VN 2024/012 SV - Administrative Assistant G4 – RMU - Tenders Global

VN 2024/012 SV – Administrative Assistant G4 – RMU

International Organization for Migration

Vacancy Notice

Open to Internal and External Candidates

Position Title: Administrative Assi stant

Duty Station: San Salvado r

Classification: General Service Staff, Grade G4

Type of Appointment : One Year Fixed Term with possibility of extension

Estimated Start Date: As soon as poss ible

Closing Date: February 29, 2024

Reference Code: VN 2024/012 SV

Established in 1951, IOM is a Related Organization of the United Nations, and as the leading UN agency in the field of migration, works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners. IOM is dedicated to promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all. It does so by providing services and advice to governments and migrants.


Under the overall supervision of the Senior Resource Management Officer (SRMO) and direct Supervision of the Senior Administrative Assistant the successful candidate will be responsible and accountable for administrative task in coordination with Administration Unit and Human Resources :

Core Functions / Responsibilities:

  • Arrange appointments for the supervisor, receive visitors, place and screen telephone calls and respon d to routine requests for information;
  • Provide office, administrative and log istics suppo rt to meet ing s, committees, conf erences , etc.;
  • Revi ew, record , distribu te and process inco ming mail and correspon den ce; follow-up on pend ing actions;
  • Resp ond or draf t respo nses to standa rd/ routine correspon den ce and other comm unicat ions; use word processi ng packag e to produce a wide varie ty of large, complex docu ments and reports;
  • Proofread documen ts and format texts for accur acy, gram mar, punctua tion and style, as well as f or adhe rence to establ ishe d standa rds;
  • Initiate gen eral adm inistrative tasks in the computerized fina ncial / travel / hum an resources syst em s;
  • Make travel and hotel arrange ments and prepar e travel aut horizatio ns/cl aim s for staf f as requi red;
  • Provide assist ance in the adm inistrative processi ng of vacan cy notices and consul tant s’ contract s;
  • Rese arch, compile an d organi ze information and reference materials from various sou rces for repo rts; creat e spr eadsh eet s and presen tations; manag e and upda te database s for mail ing lists and o ther information; and maintai n el ectronic and pape r files; and,
  • Perf orm other duties as required

Required Qualifications and Experience

Education and Experience

  • High school diploma with four year s of releva nt expe rien ce Or
  • Bachelor’s degree in business administration or related fields f rom an accr edi ted institu tion with two year s of releva nt profession al expe rien ce.
  • Proficien t in Microsof t Office appl icatio ns e. g. Word, Excel , Pow erPoi nt, E -mail , Outlook;
  • Attention to detail , abi lity to organi ze paper work in a m ethodical way ;
  • Discr eet , detail s and clients -orien ted, pat ien t and willing ness to learn new things; and,
  • Pr ior work experie nce with internat ional hum ani tarian organizatio ns, non -go vernm ent or gover nment ins titutions /organi zation in a multi-cultural setting is an advan tage .


  • Comm unication ski lls, teamwo rk, problem solvi ng, integr ity, cust omer ser vice, clari ty in speaki ng and wri ting .


Flue ncy in Spa nish and English (oral and written)

Required Competencies

The succes sf ul candi date is expe cted to dem onstrate the following value s and compet enci es:


  • Inclusi on and resp ect for diversity : respect s and promotes ind ividual and cultural differences; encou rage s di ve rsity and incl usion whe rever possi ble.
  • Integr ity and transpa renc y: maintai ns high ethical standa rds and act s in a manne r consi stent with organi zati onal principles/r ules and standa rds of condu ct.
  • Profession alism : dem onstrates abi lity to work in a compose d, compet ent and
    comm itted man ner and exercises car eful judgment in meet ing day -to-day chal len ges.

Core Competencies – beh aviou ral ind icators level 2

  • Teamwork: develops and promotes effective collaboration within and across units to achieve shared goals and optimize results.
  • Deliverin g resul ts: produces and del ivers qual ity resu lts in a service -orien ted and timely manne r; is action oriented and committed to achi eving agr eed outcom es.
  • Manag ing and sha ring knowledge : continu ousl y see ks to lea rn, shar e knowled ge and innovate.
  • Accou ntabil ity: takes ownership for achieving the Organization’s priorities and assum es respon sibi lity for own a ction and del egated work.
  • Comm unication : encou rage s and cont ribu tes to clear and open comm unicatio n; expl ains com plex matters in an informative, insp iring and m otivatio nal way.

How to apply


Interested internal candi dat es are invi ted to submit thei r appl icatio ns by completin g and sending the Internal Application Form, a letter of interest, and a CV to the following e-mail address: [email protected] by February 29,2024 at the latest, referring to this advertisement.

External Candidates that comply with the profile will need to send the Resume and a letter of interest to [email protected] by February 29,2024 at the latest, referring to this advertisement.


Any offer made to the candidates in relation to this vacancy is subject to funding confirmation.

Appointment will be subject to certification that the candidate is medically fit for appointment, accreditation, any residency or visa requirements, and security clearances.


  • The motivation/cover letter shoul d be a maximum of 1 page long and in Engli sh. It shoul d state the posi tion(s) you are applying for
  • The CV shoul d be a m aximum of 2 pages long and in English.
  • Only the appl icatio ns t hat comply with the requi red profile will be taken into consideration.
  • Those applications received after the due date or the ones that don’t include the name of the position, will not be conside red.
  • This vacancy is open for loca l staff or internat ional staf f with leg al permit to work in the Country.
  • The attachment shouldn’t weight over 2MB.

To help us track our recruitment effort, please indicate in your email/cover letter where ( you saw this job posting.

Job Location