around the world, Islamic Relief takes seriously its responsibility to uphold the protection of children, uphold children’s rights and promote Islamic teachings, national and international frameworks to provide safeguards from harm.

Islamic Relief Kenya believes that all children have a right to personal dignity and protection from abuse and recognizes the special responsibility and duty of care it bears to create a safe environment for children within the projects and programmes it manages and supports. The interest of child safety and protection should be paramount to any other interest that might compromise it.


The Development through Livelihoods, Empowerment and Resilience Support (DELIVERS) Project is a two-year Project targeting the vulnerable communities in Kilifi & Mandera counties through inclusive and accessible education, improved alternative Economic Empowerment to the target households and increased availability of water for household use and food production.

The project intends to achieve in the following ways: –

  • Increased equitable Access to clean drinking water for drought-prone households to use for domestic, livestock uses and crop production through construction of two dams, solarization and rehabilitation of 4 boreholes.
  • Increased access to food security and household income among smallholder farmers and youth through livestock vaccination campaigns, provision of goats, training on climate resilient farming, strengthening early warning and response systems and livelihood diversification techniques.
  • Improved learning environment and learning outcomes through provision of learning materials, solarization of schools, girl’s mentorship programmes, strengthening gender and child protection structures, awareness raising on CRM, trainings on policies & translation of policies in local language, and provision of psychosocial support.

The project is being implemented directly by Islamic Relief Kenya in collaboration with other stakeholders in Mandera and Kilifi Counties notably the government departments of education, special programmes, child protection, gender and social services, environment, trade and economic planning, water and sanitation at the county level.

Through this Integrated WASH, Education, Livelihoods & food security project, IR Kenya will help reduce school dropout rates, increase retention and enrolment of child/ girl in school through provision of friendly environment, supply of clean water for domestic, livestock use, and crop production, supply of sanitary / dignity kits for the girl child so that they don’t miss classes when they are on their menstrual period. Furthermore,will help the community form and strengthen existing structures for child/girl education, child/gender rights and protection.

Project Impact: Improved quality of life and household resilience to recurrent shocks in Kilifi South Sub- County, Kilifi County & Mandera East and Mandera North Sub County, Mandera County through the provision of improved access to water, sanitation, livelihoods, and education services.

Project Outcomes

**Outcome 1:**Increased equitable Access to clean drinking water for drought-prone households (HCs) to use for domestic, livestock uses and crop production in Mandera and Kilifi Counties.

Outcome 2: Increased access to food security and household income among smallholder farmers and youth in Mandera and Kilifi Counties

Outcome 3: Improved learning environment and learning outcomes for marginalized boys and girls to support learning and progression to next grade

Project expected Outputs

Output 1.1: Improved access to safe drinking water and livestock

Output 2.1: Empowered community on livelihood capacities

Output 2.2: Local communities supported with livelihood and agricultural inputs security

Output 3.1: Provision of Learning materials and dignity kits

Output 3.2: Improved infrastructure to enhance safe learning environment

Output 3.3: Enhanced Awareness creation on Child/Gender Protection

Purpose and Scope of Gender, Age and Disability analysis

The Programmes team recognizes that often, the extreme poor are not recognized as equals in society and experience discrimination, stigmatization, and exclusion. Unequal treatment can occur both in the formal and informal spheres causing diminished political assets and restricting social assets or allowing these only to be strengthened on unfavourable terms. As a result, the extremely poor lack representation, power, and status which prevents them from claiming their rights and denies them opportunities and resources that would enable them to improve their lives.

Inequality can also constrain the agency of the extreme poor, where opportunities are denied to make choices or acquire the skills, knowledge, and confidence to build assets and increase the return on assets. We believe that gender inequality is a consistent feature of extreme poverty and that it interacts with and deepens other forms of inequality. This means that beyond simply opening up opportunities for people to participate, we seek to address the specific obstacles to participation that extremely poor face and how gender and other characteristics, such as age, ethnicity, etc. Play into this- as the intersectionality of ‘’the extreme poor’’ as well as providing the appropriate, equitable resources that people need to achieve success through their participation.

