

Save the Children International (SCI) Somaliland program hereby invites interested consultants to bid for the consultancy assignment detailed below.


Title of Consultancy



SCI Contracting Office

Save the Children, Somaliland.


Period of Consultancy

30 working days starting from contracting date.


Consultant type required

Individual or Firm


Responsibility for Logistics arrangements and Costs

The consultant will be responsible for organizing logistical issues with no facilitation from SCI as per the consultancy agreement.


Taxation Provisions

Consultant shall be responsible for all Taxes arising from the consultancy in line with the Somaliland Tax regulations applicable at the SCI Hargeisa Office


Travel requirements

Consultant will manage all travel & any logistics costs may be required.


Security requirements

Consultant will comply with standard Save the Children Security procedures, including the completion of SCI online security training prior to travel to Somaliland


Qualification and Experience

Individual consultants and companies are eligible to apply this consultancy service. However, the applicant must have the following profiles.

  • Post graduate qualifications in the development studies, Social Sciences, Public Policy/Financial Management, Governance or another related discipline relevant to the assignment.
    • At least five years of relevant professional experience including at least three years’ experience in development work.
    • Substantial experience in qualitative and quantitative methodologies including child-friendly research tools.
    • Demonstrated expertise in institutional capacity assessment, public financial management, and social service delivery
    • Extensive experience in conducting assessments in the local government and social protection sectors
    • Strong understanding of the context and challenges in Somaliland
    • Excellent research, analytical, and report writing skills
    • Sound knowledge of local and international legal instruments governing the protection and promotion of children’s rights


Evaluation Criteria

The following award criteria will be used during the evaluation of the technical proposals.


Evaluation criteria

Weighting marks

1- Relevancy of the technical proposal to the ToR 15 Marks

2- Reasonability of the costs presented in the financial proposal 15 marks

3-Applicant to submit fully signed contracts or purchase orders for similar previous activities/assignments conducted by the consultancy firm/individual with at least 3 Client’s Professional emails for reference check 15 marks

4-Methodology and techniques to be applied well stipulated- 8 marks

5- Team composition and CVs/ profile of the firm- 7 marks

6- Interview scores-40 Marks

11 Application Procedure

Individuals/Firms interested in this evaluation are expected to provide the following documentation:

  • Technical proposal aligned with ToR, presenting the background, objectives, research questions, study design, study area, proposed sampling techniques and tools, and timeline.
  • Separate financial proposal: Depicting names and number of staff time, daily rates, number of days, roles and responsibilities in the study.
  • The profile of the staff involved in the study and experience including CVs of research team members, examples of similar research reports written by the consultant, contact details for further information regarding proposal submission, etc.
  • References – at least two credible and traceable referees

12 Closing date for Applications

Interested candidates shall submit their applications through somaliland.procurement@savethechildren.org by not later than 08th October2024.

13 Terms of Reference (ToR)

Complete ToR with details appended below attached herewith as Annex 1.

  • Purpose of the consultancy
  • Introduction of the project
  • Background of the consultancy
  • Objectives of the consultancy
  • Proposed methodology and approach
  • Scope of work
  • Key deliverables / outputs
  • Activity timelines

Terms of Reference

Development of Social Protection and Child Protection Framework

  1. Background

For over 90 years, Save the Children International (SCI) has been working to make a difference in children’s lives in more than 120 countries. We are the world’s largest independent child rights organisation, underpinned by the vision of a world in which every child attains the right to survival, protection, development and participation. Our mission is to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children, and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives.

SCI Somaliland has in the past 40 years focused on improving access to basic health care and education for the poorest and most vulnerable children and families and securing their livelihoods with an overall aim of protecting and promoting their right to survival, development, protection and participation.

  1. Context and Rational of the capacity assessment and budget analysis

Somaliland has made significant strides in strengthening its legal and policy frameworks for child protection and social protection in recent years. The Somaliland National Child Protection Policy (2019) [1] and the National Social Protection Policy (2023) [2] provide a comprehensive roadmap for ensuring the rights and wellbeing of children and vulnerable populations. Additionally, the Somaliland Children’s Act (2022) [3] outlines the responsibilities of national and local authorities in protecting and promoting the welfare of children.

