Tender Title: Supply & Delivery of Agricultural Equipments (New Holland Tractor TD5, Cultivator, Seed Drill, Rotary tiller) | |
Tender No: ITT-IQOSM-25-0002 | Location: Almosul- الموصل |
Tender Package Available from: 2025-01-09 | |
Deadline for Offer Submission: 2025-01-18 at 16:00 (Iraqi Time) |
Reference: ITT-IQOSM-25-0002
ITT Title: supply and delivery of agricultural equipments (New Holland Tractor TD5, Cultivator, Seed Drill, Rotary tiller)
توريد و تسليم معدات زراعية إلى الموصل – الحمدانية (آلة حرث (خرماشة) حفار بذور (بذارة) – محراث دوار (منعم) – جرار نيو هولاند)
Date: 9.1.2025
Oxfam is a registered international non-governmental organisation. It is a member of OXFAM International, an international confederation of 17 organisations working together in 98 countries with partners and other allies around the world.
OXFAM focuses its activities on providing a comprehensive response to poverty, working cohesively in the four areas that constitute its identity: development cooperation, humanitarian action, fair trade, social mobilisation, campaigns, and education for global citizenship.
OXFAM is conducting a tender process within Iraq and invites your submission of an offer within their requirements.
Note: The successful tenders will be expected to enter into a formal contract with Oxfam, which will be supported by an agreement for the supply and delivery of agricultural equipments (New Holland Tractor TD5, Cultivator, Seed Drill, Rotary tiller)
توريد و تسليم معدات زراعية الى الموصل – الحمدانية (الة حرث (خرماشة) حفار بذور (بذارة) – محراث دوار (منعم) – جرار نيو هولاند)
Tender dossiers can be obtained by interested parties from:
Shwan Azeez شوان عزيز
Log Officer
Tel : 0750 422 0341
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Or at the below address:
Erbil – Ankawa – Oxfam Office اربيل عنكاوا مكتب اوكسفام
Between 09:00 am and 04:00 pm, Sunday to Thursday.
The deadline for the collection of the Tender Dossier is 18th of Jan 2025 at 14:00 (Iraqi time)
The deadline for submission of the offer is the 19th of Jan 2025 at 16:00 (Iraqi time) upon conditions in the tender dossier.
OXFAM does not bind itself to award to the lowest offer and reserves the right to accept the whole or part of the tender.
We look forward to receiving an offer from you and thank you for your interest in our account.
Yours sincerely,
Tender’s Files