The purpose of the intersectional gender analysis is to assess how youth and women-focused groups have traditionally been excluded, marginalized and analysed how gender can exacerbate the level of exclusion and define points of entry to change this inequality. The pastoralist and agro-pastoralist areas in Kenya like Mandera and Kilifi are known for their high degree of patriarchal society. Therefore, based on the assessment findings, the program will focus on youth, women, PWDs and other local institutions that can contribute to addressing the existing gender gaps in the region.

The planned activities that will be conducted after the assessment will support the formation, governance, and registration of these groups to ensure the voice and participation of different interest groups in community activities.

The assessment will give strong emphasis on the understanding of how the ongoing projects can advance inclusive development and humanitarian interventions amongst the poorest and most marginalized members of the community by considering economic, social, gender-related, and environmental dimensions and structural factors that hinder them from participating in this process. In order to achieve this, IRKE will conduct intersectional gender and protection analysis, focusing on the distribution of social and material benefits across social groups and categories but also the structural factors that cause and sustain the exclusion and marginalization of vulnerable groups in society. The assessment also intends to propose systems that hinder the community, particularly women in development and humanitarian benefits. This may be related to gender, sex, age, disability, race, ethnicity, and other socio-economic factors.

This gender, Age and disability analysis will have three guiding objectives:

Overall Objective:

The aim of the Intersectional Gender and Protection Analysis is to collect and analyse data and information in the two programme operation locations of Mandera and Kilifi Counties on the variables, context, and driving forces that affect gender equality and social norms in the project area with specific reference to women’s lives and well-being. Disability, Youth, and Gender will be considered as dependent variables when doing the intersectional gender analysis. The analysis also will assess major Protection and GBV risk in each area with the root cause and contributing factors.

The findings from the analysis will be accompanied by recommendations that inform the programme in terms of approaches and adjustments to the planned activities to minimize the economic, social, gender-related, and environmental dimensions and structural factors that hinder the poorest from participating in the development and humanitarian endeavours and achieve positive changes in their lives.

Specific Objectives

The specific objectives of the intersectional gender analysis are to:

  1. Assess barriers, root causes, and discriminating social norms that perpetuate gender inequality and other social exclusion in the context of the project;
  2. Identify the major protection, GBV, and child protection risks leading root causes;
  3. Assess women’s access and control over resources in the given local community;
  4. Assess the power dynamics of decision-making between women and men at the household level;
  5. Assess social cohesion and division, in terms of social groups (i.e. ethnicity, age, and disability), associations, committees, and community organizations, and by taking into account a gender perspective;
  6. Identify vulnerability groups based on gender and coping strategies against gender-based violence;
  7. Assess how social/gender norms affect mobility, health, nutrition, (girls’) education, and what institutions and emerging opportunities are available to the community.
  8. Assess the prevalence of GBV and HTP (harmful traditional practices) like FGM (Female genital mutilation), early child marriage (ECM), and other traditional norms and how they affect gender equality.

Based on the above, present potential strategies, solutions, and actions (individual, community, and program-based) that can be employed for the gender-responsive programming in line with the program’s three major outcomes as set out above.

Key Areas to Explore:

In order to achieve the objectives above, the following areas will be explored but not limited to;

• Roles of women, youth, and people with disabilities in accessing, earning, controlling, and decision making over resources

• Risks and vulnerabilities by different groups – how do they overlap or differ?

• Community/individual strategies and solutions to issues pertaining to gender (women, men, boys, girls, and people with disabilities.

• Violence and risk prevention and mitigation measures for incorporation into program design for safety across different groups;

• Type and list of actors should be engaged – other humanitarian agencies, national/ local organizations, duty bearers (government) – to strengthen community-based mitigation strategies and create an enabling environment?

• How is the inclusiveness of people with disabilities, youth, and women being exercised or overlooked;

• Informal and formal community organizations exist and how many of these include women to their needs and opportunities/in what way they will be engaging?

• Existing institutions and opportunities for an inclusive environment?

• What kinds of violence are common in the area and what protection mechanisms are available in the local area?