However, the implementation of these policies at the local government level remains a significant challenge. The ongoing decentralization process in Somaliland [4] has shifted greater responsibilities for service delivery, including child protection and social protection, to the local municipalities. The cities of Hargeisa, Berbera, and Borama are central to this decentralization process. This shift in responsibility presents both opportunities and obstacles for municipalities with limited resources and institutional capacity.

To address these challenges, it is essential to assess the capacity of local municipalities to deliver high-quality child and social protection services. This assessment will focus on evaluating current programs, understanding existing budget allocations, and identifying gaps in service delivery. Strengthening these systems will be vital for aligning local efforts with national policies, ensuring that vulnerable populations—especially children—are adequately protected.

Therefore, SCI is seeking a qualified consultant to assess the current social and child protection systems in the municipalities of Hargeisa, Borama, and Berbera. The aim is to develop a robust framework that strengthens institutional capacity and improves budget allocations, ensuring comprehensive protection services for vulnerable children and families in Somaliland.

  1. Background of the Projects Contributing to this Exercise

MFA Finland supports two main projects in Somaliland from 2022 to 2025: Child Sensitive Social Protection (CSSP) and Working Together for Better Protection of Children.

Child Sensitive Social Protection (CSSP)

The CSSP project builds on investments from 2017 to 2021. It targets IDPs in Hargeisa and urban households in Berbera, providing a monthly “child grant” of USD 20 to 625 households. The project strengthens the government’s capacity to finance and lead these efforts. It uses a “cash plus” approach, rolling out parenting and life skills packages to enhance gender inclusivity and child sensitivity. Engagement with the Ministry of Employment, Social Affairs and Family (MESAF) and Ministry of Finance has led to social protection being included as a stand-alone sector in Somaliland’s National Development Plan III. Additionally, MESAF has formulated and received cabinet approval for its first social protection policy.

Working Together for Better Protection of Children

This project, led by Save the Children (SC), aims to strengthen child protection systems in Somaliland. It focuses on providing high-quality response and prevention services, especially for child survivors of child protection and sexual and gender-based violence. The project will improve case management, strengthen the social service workforce, and work with CSOs and the government to enhance child protection efforts. SC will also advocate for policies and frameworks to advance children’s rights and support MESAF in finalizing and implementing relevant legislation. Collaboration with CSOs and Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPD) will focus on child-focused budgeting and investment in disability-inclusive child protection systems.

Both projects support the target local governments in developing child protection and social protection capacities and frameworks.

  1. Purpose and Objective of the Assessment

The overall objective of this consultancy is to conduct an in-depth assessment of the social and child protection systems in Hargeisa, Borama, and Berbera. The assessment will provide the foundation for developing a comprehensive framework to enhance the delivery of social and child protection services, focusing on increasing institutional capacity and ensuring adequate resource allocation to support vulnerable populations.

The specific objectives are:

  • Assess the institutional capacity of local governments in Hargeisa, Borama, and Berbera to deliver social and child protection services. Review the human resources, technical expertise, and infrastructure available to implement protection services at the municipal level. Also assess the structures, systems, and functional relationships of the target municipalities about promoting and protecting children’s rights and delivering social protection services.
  • Review current budget spending patterns, and revenue sources particularly the child protection and social protection programs in the target municipalities. This analysis will identify funding gaps and opportunities for reallocating resources to enhance service delivery as well as opportunities for expanding the fiscal space for child protection and social protection through revenue enhancement and budget reallocation.
  • Based on the assessment, develop a comprehensive framework that integrates the various elements of social and child protection systems. This framework should clearly define the goals and objectives for both child protection system and social protection within the targeted local governments. Additionally, it should identify key components and activities, establish timelines, and assign responsibilities for execution and monitoring. Furthermore, the framework should provide clear and actionable recommendations to ensure effective implementation at the municipal level.
  1. Study framework and methodology

While the comprehensive methodology will be refined by the consultant during the inception phase, it is expected to include the following component