• What kind of stereotypes and negative social norms are among the community that hinders a gender-equality and inclusive environment?

• Health-related problems women facing due to the existing gender gaps/biases/norms?

The kind of intervention is needed to reduce the prevalence of GBV (Gender based violence) and HTPs (harmful traditional practices) like (FGM-Female genital mutilation), (ECM-early child marriage), (FM- girls Forced marriage), and other traditional norms such as discouraging women to learn which affect gender equality?


The researcher/assessment team will develop and propose the methodology with the Programmes Team. The process should be designed to be safe and rapid, collecting top-line information that allows development practitioners to assess if access and control over resources, women and division of labour mobility, nutrition, and health, girl’s education, and other important factors have been taken into consideration when doing the assessment. The methodology should include a participatory, mixed-method approach (quantitative and qualitative) as well as a mapping of potential (women’s rights) groups to partner with.

Document Review

This will entail reviewing of project documents and other secondary materials as provided by the project, and/or from other relevant sources.

Drafting data collection tools

The consultant will lead in drafting the tools which will be reviewed by IRK team and when approved used for data collection. The tools should address the gender analysis objectives and linked to project goal and outcomes.

Field Data Collection

Data collection will be done in Rhamu sub-county in Mandera and Kilifi County, Kilifi South sub county using participatory methodologies identified in each tool. The consultant and the research assistants will be subject to IRK values and policies while undertaking the field work, interacting with IRK staff, primary actors (beneficiaries) and throughout the engagement period. The consultant and research assistants will have to make a commitment to safeguarding and child protection policy at the point of engagement.

Target Groups/Respondents

The project primary actors/beneficiaries and stakeholders to be engaged in this survey comprise local community members (male, females, persons with disability, minority groups), community leaders, other NGOs and CSOs, school pupils, BOM/PTA, school teachers, parents, government specific officials from relevant departments i.e., gender, child protection, Trade and economic planning.

Data integrity

The consultant is required to ensure high level of integrity through-out data collection and analysis process. It is important for IRK to get the real benchmarks per indicators to inform further programming.

Ethical considerations

The below ethical considerations will be adhered on/during the gender analysis:

• IR Kenya recognizes the personal dignity and rights of children and vulnerable adults, towards whom it has a special responsibility and duty of care and respect. The consultant is expected to adhere to IRW Safeguarding policy, signs as an appendix to their contract of engagement, and agree to conduct themselves in accordance with the provisions of these documents.

• Asserting that their participation in the survey will be voluntary. In addition to that, they are aware that they can opt-out at any time. (Note that participants may leave or refuse to answer any question at any time and that this will not affect their standing with the organization)

• Anonymity, confidentiality, and safeguarding of survey data will be guaranteed while cond.

• There will be no risks and benefits for individual participants;

• The culture, norms, and traditions of study populations will be respected;

• Consent will be sought prior to commencing data gathering;

• Views and opinions of the different survey subjects will be respected;

• For interviews with children, there will be an informed consent process to ensure that all children, their parents/guardians and vulnerable adults are fully aware of all aspects of the gender analysis process and voluntarily provide their consent to take part. All caregivers/guardians will be asked to provide informed consent for children’s participation in the study, in line with UNCRC’s recognition of children is evolving capacities and a parent/guardian’s responsibility to ensure a child’s well-being and safety.

• All the respondent’s data will be kept in confidential way and shared only with the consent of IR Kenya.

• It’s to be noted that the consultants selected will be mandatorily signed in and adhere to the Safeguarding, PSEA, and Child protection policy of Islamic relief for the protection of participants, community members, children, and staff that the consultants will engage with.


  • A detailed inception report containing methodology, tools, key sources of data, and work plan for field work.
  • Presentation of the Gender analysis findings to IRK and relevant stakeholders for validation.
  • A comprehensive narrative End line report minimum 10 pages and maximum 30 pages excluding the annexes, and preliminary pages.
  • A dashboard of all the indicator benchmarks measured through this survey

Roles and Responsibilities

Role of the Consultant

  • Developing an inception report, detailing the study design, methodology, indicators, data-gathering tools, work plan schedule, and budget to carry out the assignment agreed upon in consultation with Programmes team;
  • Conducting desk review of relevant project documents;
  • Developing quantitative and qualitative data-gathering tools in consultation with Stakeholders;
  • Conducting training for the data collection teams including pre‐testing of data collection tools;
  • Planning and coordinating quantitative and qualitative data collection;
  • Working with the IRK project team by planning the Study with logistics;
  • Enhancing the data quality assurance in the project Reporting document;
  • Reviewing, cleaning, and analyzing data collected in quality bases to IRK;
  • Presenting preliminary findings to project stakeholders for the validation;
  • Incorporating inputs got from project stakeholders and submitting it as a final report;
  • Producing Gender, Age and Disability analysis final report;

Role of IRK

  • Provide relevant project documents;
  • Participate in the review of the drafted tools;
  • Provide feedback and input to the process of adjusting the gender analysis methods and timeframe;
  • Mobilization of all sampled gender analysis respondents;
  • Provide supportive supervision to the consultant and the research team throughout the engagement period.

Duration of the Assignment

The assignment will take 15 contract days commencing from the signing of the contract. The contract will be effective from the date of signing the agreement by both parties and it will continue until the completion of all the tasks and timely submissions.

Application process

The applicant shall submit an expression of interest detailing how he/she will carry out the task. The following are required to be submitted by the applicant:

  • Suitability statement showing commitment and required skills to carry out the assignment.
  • Financial proposal on the cost production of the materials.
  • Work plans showing timelines of the assignment.

Bid Documents

Mandatory Documents Required: –

  • Copy of ID of the consultant
  • Company Certificate of incorporation
  • County Business permit/License
  • Valid Tax Compliance certificate
  • Company PIN certificate
  • Updated CV for the lead consultant / key personnel
  • Documented similar work done

NB: – Bidders to ensure conformance to the requirement

Consultants Qualifications, Skills and Experience

The Consultant/s will possess the following minimum skills;

  1. The consultant should have a post-graduate degree in one of these fields: Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology, Gender development studies/Gender/Equality, Public health, Agriculture (or another similar relevant field);
  2. Strong experience in gender mainstreaming, protection and inclusion, preferably in the humanitarian sector;
  3. Strong experience in people centered and rights-based programming at policy, strategy as well as implementation level;
  4. Good understanding of Mandera and Kilifi counties where the project is operating in;
  5. Strong experience in participatory research methodologies;
  6. Broad previous experience working in the ASAL areas;
  7. Excellent analytical, facilitation, communication and report writing skills.

Cost of Bidding

The bidders shall bear all costs associated with preparation and submission of its bid & IRK will in no case be responsible for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.

Amendment of Bidding Document

At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, IRK May for any reason, at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective bidder, modify the bidding documents which will be binding on them. The amendment will be notified in writing to all prospective bidders who have received the bidding documents & will be binding on them. In order to allow prospective bidders responsive time in which to take the amendment into account in preparing their bids, IRK may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for bid submission.

Language of the Bid

The bid prepared by the bidder, as well as all correspondence & documents relating to the bid, supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the bidder, shall be written in English language.

Tender/Bid Evaluation

– IRK will examine the prequalification documents to determine completeness, general orderliness, sufficiency in responsiveness, price and product brand.

– The potential supplier shall not contact IRK on matters relating to their bid from the time of opening to completion and official communication sent to them. Any effort by the potential supplier to influence IRK in the evaluation shall result in disqualification.

– Prequalification will be based on meeting the minimum criteria regarding the applicant’s legal status, general and experience, personnel and financial position as demonstrated by their responses as set in clause 8.

– The applicants MUST have registered offices and IRK reserves the discretion of visiting physical premises from which the applicant conducts business if so desired to confirm existence and capability to deliver the assorted item.

Employmentof Minors

The supplier shall not employ children in executing the contract. The Contractor shall observe international conventions relating to child labor namely the UN Convention No.182 on worst forms of child labor and Convention No. 138 on the minimum age for admission to employment.