  1. Desk Review:
    • A review of relevant policies, laws, and regulations governing social and child protection in Somaliland, as well as municipal-level policies in Hargeisa, Borama, and Berbera.
    • A review of existing reports, evaluations, and studies related to child protection and social protection programs in these districts/regions.
  2. Stakeholder Engagement- To gather diverse perspectives from various stakeholders in the targeted municipalities. Conduct interviews and focus groups with local government officials, service providers, NGOs, and community members, particularly those from vulnerable populations.
  3. Institutional Capacity and Budget Analysis:
    • Assess the human resources, technical expertise, infrastructure, and financial resources available within the municipalities to deliver child and social protection services.
    • Conduct a budget analysis of current allocations for social and child protection, with recommendations for optimizing resources.
  4. Data Analysis– Analyze quantitative and qualitative data gathered through KIIs, FGDs, and document reviews; and ensure that data is disaggregated by gender, age, disability, and other relevant factors to provide an inclusive assessment.
  5. Validation workshop: Convening a workshop to present and validate the preliminary findings with key stakeholders.
  6. Scope of Work

The consultant will conduct an extensive assessment focusing on the municipalities of Hargeisa, Borama, and Berbera in Somaliland. The scope of work includes:

  • Conducting a comprehensive situation assessment through desk review and consultations of the existing social and child protection systems, mapping key actors, and assessing service delivery mechanisms.
  • Reviewing the legal, policy, and institutional frameworks that govern social protection and child protection in Somaliland linking to decentralization approach.
  • Evaluating current programs and services to identify gaps and areas for improvement.
  • Assessing institutional capacities and coordination mechanisms among municipal authorities, NGOs, and community organizations.
  • Conducting a budget analysis to evaluate current funding for protection services and recommend areas for increased investment.
  • Facilitating stakeholder consultations to gather diverse perspectives and ensure local ownership of the proposed framework.
  • Providing strategic recommendations for the development of a robust Social Protection and Child Protection Framework for Hargeisa, Borama, and Berbera.
    1. Deliverables
  • A detailed inception report outlining the consultant’s understanding of the assignment, proposed methodology, work plan, stakeholder engagement strategy and timelines for the assessment.
  • A detailed assessment of the current state of social and child protection services in Hargeisa, Borama, and Berbera, highlighting gaps, strengths, identifying key actors and challenges.
  • An analysis of the institutional capacity of local governments in Hargeisa, Borama, and Berbera to deliver social and child protection services, identifying strengths and areas for enhancement.
  • A review of current budget allocations for social and child protection services within the municipalities, identifying funding gaps and opportunities for optimization.
  • A Comprehensive Framework: A cohesive document that integrates findings from all assessments and provides a roadmap for implementation, including timelines and responsible parties specific to each municipality.
  • A final presentation to stakeholders summarizing key findings, recommendations, and the proposed framework. This presentation will facilitate discussion and feedback from stakeholders.
  1. Stakeholder Mapping and Engagement Plan:

Conduct a comprehensive stakeholder mapping exercise to identify all the relevant stakeholders, both within the target municipalities and externally. Key stakeholders are the Ministry of Interior (MoI) and the Ministry of Employment, Social Affairs and Family (MESAF), and the Local Government Institute.

To effectively engage the two-line ministries responsible for the local municipalities and the ministry responsible for child and social protection, as well as the local government institute, the following strategies can be implemented.



  1. Engagement with the Line Ministries:
  • Ministry of Employment, Social Affairs, and Family: Responsible for overseeing the implementation of national social protection and child protection policies.
  • Ministry of Finance: Engaged to assess current budget allocations and discuss resource optimization for child and social protection services.
  • Ministry of Interior: Key to understanding local governance structures and the coordination between national and local authorities.

Engagement Strategy: Conduct high-level consultations to discuss current policies, budget allocations, and challenges in service delivery. These meetings will be crucial for aligning local initiatives with national priorities.

  1. Engagement with the Local Government Institute:

Local Government Institute (LGI):

  • The LGI is responsible for training and capacity-building for local governments and plays a pivotal role in the decentralization process.
  • Meet with the leadership of the Local Government Institute to:
  • Introduce the assessment and seek their support and collaboration.
  • Explore opportunities for the institute to provide technical inputs, facilitate access to data and information, and leverage their networks with local governments.
  • Invite the LGI to participate in the technical advisory group or other relevant assessment activities to ensure their perspectives and expertise are incorporated.
  • Engage with LGI to assess existing training programs and identify areas for capacity-building in Hargeisa, Borama, and Berbera municipalities.
  1. Un/ International Organization
  • UNICEF: A key actor in child protection and social welfare programs in Somaliland, providing technical and financial support to both national and local authorities.
  • Plan International: Working in partnership with local and international stakeholders, Plan International has been instrumental in strengthening child protection services in Somaliland.