Criminal Act

The supplier undertakes to comply with all applicable laws and to ensure that it does not engage in any kind of criminal activity including but not limited to bribery, fraud, corruption, terrorism and to maintain ethical business practices as well as not to commit any Prohibited Acts defined

as: –

i) To offer, promise or give any person a financial or other advantage;

ii) To request, agree to receive or accept any financial or other advantage not expressly provided for as an inducement or a reward for the performance of any function or activity in connection with this Agreement.

Budget and payment modality

The payment on the awarded contract will be made against outputs and on submission of gender analysis report. Upon approval of the stated deliverables Islamic Relief Kenya shall process payments for the service provider.

The total budget for this assignment includes expert’s fee, material development cost, draft and final design, review facilitation, printing and binding.

Responsibilities of Islamic Relief Project team

The project team shall organize, monitor, supervise the work, review progress of the work, provide regular technical support and feedback and provide support for engaging stakeholders and constituents as when required. They will provide necessary technical assistance for planning and implementation process. The project team will also establish linkages with the department of gender and social services and children department and other partners to help provide assistance as required.

Expressions of Interest/Bidding Process

  • Interested persons are requested to submit their financial proposals and IRK will provide venue, stationeries, and accommodation. The consultant will be paid upon completion of the deliverables as detailed below:
  • The interested organizations/Firms or Individuals are requested to submit their proposals in hard copies on or before 29th May 2024 at 11:00 am in IR Kenya Nairobi Office Tender Box


S No.


Weighting in

Mandatory Evaluation

Pass -5 Fail -1


Certificate of incorporation



Registration with the county government/valid business permit



Active KRA PIN



Valid Tax compliance



Copy of ID/Passport for Company Owner/Director






Fully filed tender dossier



Serialization using tab machine





Bids lacking any of the documents listed as Mandatory will lead to automatic disqualification and shall Not be considered for both technical and financial evaluation.






Brief Company Profile with verifiable physical location/address



Evidence of Past Experience in similar work done the past three years (Minimum three signed & stamped contracts/LPOs)



Cv for the lead technical person



Detailed workplan



Number of years in operation (at least 5years of existence)



List of Referees with their contact details (Name, telephone number, Email, location, and Organization)



Tender Envelopes; Sealed, clearly marked with company details & stamped





NB: Bids that will not score 80% and above in the technical analysis will automatically be disqualified and shall not be considered for financial evaluation.



Within Budget (10% Variance).



Certified Bank statement for the past four months (1st Jan 2024 – 30th April 2024 . The bank statement must have a balance to cater for the quoted amount).



Evidence of Certified letter of credit facilities from a reputable bank, Cash/Bank balance




Pass mark 75%.

NB: Bids that will not score 75% and above in the financial analysis shall not be considered for the due diligence.

Tender Schedule



Advertising of Tender

15th May 2024

Closing of Tender

29th May 2024 at 11:00 am

Opening of Tender

29th May 2024


30th May 2024- 3rd June 2024


4th June 2024

Note: Tenders will be opened immediately after the deadline date and time specified above. Tenders will be publicly opened in the presence of the Tenderers’ designated representatives who choose to attend at the address below

The subject of the email must indicate the tender title, tender reference.

Note: IRK reserves the right to extend the tender publication period, revise the opening and evaluation and period.

Tender Reference Number: IRK/CONSULTANCY/ CO/1/05/2024

Location quoted for: As per attached tender reference table.


A: Organization and Contact Details

Full Name of Organization

Date of Registration

Registration Certificate Number







Telephone No.


Name of Parent Company

Type of Organization

A Public Limited


A Limited Company

A Limited Liability Partnership

Other Partnership

Sole Trader

Other (Please Specify)

Name of Owners


ID/Passport No.



Contact details for enquiries about this PQQ/Business Issues

Name of Staff


Post Code





How to apply

A complete set of the tender document may be obtained free of charge by interested bidders /candidates by downloading from the link provided: Islamic Relief Kenya website: https://islamic-relief.or.ke/tenders-2/

To help us track our recruitment effort, please indicate in your email/cover letter where (tendersglobal.net) you saw this job posting.

Job Location