Hold joint workshops and consultations with UNICEF, Plan International, and other international organizations to gather insights into existing programs and identify potential areas of collaboration for improving child protection and social services at the local level.

  1. Municipal Authorities:

Local government representatives from Hargeisa, Borama, and Berbera municipalities will be central to the assessment, as they are directly responsible for implementing social and child protection programs.

Conduct interviews and FGDs with municipal authorities to assess institutional capacity, coordination mechanisms, and existing resource allocations. Workshops will also be held to build consensus on the assessment’s recommendations and foster ownership of the proposed solutions.

  1. Civil Society and Community-Based Organizations (CBOs):

Local NGOs and CBOs, particularly those working with children and vulnerable populations, will provide grassroots-level insights into the challenges faced by these communities.

Engage with civil society through focus groups and community consultations to ensure that the framework reflects the needs and perspectives of vulnerable populations, particularly children and families.

  1. Validation and Dissemination:
  • Organize a validation workshop with the target municipalities and other key stakeholders to present the draft assessment findings and recommendations.
  • Incorporate the feedback and inputs received during the validation process into the final assessment report.
  • Develop tailored dissemination and communication strategies to ensure the assessment findings and recommendations are effectively shared with the municipalities and other relevant stakeholders.
  1. Capacity Building and Follow-up:
  • Engage the representatives from the line ministries, LGI, and the target municipalities in the development of the capacity-strengthening action plan to ensure it addresses their specific needs and priorities.
  • Explore opportunities for ongoing capacity building and technical assistance to support the municipalities in implementing the recommended actions.

Adopting this comprehensive stakeholder engagement approach, the assessment process will be highly participatory, context-responsive, and geared towards building the ownership and commitment of the target municipalities and other key stakeholders.

  1. Timeline and Deliverables

The assessment will target the local municipalities of Hargeisa, Berbera, and Borama, focusing on child protection and social protection sectors within the local government context. It is expected to be completed within 30 working days distributed within a contract period of three months.

  1. Required Qualifications for the Consultant

The consultant or consultancy firm must possess the following qualifications:

  • Academic Background:
    • A postgraduate degree in social work, child protection, social protection, public policy, or a related field.
  • Professional Experience:
    • A minimum of 7-10 years of experience in assessing, designing, or implementing social protection and child protection programs, particularly in post-conflict or fragile contexts.
    • Experience working with local governments and communities in Somaliland or similar settings, with a focus on institutional capacity building and policy development.
  • Technical Expertise:
    • Strong knowledge of social protection and child protection systems, including program design, delivery, and monitoring.
    • Expertise in conducting budget analysis and institutional capacity assessments.
  • Communication Skills:
    • Excellent communication, facilitation, and report-writing skills, with the ability to present complex findings in a clear and actionable manner.
  • Cultural Competence:
    • Familiarity with the socio-political and cultural context of Somaliland, and experience working with local stakeholders.
  1. Application Submission and Requirements

Qualified candidates should submit detailed but precise technical and financial proposal. The proposal should include:

  • Technical proposal aligned with ToR, presenting the background, objectives, research questions, study design, study area, proposed sampling techniques and tools, and timeline.
    • Separate financial proposal: Depicting names and number of staff time, daily rates, number of days, roles and responsibilities in the study.
    • The profile of the staff involved in the study and experience including CVs of research team members, examples of similar research reports and other relevant work products written by the consultant, contact details for further information regarding proposal submission, etc.
    • References – at least three credible and traceable referees

Qualified Consultancy Firms/individual consultants are requested to submit their technical and financial proposals and Lead consultant and associated personnel CVs and other relevant documentation to somaliland.procurement@savethechildren.org

Deadline for proposal submission is 08th October 2024.

How to apply

Interested candidates shall submit their applications through somaliland.procurement@savethechildren.org by not later than 08th October 2024.

To help us track our recruitment effort, please indicate in your email/cover letter where (tendersglobal.net) you saw this job posting.


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